Tag Archives: JF 17

The Devil in Indo-US Afghan Policy
Posted on14. Apr, 2010 by Jeff.

India, with America’s blessing, has “spies… diplomats…a base of operations to train guerrillas to attack Pakistan… and is arming and training terrorists at war against Pakistan”, wrote Gordon Duff in Opinion Maker recently. Indeed, Indian political-military activities in Afghanistan without the US approval and backing cannot take place or even be imagined as India’s sole political enterprise…..Dr Haider Mehdi
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Extremism: too late to contain it?
Posted on14. Apr, 2010 by Jeff.

By Yasmeen Ali Extremism…Fundamentalism, Militancy, terms used and heard, every day. Are they the same? Different? Is a Fundamentalist an Extremist and an Extremist a Fundamentalist? I am a Fundamentalist. So are you. But are we Extremists? I will politely, if need be, rudely, disagree. Until 1950, there was no entry for fundamentalism in the [...]
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Indian ambitions in Afghanistan
Posted on10. Apr, 2010 by Jeff.

Indian designs against Pakistan and Afghanistan Brig Asif Haroon Raja India has always vied to maintain friendly ties with Afghanistan and to keep Pak-Afghan relations frosty. When Soviet forces occupied Afghanistan in December 1979, India supported the illegal invasion as well as Soviet installed regimes in Kabul throughout the Afghan war. Pakistan supported the just [...]
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Pakistan is Watchful: Legitimate Concerns in Afghanistan
Posted on09. Apr, 2010 by Jeff.

Under the pretext of Talibinisation of Afghanistan and Pakistan, secret agencies like Indian RAW and Israeli Mossad have well-established their networks in Afghanistan. Particularly, India has been running secret operations against Pakistan from its consulates in Mazar-i-Sharif, Jalalabad, Kandhar and other sensitive parts of the Pak-Afghan border. It has spent millions of dollars in Afghanistan to strengthen its grip on the country, and to get strategic depth against Pakistan. New Delhi has not only increased its military troops in the counry, but has also decided to set up cantonments….Sajjad Shaukat
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Posted on07. Apr, 2010 by Jeff.

And finally, it is unimaginable for us Americans to hear the announcement that “the last U.S. soldier came home from Afghanistan this morning, leaving behind a war that has become a domestic burden and an international embarrassment for Washington”; exactly as was the case when the last Russian soldier left Afghanistan on February 16th 1989….Khalil Nouri
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God-gap in State Affairs
Posted on06. Apr, 2010 by Jeff.

It was the religious obligation of George Bush to follow the evangelists – whose state policies were to support Israel, as a religious obligation, to facilitate Christ’s second coming and launch a war on ‘terror’ against Muslim countries. Bush used the word ‘crusade’ and later claimed it to be slip of the tongue. According to Freud, there is nothing like slip of tongue, it is unconsciously motivated expression.. Dr S M Rahman
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“Churchill’s Choice” for Afghanistan
Posted on06. Apr, 2010 by Jeff.

Pakistan and the other stake-holders do not want a Talibanised Afghanistan. They have no right under any law to make such a demand. It is, for the people of Afghanistan to choose the form of government best suits them. Amongst our immediate neighbours, China follows the Communist/Socialist ideology and is the most peaceful country in the world. Iran follows the Islamic Ideology and despite such provocations from Israel and pressures from USA, has maintained its cool. Similarly, Afghanistan under the Taliban will follow the Islamic ideology, respecting the rule of law and distributive justice. In fact, the world has to remain engaged with them to ameliorate their sufferings of the last thirty years, caused by foreign aggressions. Pakistan and the USA, in particular therefore have “to recalibrate their positions and harmonize their interests with Afghanistan for a lasting peace in the region.”…Gen Mirza Aslam Beg
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PAKISTAN: Will A Miracle Happen?
Posted on04. Apr, 2010 by Jeff.

During my visit I felt Chief Minister Punjab with his god gifted ability wish to do something, but looking at illegal possession complaints and the land mafia’s grass root hold, he is confronted with an uphill task where unemployment, lack of education and basic amenities are increasing law and order situation two fold. I must appreciate his efforts though of ‘Danish Schools’ where it will foster talent hunt and groom those young kids who otherwise will never have access to basic education. His revolutionary ideas about health reforms and road links will be remembered once he is gone. Barrister Amjad Malik
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Posted on04. Apr, 2010 by Jeff.

First we started by blaming the Taliban for the massive increase in narcotics production after the Taliban were forced out of power. Is it a coincidence that America invaded Afghanistan after Al Qaeda and bin Laden, only when opium production was entirely eradicated in Afghanistan? We never found bin Laden, who had been living in Afghanistan under virtual “house arrest” prior to 9/11, an incident, despite misleading stories to the contrary, he has never been tied to in any way. In fact, we never really found Al Qaeda or any training camps either. We did, however, manage to start a war against the Afghan tribes, a war that stretched into Pakistan, a war that is left America and the Karzai government in control of part of the city of Kabul and nothing else….Gordon Duff begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting