Tag Archives: Egypt
Egypt: A Virtual Smoking Gun
Posted on06. Mar, 2011 by Maidhc O Cathail.

By Maidhc Ó Cathail:
When pressed by the questioner, Glassman explained: “Now, we have to work with those governments. And let me also just say, there’s a difference on an operational level between public—what we do in public diplomacy and what is often done in official diplomacy. We are communicating and engaging at the level of the public, not at the level of officials. So you know, it certainly is possible that some of these governments will not be all that happy that—at what we’re doing, but that’s what we do in public diplomacy.”
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Will democracy in Egypt benefit the Palestinians?
Posted on13. Feb, 2011 by Alan Hart.

By Alan Hart:
Best politics would be for the government of Egypt to frame the referendum question to give it the authority to say to Israel something like: “We wish to remain committed to our peace treaty with you, but we will be unable to do so without a commitment from you to end your occupation of all Arab land taken in 1967.”
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Egypt: Sleeping giant wakes up
Posted on26. Jan, 2011 by Yvonne Ridley.

By Yvonne Ridley:
In Lebanon, America’s friends are folding as a prime minister is appointed who will support Israel’s arch enemy Hizb’Allah, and from the West Bank to Gaza, Hamas is being seen as the peoples’ choice. The Muslim Brotherhood is being re-energised in Egypt.
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The Rise of Arab Masses
Posted on26. Jan, 2011 by Saeed Qureshi.

By Saeed Qureshi:
These uprisings of the masses against a decadent, discredited, ruthless and oligarchies emit a clarion call for a gubernatorial transformation and an amazing revolution knocking at the doors of these societies enslaved and shackled by their tyrannical ruling cliques. The old order is shaking under the seismic vibrations and the loud rumblings of the new order.
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INDUS WATER: Swami, We are not all that naive
Posted on14. Apr, 2010 by Jeff.

A REBUTTAL TO SWAMINATHAN By Naveed Tajammal So this Swami fellow now wants us, to stop agitating for our water rights, and divert our energies on building a net work of pipes & sprinklers while the foxland (Indians) continue building their water storage dams, 62 only on Chenab alone, besides the Indus and Jhelum ones. [...]