Tag Archives: Pakistan Navy
Pakistan Navy and Balochistan
Posted on06. Apr, 2012 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Raja G Mujtaba Balochistan is the angry brother of the family; never contented and never satisfied. To some extent their grievances are genuine and some have been their own creation. Had they not created their own problems through mismanagement and corruption, the pace of development would have been far greater than what it is [...]
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Posted on04. Apr, 2012 by Naveed Ahmed.

By Naveed Ahmed In June 2011, MV SUEZ a merchant ship captained by a Pakistani Master with a multi-national crew onboard was released after paying a very hefty ransom collected by Pakistani philanthropists. These days we are again seeing a déjà vu of the same episode. TV channels in their prime time shows are presenting [...]
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Pakistan: PN—Apex of Vigilance
Posted on23. Feb, 2011 by S M Hali.

By S. M. Hali:
In the sub-surface forces, PN has embarked upon the modernization and life extension of all existing submarines. Apart from modernization, PN is contemplating expansion of its submarine fleet and in this regard negotiations are underway with reputed submarine builders around the world. The aviation arm of PN is also under major up gradation and induction process.
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Revisiting the Efficacy of SAARC
Posted on11. May, 2010 by Jeff.

By Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan The 16th Summit of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) was held in Thimpu, the picturesque capital of Bhutan on 28-29 April 2010. The summit was attended by all heads of the member states and representatives from the observer countries. It was concluded with a joint declaration issued [...]
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Deceptive quest by India to restore peace
Posted on07. May, 2010 by Jeff.

DREAMING FRIENDSHIP WITH INDIA IS LIVING IN A FOOL’S PARADISE By Brig Asif Haroon Raja The changing geo-political environment in the region with particular reference to Afghanistan saved Pakistan by the skin of the teeth from getting seriously harmed. However, loosening of the noose placed around the neck of Pakistan by the team of conspirators [...]