Archive for 'US'
More high-level fraud at NSA uncovered
Posted on24. Jan, 2012 by Wayne Madsen.
By Wayne Madsen WMR's sources at the National Security Agency (NSA) have reported more high-level fraud at the agency that now combines signals intelligence and cyber-warfare functions under one officer, Army General Keith Alexander, the NSA director and commander of the U.S. Cyber Command. When Alexander's predecessor at NSA, Air Force General Michael Hayden, was [...]
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Ron Paul : The American for Real Change!
Posted on23. Jan, 2012 by Nadir Mir.
No State Actor can hope to get away, after attacking America. The only Non State Actor Al-Qaeda (that too CIA creation) is on the sights of US military power since a decade for this attempt. With two oceans for safety on the flanks, soft neighbours in the North and South, the USA has no one [...]
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US: The Receding Empire
Posted on15. Jan, 2012 by Khalid Iqbal.
By Air Commodore (R) Khalid Iqbal 2011 was indeed an ‘Annus Horribilis’ in the chequered history of Pak-US relations. Likewise, it was a year of global retreat for America. The US kept an unrelenting pressure on Pakistan by taking pot shots on its core national interests. Even the Kashmir cause, so dear to candidate [...]
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Why the US is No Longer a Productive Nation?
Posted on10. Jan, 2012 by Len Hart.
A nation in which wealth is concentrated in the hands of a ruling elite of just 1 percent cannot be productive or efficient. Today –the U.S. is literally owned by China which occupies the No 1 position on the CIA's World Fact Book with the world's largest POSITIVE Current Acct Balance. By Len Hart The [...]
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US: Zionists Political Takeover
Posted on09. Jan, 2012 by Alan Hart.
The Zionization of American politics and how it could be terminated By Alan Hart The first headline I thought of for this article was The Zionization of American democracy and how it could be terminated, but then I said to myself: “Don’t be silly, Alan, there’s no democracy in the ‘Land of the Free.’” Leaving [...]
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Tyranny in the Forecast: The Outlook for the New Year
Posted on03. Jan, 2012 by Paul Craig Roberts.
Preventative war is like Jeremy Bentham’s concept of preventing crime by locking up those thought by the upper crust to be predisposed to criminal activity before they commit a crime. Punishment without crime is now the American Way. By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts In March 2010 when I resigned from my column with Creator’s Syndicate [...]
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US Elections: Get Money Out Of Elections
Posted on28. Dec, 2011 by Michael Moore.
In 2012, I'm Only Backing Candidates Who Pledge to Get Money OUT of Politics — Like Dan Kildee from Flint …a letter from Michael Moore. Dear Friends, I have many things I'm planning to do in the New Year — walk three miles a day, use an eco-friendly laundry detergent, write fewer anonymous letters to [...]
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The Homeland Battlefield
Posted on23. Dec, 2011 by Lawrence Davidson.
An Analysis By Lawrence Davidson Part I – Congress Attacks the Constitution The U.S. Congress has ended the year 2011 by assaulting the Constitution. The attack came in the form of the 2012 National Defense Appropriations Act (NDAA) which passed both the House (December 14) and the Senate (December 15) by large margins despite [...]
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The End of the Bush Cheney Disaster in Iraq
Posted on20. Dec, 2011 by Dr Rodrigue Tremblay.
By Rodrigue Tremblay "Just think of what happened after 9/11. Immediately before there was any assessment there was glee in the [Bush-Cheney] administration because now we can invade Iraq." Ron Paul, U.S. Congressman (R-Tex.) and 2012 Republican presidential candidate “After the war [against Iraq] has ended, the United States will have to rebuild much more than [...]
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A Dangerous Woman: Indefinite Detention at Carswell
Posted on12. Dec, 2011 by Susan Lindauer.
President Obama must veto this bill or confess his hypocrisy as a champion of liberty. And members of Congress who support military detentions or the Patriot Act must be targeted for defeat in 2012. By Susan Lindauer Some things are unforgivable in a democracy. A bill moving through Congress, authorizing the military to imprison American [...]