Tag Archives: Obama
The death of Osama
Posted on15. May, 2011 by Ghayur Ayub.

By Dr Ghayur Ayub:
When Gen Kayani took over as Army Chief, the army image was at the lowest ebb because of Gen. Musharaf ‘s policies. Gen. Kayani cleansed this image in a short span of time. His success against the Taliban in the Swat operation, his role in helping the victims of the floods, and his stand on the Kerry Logar Bill or presentation on war on terror in Brussels proved that the Pak army can achieve its goals militarily, socially and politically. He also played the role of a wise man in the restoration of Ch Iftikhar as CJP. However, when the newly liberated judiciary started interfering in the malpractices of executive, some important political figures started feeling the pinch. According to news items Mr. Asif Ali Zardari had complained to the Americans about army interference in his work. The army which already had unhealthy relationship with a few opposition parties became soft target of the government.
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Some Final Thoughts on the Death of Osama bin Laden
Posted on13. May, 2011 by Editor.

By Michael Moore:
Last week, President Obama fulfilled a campaign promise and killed Osama bin Laden. Well he didn’t actually do the killing himself. It was carried out by a very brave and excellent team of Navy SEALs. Not only does Mr. Obama have the overwhelming support of the country, I think there are millions who gladly wish it could have been their finger on the gun that took out bin Laden.
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Is Pakistan Being Cast as the Next Plausible Evil Doer?
Posted on11. May, 2011 by Jeff.

By Jeff Gates:
The killing or capture of Osama bin Laden was a strategic imperative of the Obama presidency. His death on Pakistani soil now presents a challenge to the strategic depth required for security and stability in the region. How, under these circumstances, does the U.S. collaborate with a nation given $20 billion since 911?
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Bin Laden: Fictional Film Comes To An End
Posted on03. May, 2011 by Dr Ashraf Ezzat.

By Dr Ashraf Ezzat:
“The war on terrorism merchandise has been too long on the market; but with more intellectuals debunking it, and as time went by, and profits went down this product of high tech-deception was approaching its shelf expiry date. In other words the Bin Laden version of fear/submission warfare had to be withdrawn from the market and declared over and done with, successfully that is.”
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Afghan War: US Blaming ISI for Her Incompetence
Posted on24. Apr, 2011 by Dr Raja M Khan.

By Dr Raja M Khan:
. US together with its South Asian partner desire to sow the seed of hate between Pakistan and Afghan people. It is indeed a unrewarding country. Should not it be obliged to Pakistan for supporting its cause in 1980s and now as a front line state against terrorism?
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Libyan War: The Imperialistic Conflicts
Posted on16. Apr, 2011 by Editor.

By Alex Lantier and David North:
The war on Libya is but one move on a global imperialist chessboard. The war-makers are not playing with wooden pieces, but with the lives of millions in Libya and throughout the world. With its far-reaching impact on the entire geo-political stability of the international capitalist order, the war sets the stage for far wider and more devastating conflicts.
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Mission Accomplished: Libya for Obama and Coalition
Posted on12. Apr, 2011 by Dr Ashraf Ezzat.

Dr Ashraf Ezzat>
Ousting Gaddafi is hard to fit as serving the American’s interest nor the European’s considering the long 40 years that passed by with Gaddafi as the head of the Libyan oil state with no one grumbling about it from the west. Especially after 2003 which witnessed the honeymoon with the new Gaddafi who had abandoned his support for terrorism as requested from him and dismantled his never really- existed program of weapons of mass destruction immediately following the moment he had wet his pants watching his long pal
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Posted on11. Apr, 2011 by gordon.

By Gordon Duff:
We aren’t even sure who we have. Not only did this guy have nothing to do with 9/11, according to intelligence sources, he probably is just so schmo we “bought” back during the Bush administration, some nameless victim like the dozens or even hundreds, perhaps thousands, we kidnapped, tortured (and executed) by “mistake.”
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Obama in Focus
Posted on02. Mar, 2011 by Wayne Madsen.

By Wayne Madsen:
The problem for Barack Obama is not shouldering blame for sins of his mother and step-father but the fact that he has lied completely about their history. In his book, “The Audacity of Hope,” Obama writes about his mother’s first trip to Indonesia in 1967: “In later years my mother would insist that had she known what had transpired in the preceding months, we never would have made the trip. But she didn’t know — the full story of the coup and the purge was slow to appear in American newspapers. Indonesians didn’t talk about it either.”
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Afghanistan: Obama’s Dangerous Faux Pas
Posted on23. Feb, 2011 by Editor.

By Mohammad Abdullah Gul:
Historically, there are three decisive determinants of victory or defeat; time, space and relative strength. Evaluation of each of these is illuminating in the context of Afghanistan. Taliban are reportedly saying that, ‘Americans have the watch but we have the time.’ And how true! Anyone with the rudimentary insight into Afghan traits would vouch that they cannot be tired out in a war of attrition.