Archive for 'Palestine'
A lioness of Palestine!
Posted on03. Nov, 2012 by Franklin Lamb.

Fearsome and Awesome Look at you… my beloved Look at you This little fist of yours Slams before the world The final word This little fist of yours Says it all RIGHT is GREATER than MIGHT The sparkle in your eyes BLAZING FIRE [...]
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Israel And Abu Jihad
Posted on02. Nov, 2012 by Alan Hart.
Remembering Abu Jihad and why, really, the Israelis killed him By Alan Hart More than 24 years after the event, and to prevent a battle with the newspaper in the courts, Israeli military censors cleared for publication by Yediot Ahronot a truth – that it was Israeli commandoes who, on 16 April 1988, went all [...]
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Lebanon’s Palestinians
Posted on07. Oct, 2012 by Franklin Lamb.
Fall Semester Brings New Hope for Lebanon’s Palestinians By FRANKLIN LAMB Beirut. As fall semester begins this week for colleges and universities, Lebanon’s 12 Palestinian camps and 12 campuses, continue to swelter under unseasonably high temperatures and heavy humidity with no [...]
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Palestine: Ban Ki-Moon Be In Tune With Time
Posted on27. Sep, 2012 by Alan Hart.

Memo to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon: The door on a two-state solution was closed 45 years ago By Alan Hart UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon told the General Assembly at the start of this week that “the door may be closing for good on a two-state solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict.” He added: “The continued growth [...]
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Killing Palestinians Is No Crime!
Posted on25. Sep, 2012 by Alan Hart.

Jewish atonement but not for Zionism’s crimes against the Palestinians By Alan Hart Yom Kippur, the Day Atonement, (25/26 September this year), is the holiest day in the Jewish year. On BBC Radio 4’s Thought for Today, Britain’s Chief Rabbi, Lord Sacks, explained the significance of the day for Jews. He said, among other things, [...]
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Obama and Palestine
Posted on08. Sep, 2012 by Franklin Lamb.
Sure Obama caved again on Palestine but will he benefit? By Franklin Lamb Beirut As a former law professor President Obama knows something about international law and US constitutional law which he taught at the University of Chicago. But he besmirched his academic bona fides, violated Democratic Party rules and hurt his campaign on 12/5/12 by [...]
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Israel Says: Rachel Made Me Do It
Posted on05. Sep, 2012 by Lawrence Davidson.
'Corrie lives in the hearts of those who fight tyranny, injustice, oppression and barbarism. She would continue to live and haunt Israel and all those who support injustice, oppression and tyranny.“ Raja Mujtaba An Analysis by Lawrence Davidson Caterpillar’s D9-R Armored Bulldozer Rachel Corrie Part I – The Death of Rachel Corrie On 16 March [...]
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The Politics of Power
Posted on05. Sep, 2012 by Debbie Menon.

Burying Truth through Resolutions Pamela Geller: American patriot or extremist firebrand? In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Israel Defeat Jihad (Pamela Geller, San Francisco ad campaign) by William A. Cook The California Assembly’s resolution passed on August 23, 2012, HR 35, purports to condemn “anti-Semitism” in [...]
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Is Palestine a lost cause?
Posted on03. Sep, 2012 by Alan Hart.

If it was too late in 1980 when there were only about 70,000 illegal Jewish settlers on the occupied West Bank including Arab East Jerusalem, how much more too late is it today when they number in excess of 500,000, with that number rising on an almost daily basis, thanks in large part to funding [...]
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Palestine: A Wake-up Call
Posted on03. Sep, 2012 by Debbie Menon.

A Wake-up Call by Stuart Littlewood What I saw during my visits to the West Bank in 2005 and 2006 made me angry. What has happened back home is even more disturbing – US, British and EU politicians ganging up to cut off aid to the Palestinian Authority and collectively punish the people, while [...]