Tag Archives: insurgency
Insurgency Movements in India
Posted on24. Dec, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Shahid R. Siddiqi:
The Indian internal scene presents a very disturbing scenario, one that has prompted Suhas Chakma, Director of the Asian Centre for Human Rights in New Delhi, to say that ‘India is at war with itself’. Alan Hart, the British journalist, while speaking about insurgencies in India at LISA seminar in July this year, agreed with this characterization. There is a consensus that this situation seriously threatens India’s stability and consequently its democracy.
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Af-Pak: Terrorism; A Conspiracy Under Cover of Ideology!
Posted on02. Jun, 2010 by Jeff.

By Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan Apart from over 240 suicide attacks, there have been “2284 bomb blasts” all over the country ever since 2001. These terrorist attacks killed over 27000 people. More recently, these terrorists have attacked on the two religious centres of the Ahmadis in Lahore, killing over 95 persons and injuring more than [...]
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Jihad and Terrorism: Are both synonymous?
Posted on30. May, 2010 by Jeff.

By: Yasmeen Ali Western media is more often than not, awash with the details of “jihadists” who commit atrocious acts in the name of religion. More and more, Islam is projected as a religion of violence, hatred and vengeance. However, Islam comes from the root word Salaam, which means peace. It also means submitting one’s [...]
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Posted on18. May, 2010 by Jeff.

America must learn before its too late By Engr. Mansoor A Malik The recent terrorism attempt by an American citizen of Pakistani origin at the New York Time Square where some of us were fortunate enough to welcome the new millennium and dream of a better world in this century, has triggered an internal debate [...]
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Posted on11. May, 2010 by Jeff.

NARCO NEXUS MAY BE MANAGING TERROR WAR By Gordon Duff First we are told opium and heroin are financing world terrorism, then General McChrystal tells us that we have to allow the harvest to be finished, processed into 65 billion dollars of heroin and shipped out on rendition flights and American Global Hawk UAV aircraft [...]
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Not Again
Posted on09. May, 2010 by Jeff.

By Tarik Jan Dominating headlines is not new for the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM). But this time its entry in Punjab has created euphoria in the press praising MQM for its thrust in the interior. And as is our unrepentant psychology we have cast aside all our reservations about a party whose past can at [...]
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PAKISTAN: MQM; Success or Failure in Punjab?
Posted on08. May, 2010 by Jeff.

MQM needs to change her perceptions before she finds any ground in the Punjab By Yasmeen Ali MQM’s effort to enter Punjab can be deemed as a historic political development. Altaf Hussain in an address many months earlier, promised Punjab an end to feudalism, while announcing MQM’s entrance in the Punjab political kaleidoscope .This is [...]
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Now Is Pakistan in Line of Fire as the Next Evil Doer?
Posted on04. May, 2010 by Jeff.

By Jeff Gates Who was surprised to find Pakistan associated with a “significant terrorist event” in New York? Was anyone surprised that this “car bomb” incident occurred in the same city as the last significant event? Or that news reports promptly featured the Taliban of Pakistan? Who labeled it a significant terrorist event? A “security [...]
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INDIA: Secularism Exposed; Hindu Terrorism on Rise
Posted on30. Apr, 2010 by Jeff.

HINDU MILITANCY GETS STATE SUPPORT By Sajjad Shaukat India which claims to be a secular state, has broken all the records of violence, genocide and massacre perpetrated on various ethnic and religious groups, entailing the community of its own lower castes. These atrocities and injustices display that Hindu terrorism is on rise. South Asia Terrorism [...]
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Containing India!
Posted on21. Apr, 2010 by Jeff.

By Dr. Haider Mehdi Oh farewell the streets of sorrow and for all you streets of pain I’ll not return to feel more sorrow Nor to see more young men slain – From a song of the Irish Republican Army “…peaceful activism is doomed to fail in the face of state repression,” wrote Eric Randolph [...]