Tag Archives: Iran

What Mark Kingwell Sees: An Interview

Posted on28. Dec, 2011 by .

Prof Mark Kingwell

No political system can function without a free press: Mark Kingwell By Kourosh Ziabari Prof. Mark Kingwell is a world renowned Canadian author and philosopher. He is the associate chair at University of Toronto's Department of Philosophy. Kingwell is a fellow of Trinity College. He specializes in theories of politics and culture. Kingwell has published [...]

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Iran-Pakistan Gas Pipeline: A PTV Talk

Posted on26. Dec, 2011 by .

ScreenHunter_07 Dec. 23 17.41

Defence & Diplomacy A project delayed beyond comprehension By Raja G Mujtaba The Federal Minister’s statement that Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline must go through bears a testimony to what I have been saying over a period of time that Pakistan and Iran have become need of each other therefore we must opt and at the earliest [...]

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Farewell to Mashallah Shakri: The Iranian Ambassador

Farewell to Mashallah Shakri: The Iranian Ambassador

Posted on25. Nov, 2011 by .

Senator Prof Khurshid presnting a shield to Shakri

"We will cooperate with Pakistan in development of security and security of development." Mashallah Shakri By Raja G Mujtaba Mashallah Shakri spent five years in Pakistan where he developed lots of personal contacts and made numerous friends. Normally the diplomats keep a very selective group where they mix around but Mashallah was quite outgoing.  He [...]

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PRESS TV Interview: Dr. Ashraf Ezzat on Targeting Iran

Posted on10. Nov, 2011 by .


“The problem lies not in this chain of US-NATO-Israel command but it lies in the chain of obedience by the people” Dr. Ashraf Ezzat a columnist at Opinion Maker, says the world is breaking loose from the ‘chain of obedience’ that he believes is the source of world problems. "The problem lies not in this chain [...]

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PRESS TV Banned in UK!

Posted on23. Oct, 2011 by .


Ofcom and state-sponsored censorship By Kourosh Ziabari Although the UK's state media regulator Ofcom has ruled that Press TV should be taken off the Sky platform for the compensation of what is claimed to be the violation of "Ofcom's Broadcasting Code," it's almost clear to everyone that the voice of truth and impartiality cannot be [...]

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Iran is singled out for its defiance of Washington

Posted on09. Jul, 2011 by .


By Kourosh Ziabari:
. Obama talked a lot different than Bush, but rhetoric aside, his actual policy towards Iran is exactly the same as his predecessor’s. Obama’s main opponent, John McCain, was certainly even more radical in his position on Iran.

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Israel: an impediment to nuclear-free Mid East

Posted on16. Jun, 2011 by .


By Kourosh Ziabari:
Even as the U.S. intelligence services have confirmed that Iran does not intend to produce nuclear weapons, Tehran is lethally under the pressure of the United States and its European friends over its civilian nuclear program. This is while 9 countries in the world own more than 20,000 nuclear warheads and this leaves us with a basic question: who poses the real threat to international peace and security?

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Iran and the Issue of Nuclear Weapons

Posted on11. Jun, 2011 by .


By Prof Lawrence Davidson:
What happens when a well armed individual cannot tell the difference between reality and unreality? What happens when a well armed individual just knows, in his gut, that the other guy is plotting to destroy him? Chances are good that something horrible will happen. And, the American public ought to know that this is so, because collectively we have already lived out this tragedy in 2003.

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Saudi Nuclear Weapons in the Persian Gulf

Posted on31. Mar, 2011 by .


By Arnaud De Borchgrave:
Saudi Arabia has grown impatient. “Waiting for Godot,” Samuel Beckett’s famous play, depicts the “meaninglessness of life,” with its repetitive plot, where nothing much happens. In Saudi eyes, that’s Iran and its secret nuclear weapons program. And eye-drop Western sanctions have done zip to deter Iran’s aging theocrats.

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Iran: Nowruz, the feast of peace and purity

Posted on23. Mar, 2011 by .


By Kourosh Ziabari:
Nowruz is a festival for peace and purity. You can find in it both enjoyment and spirituality. Terrestrial and divine beauties can be seen in Nowruz simultaneously. Nowruz is an opportunity for the enrichment of the self and integration and solidarity of those who celebrate it all around the world.

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