Archive for 'Af-Pak'
Pakistan: Laxity On Western Border Could Be Disastrous
Posted on11. Jul, 2011 by Asif H Raja.

By Brig Asif Haroon Raja Nuclear Security Summit was held in Washington on April 12-13 last year. India tried to exploit the event by drumming up vulnerability of Pak nuclear program and to make a case to deprive it of its nukes. All its plans to get Pakistan censured dashed when Obama and other US [...]
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Zalmay Khalilzad Speaks
Posted on09. Jul, 2011 by Ghayur Ayub.

By Dr Ghayur Ayub:
If it was up to Zalmay Khalilzad, he would rather see: Pakistan disintegrated; Afghan Pakhtuns humiliated; and Islam isolated. In this way, he wishes to see a strong and American-friendly India building on the ashes of Pakistan. But his wishes will not be fulfilled because he ignored four important aspects in his article, namely…..
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Pakistan: One Ball-Six Runs
Posted on02. Jul, 2011 by Hanan Habibzai.

By Hanan Habibzai:
Recently I have been following Imran Khan’s manifesto for a better Pakistan, under his leadership it will emerge better neighbor to Afghanistan as well. I remember 1980s Pakistan, peaceful country, a host for millions of foreigners including western citizens. Contrary to that, today’s Pakistan turned a dangerous place not only for foreigners, but also for local people.
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Afghanistan: Trilateral Talks
Posted on01. Jul, 2011 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Raja G Mujtaba:
The aid money that the US so much drumbeats, is nothing but a few vapours in thin air. Pakistan has given 1.5 billion in a year where as it spends 5 billions a week in Afghanistan, the brunt is being taken by Pakistan and rewards are being given to India for her no active role. India, a country that has no border with Afghanistan is being boosted there only to sandwich Pakistan.
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End Game in Afghanistan
Posted on01. Jul, 2011 by drmuzaffar.

Dr Muzaffar Iqbal:
The United States has never admitted defeat; this is perfectly in line with its self-image. No super power can ridicule the very notion of its “superness” by admitting defeat. This unwillingness, however, does not change the verdict of history: Vietnam was a humiliating affair; Iraq has been a mixed situation, Bush was able to remove Saddam Hussein but that led to the emergence of the first Shia dominated Arab state in modern history and no one knows how this will change the entire Middle East equation.
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The Road Home from Kabul
Posted on30. Jun, 2011 by Editor.

By Senator John Kerry:
The road home from Afghanistan will not be easy. Wars do not end overnight, and we cannot repeat the mistakes of the past by abandoning the region. Even as our troops withdraw, the Taliban and others should understand that the United States remains committed for the long run and will never again tolerate extremist sanctuaries that threaten our interests. But if we focus on what is necessary, achievable, and sustainable, our troops can come home while leaving behind a stable Afghanistan capable of charting its own future.
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The myth of Petraeus’s Taliban captives
Posted on17. Jun, 2011 by S M Hali.

By Sultan M. Hali Truth is the first casualty in the fog of war. The war on terror (wot) being waged in Afghanistan and Pakistan is no exception. The managers of the wot in Pakistan have their own modus operandi and checks and balances but the operations in Afghanistan are often shrouded in cloaks of [...]
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Afghanistan: Where is the political surge?
Posted on15. Jun, 2011 by S M Hali.

By S. M. Hali Last week’s Afghan militants’ rampage in Dir with 300 Afghan based militants attacking villages after storming through the check post being manned jointly by the police and Levies at Shaltalo in Barawal Valley, Dir Upper, killing several security personnel, is a cause for serious concern. The incident is allegedly in retaliation [...]
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Afghanistan: Time to Pack Our Bags
Posted on06. Jun, 2011 by gordon.

Mr. President, Time to Admit “You’ve Been Had!” By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor President Obama is now exploring avenues for a faster withdrawal from Afghanistan. American is flat broke, busted and our allies in Afghanistan have proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that they are far worse than our enemies. Karzai can’t bring his [...]
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Significance of Pak-US and Afghan Strategic Dialogue
Posted on03. May, 2011 by Sajjad Shaukat.

By Sajjad Shaukat While rejecting media assertions on Islamabad advising Kabul against cooperation with the United States, Pakistan’s Ambassador to the US, Husain Haqqani said on May 2, this year that strategic dialogue among Pakistan, Afghanistan and the US is scheduled to be held in Islamabad on May 3. High-level strategic dialogue among the US, [...]