Tag Archives: Guilt by Association
Guilt By Association Part II
Posted on08. Aug, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba.

Deceiving People By Tarik Jan The United States, Israel relations has to be seen from the viewpoint of their respective interests. For example, the U.S. wants to have the relatively cheaper Middle Eastern oil free from encumbrance. Second, it needs to ensure that the Islamic aspirations of the Muslim masses are denied fruition. In the [...]
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An Appeal To The Government of Pakistan
Posted on13. Jun, 2010 by Jeff.

By Raja G Mujtaba Yasmeen Ali, a blogger and a regular contributor to Opinion Maker, carried out a discussion on her Blog Pakpotpourri 2. Some very pertinent questions were raised as given below. The participants gave their views very freely. There are some very renowned personalities like Admiral I A Sirohey, Shaheen Attiqur Rehman etc. [...]
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Hate Can Not Defeat Hate: Wars Don’t Solve Problems
Posted on08. Jun, 2010 by Jeff.

Kill One, Ten Will Replace Him Operation in North Waziristan will not eliminate terrorism By Brig Asif Haroon Raja War on terror against Muslims was the brainchild of Zionist Jews and Neo-Cons and executed by George W. Bush administration. The war was fought by US led coalition forces and Pakistan security forces and counseled and [...]
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Operation North Waziristan: Delayed but not abandoned
Posted on06. Jun, 2010 by Jeff.

By Brig Asif Haroon Raja In the wake of weak governance, rampant corruption, weak economy, messy political situation and growing incidence of terrorism, Pakistan is being described as a failed state incapable of protecting the nukes. Western and Indian media publish stories based on half-truths and lies regularly to create an impression that everything is [...]
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North Waziristan: To Be or Not To Be?
Posted on26. May, 2010 by Jeff.

WAR ON TERROR HAS PRODUCED MORE TERRORISTS AND HATE By Yasmeen Ali There is no question that terrorism must be curbed. A fact bought sharply in focus, by the Faisal Shahzad case. There is tremendous pressure on Pakistan by USA to have it’s army initiate a ground offensive against the terrorists in North Waziristan. The [...]
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Posted on08. May, 2010 by Jeff.

By Brig Samson Sharraf Clive had convinced himself that the Company’s trade in Bengal could only be truly safe when Siraj had been dethroned and replaced by a puppet….Clive was abetted by two colleagues….men of quick wit and elastic conscience who acted as emissaries to Siraj….Siraj grudgingly agreed to make peace in February….Large Afghan forces [...]
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Mystery behind Taliban Shura
Posted on25. Apr, 2010 by Jeff.

Why This Sudden Interest In Shura? By Brig Asif Haroon Raja From September last year onwards Taliban Shura or more popularly termed as Quetta Shura (QS) suddenly cropped up in US media and drummed up. New York Times wrote that that issue of Taliban leadership Shura in Quetta had emerged at top of Obama administration’s [...]
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Breaking Ongoing Cycle of Violence; Is There a Roadmap?
Posted on22. Apr, 2010 by Jeff.

By Brig Asif Haroon Raja When the US decided to invade Afghanistan in October 2001, both Afghanistan and Pakistan were on very friendly terms. For the first time in Pakistan’s history its western border had become safe. Within Pakistan, FATA and Balochistan were peaceful and people of the two regions were as patriotic as of [...]
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Indian ambitions in Afghanistan
Posted on10. Apr, 2010 by Jeff.

Indian designs against Pakistan and Afghanistan Brig Asif Haroon Raja India has always vied to maintain friendly ties with Afghanistan and to keep Pak-Afghan relations frosty. When Soviet forces occupied Afghanistan in December 1979, India supported the illegal invasion as well as Soviet installed regimes in Kabul throughout the Afghan war. Pakistan supported the just [...]
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American War Mongers Talk of Peace and Human Rights
Posted on07. Apr, 2010 by Jeff.

It is paradoxical that the US notorious for worst human rights violations and being the biggest violator of law today stands up as a pleader of human rights and upholder of law. Its past gory acts are too many to recount. It has turned Iraq and Afghanistan into killing grounds where over 1.6 million have been hacked to death; millions injured critically, tens of thousands rendered homeless, widowed and orphaned. Thousands have suffered gruesome tortures in US run infamous jails, which have so far not been closed despite world protest and commitment given by Obama. George W. Bush and his team of neo-cons along with Tony Blair should have been tried as war criminals for the crimes committed against humanity and that too under false pretexts…Brig Asif Haroon Raja