Archive for 'Mid East'
Sabra-Shatilla: 30 years after the Massacre
Posted on30. Jan, 2012 by Franklin Lamb.
Lebanese politicians still block Palestinian rights By Franklin Lamb Shatila Camp, Beirut We all know it is not just American and Lebanese politicians who use Palestinian refugees as political footballs during electoral campaigns. But they are currently the two most egregious apart from most Zionist politicians in temporarily occupied Palestine. In the US, it would [...]
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The Arab People: Voices of Reason to be heard
Posted on28. Jan, 2012 by Dr Mahboob A Khawaja.
By Mahboob A. Khawaja, Ph.D. At the latest American Republican Presidential debate in Jacksonville, Florida (Thursday, January 26, moderated by Wolf Blitzer, CNN anchorman), Abraham Hassan, an American citizen of Palestinian descent asked a simple question as to how the candidates will facilitate a peaceful resolution between Israel and Palestine. The moderator asked Mitt Romney [...]
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Lebanon’s Maid of Darkness
Posted on23. Jan, 2012 by Franklin Lamb.
……..facing US hates crimes investigation From Lebanon with Hate By Franklin Lamb Increasingly a marionette of the US Zionist lobby, Ms. Brigitte Gabriel has enjoyed a few lucrative and unobstructed years of increasingly hysterical Muslim and Arab bashing. Recently however, she has attracted the attention of the FBI investigating her organization, “Act for America!” () [...]
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Gadhafi versus NTC
Posted on14. Jan, 2012 by Franklin Lamb.
Will a pro-Gadhafi “Green Revolution” topple the NTC? By Franklin Lamb Tripoli This observer was stunned late last week when during a meeting in a Maghreb country with three high ranking former Libyan officials, among hundreds currently in hiding, and some organizing, in countries bordering Libya, one of them, in all earnest, asked me, “Do [...]
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A Tale of Two Squares and Two Movements
Posted on27. Dec, 2011 by Franklin Lamb.
By Franklin Lamb Cairo This observer spent a good part of Christmas Eve divided between two main Cairo Squares, Tahrir and Abassiya, while waiting for a Visa from the Libyan Embassy. A tale of two Squares and two Movements Alexandria, 415 or 416 In the year 415 or 416, on the streets of Alexandria, Egypt, [...]
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Ancient Egypt Knew No Pharaohs
Posted on16. Dec, 2011 by Dr Ashraf Ezzat.
Grab a Pen Mr. Gingrich, it’s Time for your History Lesson “How did America end up in that humiliating situation, where its presidential frontrunners are but a bunch of clowns who are always willing to dance to Israel’s favorite tune?” “The Israelite history is invented and therefore the Zionists could have settled somewhere else than Palestine, Uganda for example, [...]
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American Duplicity and New Realities
Posted on12. Dec, 2011 by Dr Mahboob A Khawaja.
Emerging New Arab Middle East There are more daunting challenges and opportunities ahead for concerned Arab-Muslim scholars and thinkers to grasp the momentum and try to sort out feasible alternatives and remedies and workable solutions. The role and tasks of the societal planners and managers – people dealing with change and management of development [...]
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Who will watch the watchdog?
Posted on11. Dec, 2011 by Maidhc O Cathail.
The pro-Israel NGO behind NATO’s war on Libya is targeting Syria By Maidhc Ó Cathail On December 2, the Geneva-based UN Watch welcomed that day’s “strong condemnation” of Syria by a UN Human Rights Council emergency session, and its establishment of a special rapporteur to monitor the situation there following what it called “a global [...]
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Stuck in the Chimney
Posted on10. Dec, 2011 by Franklin Lamb.
Jeff Feltman Delivers his Annual Yuletide Gifts to Lebanon by FRANKLIN LAMB South Beirut Over the past few years, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Jeffrey Feltman has sledded into Lebanon bearing gifts during the Yuletide season more regularly than Santa Clause. Yet, as happened yesterday, he somehow manages to finish [...]
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Generals warn Obama on Iran attack by Israel
Posted on30. Nov, 2011 by Wayne Madsen.
By Wayne Madsen Sources close to the White House have told WMR that the Obama administration has decided to embark on a neo-Cold War policy aimed at toppling the government of Iran while remaining ambivalent on an Israeli first strike on Iranian nuclear and military facilities. President Obama's reluctance to tell Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin [...]