Tag Archives: Lawrence DAvidson

US: Why We Fail

Posted on21. Jan, 2011 by .


By Prof Lawrence Davidson:
The political pragmatist might argue, what good are “new ideas” if they cannot be implemented? But this position accepts the same assumption noted above, that any U.S. president must be tied down by the political power of the Zionist lobby. It is, in fact, an assumption that must be challenged if any future progress is to be made. Thus, the president should take a chance.

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Back Off Obama

Posted on22. Dec, 2010 by .


By Professor Lawrence Davidson:
As far as I can tell, Ishmael Reed is out to defend the president from progressive criticism and is particularly keen to do so because Barack Obama is black. I think this is perfectly understandable and perhaps legitimate too. However, in this case, his approach does result in assumptions and assertions that are questionable. And, in my opinion, it leads Mr. Reed to misread progressive criticism and its importance. Here is how this happens.

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President Obama’s Ahistorical World

Posted on25. Sep, 2010 by .


By Professor Lawrence Davidson:
President Obama, from the beginning of his administration has ignored history. His most notable early example was when he refused to investigate the prima facie war crimes of his predecessors, crimes which the Nuremberg prosecutors would have easily recognized. Instead he proclaimed a new day.

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The Boycott of Israel is Gaining Speed

Posted on08. Sep, 2010 by .


By Professor Lawrence Davidson:
Actually, what seems to have triggered the piece was not international. Rather, it was the decision of a “few dozen theater people” to boycott “a new cultural center in Ariel,” an illegally settled town in the Occupied Territories. This action drew public support from 150 academics in Israel. The response from the Israeli right, which presently controls the government and much of Israel’s information environment, was loud and hateful.

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Victory in Iraq?

Posted on27. Aug, 2010 by .


By Lawrence Davidson
Toward the end of his life the English poet John Dryden (1631-1700) observed that “even victors are by victories undone.” This is probably the case with America’s “victory” in Iraq. One might remember that when the U.S. lost the war in Vietnam, Southeast Asia did not implode. It may not play out that way in the Middle East. Our alleged triumph has served to destabilize not just Iraq but that entire region, and will have to pay the piper for many years to come.

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A Case of Decency Deficit – An Analysis

Posted on20. Aug, 2010 by .


By Lawrence Davidson
According to the Israeli human rights group Breaking the Silence, these sort of trophy pictures are such a “widespread phenomenon” that taking them constitutes “a norm.” Why so? Because it is the “necessary result of a long term military control of a civilian population.” No doubt this is true, though if you are sufficiently decency deficient your exposure does not have to be “long term” at all.

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Rigi’s Arrest and Pak Iran Relations

Rigi’s Arrest and Pak Iran Relations

Posted on05. Apr, 2010 by .


With the arrest of Abdol Malek Rigi the establishment in Pakistan has heaved a sigh of relief. His arrest vindicates Pakistani assertions that Jundullah is not operating from Pakistan nor does it have the patronage of official quarters. The reports that Pakistan made its contribution and provided meaningful assistance in netting the terrorist are reassuring…Momin Iftikhar

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