Indian AWACS
Posted on 26. Aug, 2012 by Raja Mujtaba.

Moves with Israel, Brazil, Possibly Locally Defence Industry Daily In recent years India has been shifting toward aircraft that would give it the ability to patrol and act at extended ranges. In January 2004, India and Israel signed a $1.1 billion contract for 3 Phalcon airborne warning and control system (AWACS) aircraft, as part of a $1.5 [...]
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Water or Poison?
Posted on 25. Aug, 2012 by Humayun Gauhar.
By Humayun Gauhar Water is life’s elixir. The Arabic word Sh’ar means path that leads to water because water is the source of life. The word Sharia comes from Sh’ar. The Sharia of the Quran is the manual that keeps one on that path, the correct path, Sirat al Mustahqeem. Thus I’m quite fed up [...]
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Posted on 25. Aug, 2012 by Adeela Naureen.
……THE REALITY CHECK By Adeela Naureen and Umar Waqar As per techtarget .com “Cyber warfare is Internet-based conflict involving politically motivated attacks on information and information systems. Cyber warfare attacks can disable official websites and networks, disrupt or disable essential services, steal or alter classified data, and cripple financial systems, among many other possibilities”. As [...]
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Posted on 24. Aug, 2012 by Brig Samson Sharaf.
Middle Eastern countries being inherently monarchies or dictatorships are in effect vassal states relying heavily on USA for security and stability. These are never the models to be followed in the traditions of Islamic welfare and sovereignty of Allah. By Brig Samson Sharaf In Pakistan while we remain glued to our version of WOT and [...]
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The ubiquitous drone attacks
Posted on 24. Aug, 2012 by S M Hali.

By S. M. Hali Drone attacks, which were only sporadic in the era of George W. Bush, gained momentum when President Obama took the reins of the Commander-in-Chief of the US Armed Forces. The reign of terror launched by the ubiquitous drones has wreaked havoc on the people residing in the tribal belt of Pakistan. [...]
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Obama one step away from attacking Syria
Posted on 24. Aug, 2012 by Editor.

State Department spokesman Victoria Nuland suggested that the U.S. should act in Syria at its sole discretion, and not in accordance with the established rules of the international community. By Alexandrina Chistenkaya The U.S. president called the use or transportation of chemical weapons by Damascus the condition of military intervention in the Syrian crisis. Touching [...]
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Fixing the Mortgage Mess
Posted on 23. Aug, 2012 by Ellen Brown.
The Game-changing Implications of Bain v. MERS By Ellen Brown, J.D. Two landmark developments on August 16th give momentum to the growing interest of cities and counties in addressing the mortgage crisis using eminent domain: (1) The Washington State Supreme Court held in Bain v. MERS, et al., that an electronic database called Mortgage Electronic [...]
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America and Israel Need Change
Posted on 23. Aug, 2012 by Dr Mahboob A Khawaja.
Animosity and Insanity cannot live for Ever By Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD “There are the times that try men’s soul”, noted Thomas Paine in his famous “Common Sense”, the lifeline to American independence. In situations of adversity and crises, competent leaders represent hope and optimism for change, not egoistic political agenda and animosity…………… Peace requires [...]
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Mid East: Hope and Despair
Posted on 22. Aug, 2012 by Franklin Lamb.
Lebanon’s Palestinians in focus By Franklin Lamb Beirut. Remarkably, this Ramadan holiday season in Lebanon designees from both the Shia Higher Islamic Shiites Council and the Sunni Dar el Fatwa, figuratively speaking, pointed their binoculars deep into the eastern sky and in almost unheard of unison, proclaimed that Eid al Fitr this year was to [...]
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Uptight Geo-political environments of Pakistan
Posted on 22. Aug, 2012 by Asif H Raja.

By Brig Asif Haroon Raja India has been principally responsible for disturbing the peace in South Asia because of its habit of meddling into the internal affairs of its smaller and militarily and economically weak neighbors. Her burning desire to become the unchallenged power of the region and that too not by winning the confidence [...]