Archive for 'Pakistan Forces'
Pak China Thunders
Posted on16. Nov, 2012 by Hamid Waheed.

By Waheed Hamid The importance of self reliance in Defence Production in Pakistan practically started in 1951 with the establishment of Pakistan Ordnance Factory (POF) at WAH. Over the years the base of defence production expanded production units like Heavy Industries Taxila, Pakistan Aeronautical Complex Kamra and Directorate General of Munitions Production alongwith its R&D organizations. [...]
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JF 17: A Gem Of An Aircraft
Posted on14. Nov, 2012 by Hamid Waheed.

PAF- JF-17 THUNDER ROARS IN THE SKIES OF ZHUHAI CHINA By Waheed Hamid Zhuhai International Air Show in China was inaugurated with an impressive inauguration ceremony today. The Air Show is being participated / attended by professionals & representatives of Aviation Industry from China as well as professionals from all over the world. For participation [...]
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Pakistan: Inside the Military Budget
Posted on06. Jun, 2011 by Dr Raja M Khan.

By Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan For the financial year 2011-12, the Government of Pakistan has increased the country’s Military budget by 12 percent. This also includes the 15% increase in the salaries of the employees. The total amount of the budget is Rs. 495 billion, compared to Rs 442 billion for the year 2010-11. In [...]
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Pakistan: Plugging the Cold Start gap
Posted on27. Apr, 2011 by S M Hali.

By S. M. Hali:
India has been testing its Cold Start doctrine in various war games and military exercises including the current Corps level Exercise “Vijayi Bhav”, in the Rajasthan desertand at the same time has been browbeating Pakistan. However, Nasr or “help” which is also the title of one of the Quranic verses, will ably plug that gap and ensure that India is deterred from any such adventurism.
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India Accepts Pakistan Air Force is a Leading Force
Posted on23. Apr, 2011 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Raja G Mujtaba:
According to official sources, PAF is in the process of acquiring J10 the latest machine from China. The exact number or its assembly or production in Pakistan has not yet been finalized. This aircraft would surpass most of the advance jet fighters and compete with any aircraft in its class.
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S M Hali talks to Pakistan Naval Chief
Posted on11. Mar, 2011 by S M Hali.

S M Hali:
Hali talks to Pakistan Naval Chief, Admiral Noman Bashir
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Pakistan: PN—Apex of Vigilance
Posted on23. Feb, 2011 by S M Hali.

By S. M. Hali:
In the sub-surface forces, PN has embarked upon the modernization and life extension of all existing submarines. Apart from modernization, PN is contemplating expansion of its submarine fleet and in this regard negotiations are underway with reputed submarine builders around the world. The aviation arm of PN is also under major up gradation and induction process.
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PAKISTAN: Indigenous Manufacturing Of JF 17 Aircraft
Posted on03. Jan, 2011 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Air Commodore Sohail Malik:
The JF 17 Thunder Programme is a landmark achievement in the quest for realizing a dream through friendly cooperation between two countries. The co production of JF 17, a vital and integral element of the overall programme, is undoubtedly a challenging project undertaken by Pakistan Aeronautical Complex in support of the national goal of self reliance. The newly established state of the art facilities represent a quantum leap in the technological capability of PAC and shall be a forerunner of even bigger endeavours.
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Pakistan Air Force: Display of Professional Excellence
Posted on23. Dec, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Raja G Mujtaba:
The foundation of the ‘Sherdil’ was laid way back in the 50s when in 1958, a formation of 16 F 86s Sabers performed a loop in diamond formation. This was the biggest formation of that time anywhere in the world. As a child, I was a witness of this feat that was performed before King Zahir Shah of Afghanistan. This formation was followed by solo displays and napalm bombing to display the firepower for the visiting dignitary.
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Pakistan Air Force: A Power to Reckon With
Posted on22. Dec, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Raja G Mujtaba:
The mission of PAF is to maintain peace with honor in the region. We live in volatile and uncertain times, in such environment it is a difficult mission. However, our commitment and resolve to defend Pakistan is unshakable”. He further added “Whenever required, PAF will employ all assets and resources at its disposal, including these aircraft to defend the nation against external and internal threats”.