Archive for 'Kashmir'
Indian Occupied Kashmir: Sadbhavana
Posted on10. Aug, 2012 by Asif H Raja.
India’s deceptive Operation Sadbhavana in occupied Kashmir By Brig Asif Haroon Raja Apart from the ruler of Kashmir Maharaja Hari Singh’s deplorable role in 1947 of signing the instrument of accession of the state to India against the wishes of people of Kashmir and subsequent invasion and forceful occupation of two-third Kashmir by Indian [...]
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The Bleeding Vale of Kashmir
Posted on22. Aug, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Brig Asif Haroon Raja
The cauldron of Kashmir continues to simmer and smolder in view of India’s scorched earth policy. Appalling human rights abuses and atrocities have been committed against civilian population. According to recently published Human Rights report, between 1989 and June 30, 2010, the number of Kashmiris killed at the hands of Indian security forces stands at 93,274
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Similitude between Pakistan and Kashmir
Posted on17. Aug, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Dr Raja Muhammad Khan
The purpose of linking the historical facts and ground realities between Pakistan and Kashmir was that neither the geo-politics nor the natural phenomenon has made a distinction between these two areas, then why we draw the lengthy lines of divisions. This is true to various federating units (provinces) of Pakistan. If Allah Almighty has made us a nation, why some people are bent upon to undo it
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PHILIPPINES: LFS Supports The People Of Kashmir
Posted on11. Aug, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba.

LFS Press Release
Indian brutalities in Indian Occupied Kashmir gets International Focus. Philippines Students Federation has raised a strong voice that has certainly given a new boost to the oppressed Kashmiri people in this hour of need.
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Time to get ‘Kashmir’ centre stage
Posted on09. Aug, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Air Commodore® Khalid Iqbal As a matter of routine, thousands of people defy round the clock curfews in the Indian held Kashmir (IHK) urban areas, burning police vehicles in the streets, shouting ‘Azadi,’ or freedom, and chanting anti-India slogans. Scores of innocent Kashmiris are killed from past several months in IHK, which continues to [...]
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Kashmir an Issue of International Concern
Posted on08. Aug, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Dr Raja Mohammad Khan
Now India must understand that, Kashmiris would be agreeing on not less than the freedom from its illegitimate rule. India should be clear of this aspect, as she has used all methods to control the Kashmiri masses ever since 1947. India has indeed used the military option as the pre-dominant one. There have been over 150 reported deaths of innocent Kashmiris, mostly consisting of young school and college going boys in last two months by Indian Army and paramilitary forces.
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KASHMIR: Cameron, Could You Not See Blood On Manmohan’s Hands?
Posted on01. Aug, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba.

It’s Not Just Gaza; Kashmir Is Also Bleeding. The Role of ‘Memory’ in the present crises in Kashmir By Inshah Malik David Cameron, the British Prime Minister was in Dehli completely blinded by the dollars that he wanted for his ailing economy back in the UK. He showed no concern for the daily falling bodies [...]
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India: The Bleeding Kashmir
Posted on31. Jul, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba.

IF EASTERN TIMOR COULD BE SETTLED WHY NOT KASHMIR? SAME UNO, SIMILAR RESOLUTIONS WHY TWO FACES? By Alam Rind It was the charisma of Bulbul Shah, a Sufi Saint that persuaded King Rinchan from Ladakh to embrace Islam. That laid the foundation of Sufic Islamic culture where Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists co-existed in perfect harmony. In 1339 [...]
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Kashmir In Question
Posted on29. Jul, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba.

INDIA IS NOT BEHIND ISRAEL, IS IT? By Inshah Malik Kashmir has been a political conflict since the time it shifted its governance base from the Dogra rule to India, almost sixty years old. For long it has been ignored in the mainstream politics in India, reducing the Indian extended rule in Kashmir to a [...]
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Draconian Rule In Srinagar
Posted on28. Jul, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Dilnaz Boga 59-year-old Badshah Mir (name changed) cannot let his only son and youngest of three children, Rashid (name changed) out of his sight even for a minute. In June 2008, the police picked up Rashid, who was 16-years-old then, for pelting stones at a police party in Srinagar, the summer capital of Indian [...]