Archive for 'Indo-Pakistan'
MFN Status to India: A National Suicide
Posted on17. Oct, 2011 by Dr Raja M Khan.
"Pitty those who can not differentiate friend from a foe and take the foes to be their well wishers." Raja Mujtaba By Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan Whereas, according to Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar, Pakistan “has decided in principle to grant the Most Favoured Nation (MFN) status to India,” the question arises, would there be [...]
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India: Ladakh Awaiting Attention
Posted on23. Sep, 2011 by Wahab Munir.
By Wahab Munir Qureshi While referring to Indian occupied Kashmir (IOK), the first thing which comes to mind is the renowned Kashmir valley and Jammu district. Kashmir valley and Jammu district collectively constitute about 30% of IOK land, whereas rest of the 70% territory of IOK goes unnoticed. This vast territory is known as Ladakh. [...]
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India Going Mad
Posted on16. Sep, 2011 by Asif H Raja.
India wishes to strike Pakistan before US exits from Afghanistan; a dream that can destroy India. By Brig Asif Haroon Raja Whereas Pakistan is next door neighbor of landlocked Afghanistan, which is dependent upon Pakistan land routes and Karachi port for its imports and exports, Pakistan has never tried to exploit its vulnerability or to [...]
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Indo-Pak Talks: A New Optimism?
Posted on01. Aug, 2011 by Dr Raja M Khan.
By Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan The Indo-Pak Foreign Ministers level meeting held in New Delhi on July 27, 2010. In order to set the agenda for this ministerial level meeting, the foreign secretaries of both countries met a day earlier in New Delhi. Upon arrival back home, the Pakistani Foreign Minister, Ms. Hinna Rabbani Khar, [...]
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America-Pakistan-India Triangle
Posted on31. Jul, 2011 by Khalid Iqbal.
Air Commodore (Retd) Khalid Iqbal Pakistan's ambassador to the United States, who ironically enjoys the reputation of being American ambassador to Pakistan, based in Washington, has recently quipped, "The most hated country in Pakistan is our top trading partner, top aid donor, top weapon supplier and top remittance source". Significant reason behind this anomaly is [...]
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Pak-India talks: A way forward?
Posted on30. Jul, 2011 by S M Hali.
By S M Hali:
The smug faced and condescending S. M. Krishna must be smiling inwards that he got the better of his coy and suave counterpart. It has been India’s resolve to talk of developing and enhancing friendly relations through trade and tourism but let the core issue of Kashmir lie on the backburner.
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Posted on10. Jul, 2011 by Khalid Iqbal.
By Air Commodore Khalid Iqbal:
There is international pressure on both India and Pakistan to start talking; India has all along been urged to abandon its policy of linking all progress in talks to the resolution of Mumbai attack case. Though Ms Rao’s statement has improved the prospects for a better environment for dialogue, it would be a miscalculation to assume any paradigm shift in Indian stance. At this point and time India is enjoying the squeezing that Pakistan is going through and is in no mood to give any breathing space to Pakistan.
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Pakistan-India Relations: Fruitless Dialogue with India
Posted on22. Jun, 2011 by Sajjad Shaukat.
By Sajjad Shaukat:
It is notable that Indian adamant stand in relation to Pak-Indian parleys are not without some sinister designs. In this connection, India is determined to keep its hold on Kashmir which is considered by it as integrated part of the Indian union. India wants to continue state terrorism on the innocent Kashmiris who are waging a ‘war of liberation’ for their legitimate rights.
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India: When Soft And Polite……
Posted on22. May, 2011 by Asif H Raja.
By Brig Asif Haroon Raja:
As the Aman ki Asha preachers were celebrating the apparent thaw in Indo-Pak relations, the incident of 02 May took place which once again rocked Pak-US tenuous relations. Instead of helping Pakistan come out of difficult situation, India exploited it by further instigating USA. It saw it as an opportunity to regain lost ground in Afghanistan, completely marginalize Pakistan as well as nail ISI and lower the image of Pak Army.
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India: Another white lie exposed
Posted on20. May, 2011 by Asif H Raja.
By Brig Asif Haroon Raja Anti-India feeling in Pakistan and anti-Pakistan feeling in India have always been rampant in both countries. Unabated revulsion for each other since the inception of two countries as independent countries has earned them the title of arch rivals. Leaders of India whip up animus against Pakistan out of political expediency [...]