Tag Archives: JF 17
Pakistan Air Force: Display of Professional Excellence
Posted on23. Dec, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Raja G Mujtaba:
The foundation of the ‘Sherdil’ was laid way back in the 50s when in 1958, a formation of 16 F 86s Sabers performed a loop in diamond formation. This was the biggest formation of that time anywhere in the world. As a child, I was a witness of this feat that was performed before King Zahir Shah of Afghanistan. This formation was followed by solo displays and napalm bombing to display the firepower for the visiting dignitary.
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Af-Pak: Negotiations Must Include Al-Qaeda
Posted on12. Jul, 2010 by Asif H Raja.

By Brig Asif Haroon Raja While the US leadership is desperate for peaceful resolution of Afghan imbroglio and a face-saving formula guaranteeing safe exit, it doesn’t have any road map. Half-baked plans lacking in sincerity of purpose are bound to boomerang. The US of late has slightly tilted towards Pakistan since no other player in [...]
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Profiling Pakistan
Posted on20. Jun, 2010 by Jeff.

A Well Orchestrated Defaming Campaign By Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan “The allegations are baseless,” Pakistan and its security setup, perhaps thought this brief, succinct, and patent elucidation enough in response to the 22 pages, Matt Waldman’s research report on, “The Sun in the Sky: The relationship between Pakistan’s ISI and Afghan Insurgents,” published by Crisis [...]
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Kandahar Operation: An Operation In Futility
Posted on11. Jun, 2010 by Jeff.

It Will not break the back of Taliban Brig Asif Haroon Raja It is being propagated by USA that Pakistan was principally responsible for creating and supporting Taliban. It forgets that Afghan Mujahideen were motivated, funded, trained and used in Afghan jihad against the Soviet forces by CIA. Mujahideen were renamed as Taliban once they [...]
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The Dual Faced America’s Double Standards with Pakistan
Posted on17. May, 2010 by Jeff.

By Sajjad Shaukat Frustrated in coping with Al Qaeda-related militants, constant drubbing by the Defence and Oil cartels at home and Zino-Israeli dictators to the US on global and regional level, have forced the Obama administration to play double with Pakistan. In this connection, on May 11, this year, while talking on the CBS channel [...]
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Posted on08. May, 2010 by Jeff.

By Brig Samson Sharraf Clive had convinced himself that the Company’s trade in Bengal could only be truly safe when Siraj had been dethroned and replaced by a puppet….Clive was abetted by two colleagues….men of quick wit and elastic conscience who acted as emissaries to Siraj….Siraj grudgingly agreed to make peace in February….Large Afghan forces [...]
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The Revenge of the Oppressed
Posted on04. May, 2010 by Jeff.

By General Mirza Aslam Beg During the Second World War, Hitler carried out mass murder of Jews, known as Holocaust but the massacre of more than six million innocent Muslims during the last thirty years, by the Russians, Americans, Jews and the Indians, in Iraq, Afghanistan, Chechnya, Palestine and Kashmir has not been given a [...]
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Posted on03. May, 2010 by Jeff.

ISRAELIS BLAME TALIBAN GROUP, ONE THEY HAVE BEEN WORKING WITH FOR YEARS By Gordon Duff Who would have believed it? Only days after a warning of an Israeli “false flag” bombing against the US “in the works” a massive car bomb is discovered in Time Square! Better yet, though no intelligence organization in the world [...]
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‘Final Solution’ Frenzy –From Afghanistan with Love – Part I
Posted on03. May, 2010 by Jeff.

Editor’s Note: This series by Tariq Saeedi who is based in Central Asia, would be carried by Opinion Maker in full. By Tariq Saeedi With Qasim Jan in Kandahar, Khalil Azad in Kabul, SM Kasi in Quetta, and GN Brohi in Nushki and Dalbandin (nCa) — Had Van Gogh been given a canvas the size [...]
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Posted on16. Apr, 2010 by Jeff.

By Khalil Nouri During the last few days, President Karzai has thrown the “kitchen sink” at his allies, and his own people. Did the American’s rig the election? Is Karzai joining the Taliban or retiring to the south of France? Some say it is drug use, some say simply stress, depression or Napoleonic delusions, but [...]