Archive for 'World News'
May-2 offensive against Pakistan
Posted on05. May, 2012 by S M Hali.
by S. M. Hali A year has come and gone since the launch of Operation Geronimo, which was not only a “successful” exercise in eliminating Osama Bin Laden (OBL) by US Navy SEALS but an exposé of the machinations against Pakistan. Whereas on the one hand, the US State Department, Pentagon, CIA and American public have [...]
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Pakistan: Political perspective at a glance
Posted on04. May, 2012 by Asif H Raja.

By Brig Asif Haroon Raja PML-N leaders are in ferocious mood and have threatened convicted PM Gilani to accept Supreme Court (SC) verdict and quit or else face a movement which will throw out his government. Nawaz has indulged in suchlike tantrums in the past as well but time has proven that his jibes have [...]
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May-2 anniversary
Posted on02. May, 2012 by S M Hali.

By S. M. Hali The first anniversary of Operation Geronimo is a moment to reflect for all Pakistanis including the government, the armed forces and security agencies. The operation was a “successful” exercise in eliminating Osama Bin Laden (OBL) by US Navy SEALS but also targeted Pakistan’s sensitivities. Whereas on the one hand, the US State Department, [...]
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Sikhs Demand Khalistan
Posted on01. May, 2012 by Editor.

Sikhs Demand Independence and Release of Political Prisoners The Sikh Community in the UK celebrated the 26th Anniversary of the Khalistan Declaration with wide support from MPs of all parties and British Muslims who recognise that the “Sikhs are a Nation” Birmingham, 30 April 2012: Following the recent massive peaceful protests demanding freedom by their brethren in Punjab, including a total [...]
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Posted on01. May, 2012 by Khalid Iqbal.

One question that will hunt for all times to come, if it was Osama, why wasn’t he taken alive or his body brought before the media? By Air Commodore (R) Khalid Iqbal [...]
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Posted on01. May, 2012 by Editor.

‘If the Musalman could by any means be entirely exterminated, it could be the greatest possible step towards civilizing and Christianizing Hindustan’. A.C Lyall By K. Hussan Zia Much has been written and spoken of late about partition of the subcontinent in some sections of the media that questions Jinnah’s motives and doubts if a [...]
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Egypt-Israel Relations
Posted on30. Apr, 2012 by Franklin Lamb.

Egypt just annulled Mubarak’s natural gas giveaway. Will Sadat’s Camp David and the Zionist Embassy be next? By Franklin Lamb Beirut The Egyptian people are demanding the return of their sovereignty. According to recent opinion surveys they believe it was partially ceded to Israel by the two post-Nasser dictators, Anwar Sadat and [...]
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Posted on30. Apr, 2012 by Khalid Iqbal.

By Air Commodore (R) Khalid Iqbal Pakistan was quick to respond. It test fired its Shaheen 1A missile within a week of India’s launch of Agni V. This indeed was a befitting response and demonstration of national resolve. Pakistan does not seek to enter into an arms race, not it wants to match a weapon-for-weapon [...]
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Unjust War Is A Thankless Job
Posted on30. Apr, 2012 by Asif H Raja.

Pakistan’s sacrifices in GWOT not acknowledged "If you kill your brothers and side the enemy, you will be hooted, hated, ridiculed and hit." Raja Mujtaba By Brig Asif Haroon Raja NATO has reiterated the US old allegation that the ISI is ‘intimately involved’ with the insurgency in Afghanistan and is secretly aiding Afghan Taliban, [...]
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Kabul Attacks and Pakistan-US Re-engagement
Posted on28. Apr, 2012 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Raja G Mujtaba On the subject, S M Hali conducted his weekly Talk, Defence and Diplomacy on PTV. In this talk, besides the author, Prof Salma Malik was also on the panel. The video clipping of the same is embedded at the end of the article. Today lies and fallacies of 911 stand exposed [...]