Tag Archives: US
Geopolitics of Confusion
Posted on29. Dec, 2011 by Nadir Mir.

US – NATO attack on Pakistan By Brig Nadir Mir US – NATO attacked a non NATO Ally Pakistan! The attack was unprovoked, wanton, cowardly and ruthless. It was open aggression and violation of Pakistan’s sovereignty. US – NATO aggression was condemned or Pakistan received support and sympathy from China, Russia, Iran, OIC (Saudi Arabia) [...]
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US Elections: Get Money Out Of Elections
Posted on28. Dec, 2011 by Michael Moore.

In 2012, I'm Only Backing Candidates Who Pledge to Get Money OUT of Politics — Like Dan Kildee from Flint …a letter from Michael Moore. Dear Friends, I have many things I'm planning to do in the New Year — walk three miles a day, use an eco-friendly laundry detergent, write fewer anonymous letters to [...]
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US: The Most Distrusted Ally
Posted on09. Dec, 2011 by Asif H Raja.

The US devious tactics of changing goalposts The US cannot be and must not be trusted for what it says, the US can drive a dagger into the back when it comes to her own interests. As it happens, the next moment the ally is dead or crippled with no relief in sight. This Zionist [...]
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Quantum Note: The Bonn Farce
Posted on09. Dec, 2011 by drmuzaffar.

The Bonn Conference of 2001 was a clever reenactment of the Third Reich era. It bulldozed all existing structures, just as Hitler had done, and, instead, it set the ball rolling for a brand new Afghanistan, with a made-in-America Constitution, inaugurating an era in which billions of dollars would flow into a country that had [...]
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Clarity Through Fog Of War
Posted on26. Oct, 2011 by S M Hali.

By S M Hali:
Our fly on the wall reveals that the US has agreed to our view point but the US will have to abandon its three pre-conditions and turn them into end conditions. Its insistence that the Taliban should denounce Al-Qaeda; lay down arms and spurn violence and accept the US tailored Afghan constitution is unrealistic.
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Dengue, Pakistan and CIA
Posted on15. Oct, 2011 by Syed Haroon Haider Gilani.

A Conspiracy Theory of Biological Attack on Pakistan By Syed Haroon Haider Gilani On September 27, 2011 Pakistan Medical Association (PMA) have asked the security agencies to probe into the deliberate spread of Dengue virus into Pakistan (Pakistan Observer, 2011). The demand of doctors has spread across the globe immediately and in Pakistan it has been [...]
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We Must Stop America Now!
Posted on28. Sep, 2011 by Dr Haider Mehdi.

By Dr. Haider Mehdi On November 18, 1999, immediately after General Pervez Musharraf took over the helm of affairs in Pakistan, this columnist (Dr. Haider Mehdi) wrote a personal letter to him. The following is an extract from that letter. Consider the enormous accuracy of the predication of the political-military fallouts made over a decade [...]
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Pakistan: Losing Sight
Posted on28. Sep, 2011 by Dr Mahboob A Khawaja.

Musharaf complied with the demands of the Master. Corruption and treachery is part of the Pakistani current governance. Zardari-PPP gang and the Generals must face legal – political accountability or both law and firing squads for their treachery and wickedness to the interests of the people of Pakistan. By Mahboob A. Khawaja, Ph.D. The US [...]
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Global War Racketeering
Posted on22. Jun, 2011 by Dr Mahboob A Khawaja.

By Dr Mahboob A khawaja.
There are no objective values in the imperial philosophy of global economic development, control and domination. Power and wisdom are immeasurably separated by the gulf of greed, militarization and hegemonic control over the oil-rich Arab Middle East. The plans essentially envisage grand scheme of THINGS to build, destroy through intrigues and conflicts and rebuild the infrastructures to sustain the imperial economies – the war led economies of Western Europe and America.
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US: Cat is out of the bag
Posted on17. May, 2011 by Asif H Raja.

By Brig Asif Haroon Raja:
Pakistan has been charge sheeted on several counts. 102500 US-NATO troops based in Afghanistan are looking for an opportunity to step into FATA under the plea of hot pursuit operations or to dismantle alleged sanctuaries of militants. In order to disable or steal Pak nukes, a huge network of CIA undercover operatives and Blackwater elements are secretly operating in Pakistan.