Tag Archives: US
AIPAC in America
Posted on18. Nov, 2012 by Debbie Menon.

AIPAC in America, American and Israeli plans and objectives in Palestine,the Middle East and Iran. "In the US the Jewish lobby’s power at the Congress and its influence on both the Democratic and Republican party prevents any executive power from achieving the Israeli withdrawal from the Occupied Palestine Territories." By Debbie Menon Mauro Manno – I wouldn’t say [...]
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Camp Bastion in Afghanistan
Posted on26. Sep, 2012 by Editor.

I've been inside Camp Bastion – and it seemed like the safest place on earth By Sean Rayment, Defence Correspondent It was often said of Camp Bastion that the only correct decision that Britain ever made during its torrid history in Afghanistan was to build the base in the middle of nowhere, with isolation as its [...]
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Afghanistan: Fluctuating Situations
Posted on19. Jul, 2012 by Asif H Raja.
Overview of fluctuating situation in Afghanistan By Brig Asif Haroon Raja Haqqani Network (HN) under Sirajuddin Haqqani based in North Waziristan (NW) was declared the most dangerous outfit when it hit military targets in Kabul several times with impunity on September 13, 2011. Murder of Burhanuddin Rabbani on September 20, 2011 blocked the peace [...]
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Nationalism vs Capitalism: Guess Which One Wins?
Posted on15. Jul, 2012 by Lawrence Davidson.
An Analysis by Lawrence Davidson Part I – Two Ideologies There are two very powerful, and fully internalized ideologies in today’s America: one is nationalism and the other is capitalism. Nationalism Pope John Paul II once remarked that "pervading nationalism imposes its dominion on man today in many different forms and with an aggressiveness that spares [...]
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Afghan prospects not necessarily gloomy
Posted on15. Jul, 2012 by Editor.
By Bhadrakumar The two interviews that the United States ambassador to Kabul Ryan Crocker gave last week as he completes his tour by end-July — with Wall Street Journal and Associated Press – are bound to give a rosy picture of the Afghan situation and the prospects ahead. He is actually reflecting on his own tenure, which he would [...]
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Whirling Dervish and TAPI Politics
Posted on23. May, 2012 by Peter Chamberlin.

Is the Whirling Dervish of TAPI Politics Finally Spinning America’s Way? By Peter Chamberlin It had to eventually happen–Afghan politics have come full circle, and then some. It was only a matter of time before the TAPI pipe dream would once again be offered as a solution to the Afghan conflict. The Taliban are once [...]
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Kabul Attacks and Pakistan-US Re-engagement
Posted on28. Apr, 2012 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Raja G Mujtaba On the subject, S M Hali conducted his weekly Talk, Defence and Diplomacy on PTV. In this talk, besides the author, Prof Salma Malik was also on the panel. The video clipping of the same is embedded at the end of the article. Today lies and fallacies of 911 stand exposed [...]
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US overtures and Pakistan’s Stand
Posted on22. Mar, 2012 by Raja Mujtaba.

Defence & Diplomacy By Raja G Mujtaba Mr. S M Hali held his weekly talk on PTV on the subject where on the panel; author was also present along with Dr. Simbal Khan. Pakistan has paid a very heavy price for American friendship and at the end of the day Pakistan stands isolated and humiliated [...]
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Why should America burn?
Posted on08. Mar, 2012 by Raja Mujtaba.

A question that every American must ask that why America should burn for israel. By Raja G Mujtaba On Wednesday, last week, Jeff Rense hosted the author to very interesting but very sensitive issues that were discussed in his program that only covered Iran but also other countries like Pakistan, Syria etc. in the region. [...]
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US: On The Claim of Exceptionalism
Posted on02. Mar, 2012 by Lawrence Davidson.

An Analysis By Lawrence Davidson Part I – Ain’t We Great? Everyone wants to be exceptional, to be special, to be great at something. Parents spend a lot of time assuring their children that they are indeed exceptional, even though they often know that the their offspring will spend their working lives selling mattresses [...]