Tag Archives: Israel

Turkish-Israeli Relations: “Mistress Syndrome”

Posted on13. Nov, 2011 by .

turkish israeli axix

Turkish-Israeli axis signifies a developing polarization in the Middle East. One pole consists of the Turkish-Israeli alliance backed by American power, and the other pole is the Iranian-Syrian axis which seems to be maintained and supported by the Russians. Such regional polarization joined with elevated levels of militarization is an omen of the things to [...]

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Shalit: Israeli Soldier With Atypical Autism

Posted on02. Nov, 2011 by .


“The real tragedy actually was letting a psychologically unfit teenager like Gilad Shalit wear the military uniform in the first place.” Dr. Ashraf Ezzat  Gilad Shalit Israel freed 1,027 Palestinian and Israeli Arab prisoners to get Shalit back. Beyond the debate over the rationale of Israel’s deal to release 1000 prisoners for one kidnapped soldier [...]

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Recognition of Israel Necessitates Recognizing Palestine First

Posted on25. Sep, 2011 by .


Mahmoud Abbas submitting the application of the state of Palestine for admission to membership in the United Nations Author’s note: Recognizing Israel has been an Israeli precondition for sitting around one table with the Palestinians to start the so-called peace talks. In almost all the screwed up bilateral negotiations over the past two decades, the Israeli [...]

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Turkey’s Upright Stance!

Posted on12. Sep, 2011 by .


Turkey’s President Abdullah Gul said Turkey would reject the report, regarding it as “null and void”… “The time has come for Israel to pay a price for its illegal actions… first of all, (Israel) is being deprived of Turkey’s friendship.” By Air Commodore ® Khalid Iqbal                                                                                        Turkey has finally taken the long overdue step [...]

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Glenn Beck Will Shed Real Tears

Posted on03. Sep, 2011 by .


By Dr Ashraf Ezzat:
“It is hard to imagine that the story of the Zionist land grab of Palestine could go down in history as the redemption of the world Jews and a courageous act that need to be restored by a hypocritical Zionist mouthpiece like Glenn Beck.”

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Egypt: Picking Up The Remains of a Revolution

Posted on16. Jul, 2011 by .


By Dr Ashraf Ezzat:
Being a military man, a former vice-president and surviving 6 assassination attempts, Mubarak knew for a fact that surviving as a head of a regime in the most volatile Middle Eastern spot had to rely on international support by the United States and the satisfaction of Israel but most importantly on an ironclad and loyal national security apparatus that would tighten his grip on the country.

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Iran Stands Firm!

Posted on16. Jul, 2011 by .


By Kourosh Ziabari:
The reasons why Iran’s nuclear program has become controversial are twofold. First, Iran’s decision to materialize its rights under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) to develop peaceful applications of nuclear technology and nuclear fuel cycle in particular; what can make this controversial in the eyes of Western powers is the dual use of nuclear technology.

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Kiss Of ‘Democratic’ Death Part II

Posted on11. Jul, 2011 by .

critisize israel

By Jonathan Azaziah:
No attack on sovereign nations, whether overt like in Libya or covert like in Syria, comes without a steady flow of propaganda against the ‘hostile environment’ being targeted. And the psychological warfare being waged against Syria is exceedingly heavy. The Zionist-run, Zionist-owned Western mainstream press was not alone in this sustained campaign of skullduggery though.

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Kiss Of ‘Democratic’ Death Part I

Posted on09. Jul, 2011 by .


By Jonathan Azaziah:
Al-Jumhuriyyah al-Arabiyyah as-Suriyyah, the Syrian Arab Republic, or simply, Syria, is being systematically assaulted by the world’s arrogant powers. No, Syria isn’t being bombarded with bombs and missiles from helicopter gunships or F-16s (at least… not yet). It is being bombarded by something else; something more sinister, more cunning and deadlier. It is being bombarded by an entity that is almost full of life in its undying intransigence: Zionist-designed, Zionist-enforced ‘democracy.’

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Israelis Say to Obama “Yes We Ken”

Posted on19. Jun, 2011 by .


“The amazing moments in the march came when protesters chanted: “Israel and Palestine, two states for two peoples”; “Yes we ‘ken’” (the Hebrew word for “yes”); and “Bibi and Barak, peace isn’t a game” by Dr. Ashraf Ezzat In his recent and memorable speech at Capitol Hill and while mesmerizing America’s Congressmen with his reiterated [...]

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