Tag Archives: Dr Muzaffar Iqbal
Quantum Note: The Crusaders are back
Posted on25. Mar, 2011 by drmuzaffar.

Dr Muzaffar Iqbal:
So, if we have Western forces in Libya, and the Middle East continues to explode at the rate at which it is exploding, then where are we going with this open ended intervention: Are we at the beginning of a grand reconfiguration of the entire region? Are we at the beginning of a new world order in which Europe will claim its share of Muslim world along with the United States of America? If yes, then who is next?
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Quantum Note: Travels through flashing headlines
Posted on25. Feb, 2011 by drmuzaffar.

By Dr Muzaffar Iqbal:
The heady days of colonels and generals toppling old monarchies and proclaiming their little republics as socialist peoples’ republic are indeed over. But they refuse to see the change. They refuse to understand that the march of history has made them fossils and hence they keep working from the same old book. They had all come with socialism, anti-Westernism, and nationalism and…….
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Quantum Note: Arab Street in Revolt
Posted on28. Jan, 2011 by drmuzaffar.

By Dr Muzaffar Iqbal:
This population explosion—and complexity built into this process—may one day give birth to a genuine Arab street revolt with a direction and aim; that day has not come yet. All we have for now is either senseless and leaderless street revolts leading to dissipation of energy, or a controlled process to change of those faces whose expiry date has come.
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Quantum Note: Jakarta Memories
Posted on21. Jan, 2011 by drmuzaffar.

By Dr Muzaffar Iqbal:
The past came rushing as the car stopped in the heart of the city inside a college building where I was going to give first of the two lectures to a crowd of over 500 students. They all seem to emerge from behind the trees, eager to listen. It was an open area between two blocks of building. The stage was set up and as the students gathered, we went to pray the noon prayer in the college mosque.
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Quantum Note: Turning the Calendar – Evermore Gently
Posted on17. Dec, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Dr Muzaffar Iqbal:
The new Hijri year began without much fanfare; year 2011of the Common Era is about to begin. It will ushering us into the second decade of a century already red in blood and feared to be soaking in it if nothing changes in the way events are unfolding around the world. Cataclysmically violent as they are, all events follow a natural course. “Natural” in the sense that there is a direct relationship between what human beings do and what follows.
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Ahmadinejad’s Showdown in New York
Posted on01. Oct, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Dr Muzaffar Iqbal:
Ahmadinejad’s showdown in New York also proved one more time that even one voice is enough to break through the web of lies and deceits constructed over years. Speeches at the UN have become a terribly nauseating affair, but when Ahmadinejad spoke last week and America and some of its allies decided to walk out, it was a scene worthy of watching, for in their departure was the proof that truth still matters; that an honest voice still has the power to construct a mirror which can show to the proponents of falsehood their own ugly images; it is another matter that they did not have the courage to see it.
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The Unending Afghan Saga
Posted on24. Sep, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Dr Muzaffar Iqbal:
In the never-ending, ever-renewed, sensation hungry American saga of the twenty-first century, now a new book about Obama’s presidency is supposed to rock America all the way from Washington DC to its outermost territory: Kabul.
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India's Dangerous Water Game An Invitation to Nuclear War
Posted on04. Apr, 2010 by Jeff.

While Pakistan is already facing multiple crises of grave nature, India has been playing the water card in order to intensify political unrest, economic instability and social strife in our country, that could cause a major nuclear war…..Sajjad Shaukat