Tag Archives: Raymond Davis
The US is still riding the high horse
Posted on22. Jul, 2012 by Asif H Raja.
By Brig Asif Haroon Raja Pakistan’s disinclination to kick off another operation in North Waziristan (NW) at the cost of losing balance became a sour point which tensed Pak-US relations. It was amid building tensions that incident of Raymond Davis took place in January 2011 which further strained relations. The entire leadership of USA including [...]
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Dengue, Pakistan and CIA
Posted on15. Oct, 2011 by Syed Haroon Haider Gilani.

A Conspiracy Theory of Biological Attack on Pakistan By Syed Haroon Haider Gilani On September 27, 2011 Pakistan Medical Association (PMA) have asked the security agencies to probe into the deliberate spread of Dengue virus into Pakistan (Pakistan Observer, 2011). The demand of doctors has spread across the globe immediately and in Pakistan it has been [...]
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Emotional Intelligence: A Deficit in Pakistan
Posted on18. Apr, 2011 by Jawad Raza.

By Jawad Raza Khan:
One cannot forget the suicide committed by the widow of Raymond’s victim in Lahore, as now the family of the victim including his parents have been given “khoon baha” (blood money) alongwith the US citizenship but who else than media can be made more responsible for creating such an ugly mess after the Lahore incident resulting into yet another human loss.
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Raymond Davis: Trap for Kiyani and Obama
Posted on20. Mar, 2011 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Shahid Qureshi:
As far as General Ashfaq Kiyani’s condemnation of the US drone attacks is concerned he should know better that ‘Armed Forces’ as guardians of the state don’t do ‘condemnations’ on the killings of its citizens? They act and protect them in all weathers from enemies within and outside. To be frank General if you can’t people will in the end!
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Raymond Davis Case
Posted on20. Mar, 2011 by Saeed Qureshi.

Shariah Lends Saving Grace to Both Pakistan and America By Saeed Qureshi The PPP must realize that its government at the center is irredeemably weak and it must voluntarily dissolve it before incurring further ridicule and scorn. Its grip over the instruments of governance is loosening and it is metaphorically a lame duck regime that is [...]
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Who is Raymond Davis
Posted on12. Mar, 2011 by Gen Aslam Beg.

By Gen Mirza Aslam Beg:
How many Pakistanis have been assassinated, eliminated, kidnapped and dumped in the torture cells in USA, no one will ever know, unless, some years later, Davis’s sense of guilt compels him to speak-out the truth, as Anderson has done. Truth will prevail, but it is time now for USA to wind-up this dirty net-work in Pakistan, for the sake of better relations and mutual understanding between the two countries.
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“RAYMOND DAVIS” – US may look towards Imran Khan
Posted on26. Feb, 2011 by gordon.

By Gordon Duff:
We can’t bring any of the dead back to life. There are more than the few we are dealing with here today. The dead have mounted up since 2001, first 3000 Americans on 9/11 and now millions, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, grieving families in homes around the world, America, Canada, Germany, Britain, Poland and throughout the Middle East. More are dying today in Libya.
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Now After Raymond It’s Aaron
Posted on26. Feb, 2011 by Dr Raja M Khan.

By Dr Raja M Khan:
Now after Aaron, it is certain that many more will fall or these dubious Americans will flee the country. What is alarming that why so much irresponsibility has been dispalyed by all concerned? Why the national interests were ignored, what were the motives and interests of all those who were issuing visas like a whole sale lot? All concerned must be suspended and brought to task irrespective of their offices that they hold.
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Raymond Davis: Pak-US Inequation
Posted on25. Feb, 2011 by Khalid Iqbal.

By Air Commodore Khalid Iqbal:
Americans have yet once again shown poor understanding of Pakistan’s ground realities. Currently there is an impasse. Public pressure leaves little room for any compromise. The US State Department, having mishandled the issue now needs to act more sensibly and back off to let the tempers cool down. More threats would further worsen an already bad situation.
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Pakistan’s ISI ready to split with CIA
Posted on24. Feb, 2011 by Editor.

By Adam Goldman:
NATO and U.S. operations in Afghanistan could be adversely effected by a split between the ISI and the CIA. Washington complains bitterly about Pakistan’s refusal to go after the Pakistani-headquartered Haqqani network, which is believed to be the strongest fighting force in Afghanistan and closely allied with al-Qaida.