Tag Archives: Israel Nasr

How Israel wages war in plain sight

How Israel wages war in plain sight

Posted on21. Apr, 2010 by .


By Jeff Gates It’s now well known that Israelis and pro-Israelis “fixed” the intelligence that induced the U.S. invasion of Iraq. What’s not yet widely known is how. If peace-seeking nations hope never again to see deceit operate on such a scale, those deceived must learn this lesson before these same operatives induce a war [...]

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Nuclear attack threat by USA..!!!

Nuclear attack threat by USA..!!!

Posted on16. Apr, 2010 by .


THE US MUST RENOUNCE DUAL STANDARDS By Sajid Ansari The Secretary of State Ms Hillary Clinton and the Defense Secretary Robert gates, have issued a joint statement on Sunday, 11th April, 2010, in a television interviews that Iran and North Korea represented exceptions to the limits on a US nuclear response, as both had defied [...]

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Indian ambitions in Afghanistan

Indian ambitions in Afghanistan

Posted on10. Apr, 2010 by .


Indian designs against Pakistan and Afghanistan Brig Asif Haroon Raja India has always vied to maintain friendly ties with Afghanistan and to keep Pak-Afghan relations frosty. When Soviet forces occupied Afghanistan in December 1979, India supported the illegal invasion as well as Soviet installed regimes in Kabul throughout the Afghan war. Pakistan supported the just [...]

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Rigi’s Arrest and Pak Iran Relations

Rigi’s Arrest and Pak Iran Relations

Posted on05. Apr, 2010 by .


With the arrest of Abdol Malek Rigi the establishment in Pakistan has heaved a sigh of relief. His arrest vindicates Pakistani assertions that Jundullah is not operating from Pakistan nor does it have the patronage of official quarters. The reports that Pakistan made its contribution and provided meaningful assistance in netting the terrorist are reassuring…Momin Iftikhar

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The Palestinians are Winning the Legitimacy War: Will it Matter?

Posted on05. Apr, 2010 by .


It is up to all of us dedicated to peace and justice to do all we can to help the Palestinians prevail in the legitimacy war and bring their long ordeal to an end. Richard Falk

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