Tag Archives: Kashmir

Af-Pak: Negotiations Must Include Al-Qaeda
Posted on12. Jul, 2010 by Asif H Raja.

By Brig Asif Haroon Raja While the US leadership is desperate for peaceful resolution of Afghan imbroglio and a face-saving formula guaranteeing safe exit, it doesn’t have any road map. Half-baked plans lacking in sincerity of purpose are bound to boomerang. The US of late has slightly tilted towards Pakistan since no other player in [...]
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Af-Pak: India Blind To New Realities
Posted on12. Jul, 2010 by Jeff.

New Dynamics Are In Place India cannot fathom the new ground realities By Moin Ansari As Tomas Kunh said a long time ago “The paradigm has shifted, and when the paradigm shifts, everything goes back to zero”. The world watched (pun intended) aghast as the Swiss watch making industry was decimated by an electronic watch [...]
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Afghanistan Final Phase: Nothing going right for USA
Posted on27. Jun, 2010 by Jeff.

By Brig Asif Haroon Raja Washington and Kabul were marching in step till end 2009. As the final phase in Afghanistan drew nearer, the two fell out of steps and so far they have been unable to get back in steps. Major reason for this is Washington’s unhappiness over Karzai’s performance and latter’s conflicting views [...]
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McChrystal Counterinsurgency Plan without General McChrystal?
Posted on24. Jun, 2010 by Jeff.

By: Khalil Nouri Observers were split over the insubordination and mocking comments by General McChrystal and his staff towards the Vice President, senior Whitehouse officials, and Mr. Obama that was recently published in an article by a Rolling Stones Magazine writer. Some viewed this as an unimportant matter and thus we should have proceeded with [...]
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Profiling Pakistan
Posted on20. Jun, 2010 by Jeff.

A Well Orchestrated Defaming Campaign By Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan “The allegations are baseless,” Pakistan and its security setup, perhaps thought this brief, succinct, and patent elucidation enough in response to the 22 pages, Matt Waldman’s research report on, “The Sun in the Sky: The relationship between Pakistan’s ISI and Afghan Insurgents,” published by Crisis [...]
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Securing Pakistan – Iran – Afghanistan Future
Posted on18. Jun, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba.

By General Mirza Aslam Beg Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan are passing through a very historic moment, as their future is being challenged by forces of aggression, attempting to weaken their commitment to their “value system”, and “national purpose”. Their struggle against the forces of evil, for the last thirty years in particular, has determined the [...]
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Afghanistan Needs A Hero
Posted on16. Jun, 2010 by Jeff.

How A Unifying National Leader Can Bring Peace By Michael Hughes The above photo of President John F. Kennedy welcoming the former and last King of Afghanistan, Zahir Shah, to the White House in September, 1963 made me think about the parallels that exist between these two icons. Both were immensely popular, tried to push [...]
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Hate Can Not Defeat Hate: Wars Don’t Solve Problems
Posted on08. Jun, 2010 by Jeff.

Kill One, Ten Will Replace Him Operation in North Waziristan will not eliminate terrorism By Brig Asif Haroon Raja War on terror against Muslims was the brainchild of Zionist Jews and Neo-Cons and executed by George W. Bush administration. The war was fought by US led coalition forces and Pakistan security forces and counseled and [...]
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Afghanistan: Karzai’s Bargaining Chips are Running Out!
Posted on07. Jun, 2010 by Jeff.

By Khalil Nouri It’s ludicrous that in a matter of weeks Mr. Karzai has gone from being a frail, faltering, unqualified leader hampered by a deceitful family, to the man who will magically bring together the disparate welfare of Afghans with his commendable leadership. The boosting of President Hamid Karzai’s credibility that now paints him [...]
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The Histrionics Of US Drug-Controlled Policy
Posted on28. May, 2010 by Jeff.

By Colonel Eugene Khrushchev, From plight to blight The US has launched a surreptitious germ warfare against the hard-working drug-farmers – or so claimed the narco-jihadist propaganda when a “mysterious” blight had suddenly struck the “good” part of the opium poppy fields on the eve of the harvest. A shot in the foot It doesn’t [...]