Archive for 'Interviews'
Iran is singled out for its defiance of Washington
Posted on09. Jul, 2011 by Kourosh Ziabari.

By Kourosh Ziabari:
. Obama talked a lot different than Bush, but rhetoric aside, his actual policy towards Iran is exactly the same as his predecessor’s. Obama’s main opponent, John McCain, was certainly even more radical in his position on Iran.
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Criticize Israel and lose your career
Posted on07. Jul, 2011 by Kourosh Ziabari.

By Kourosh Ziabari:
I feel that people should simply ignore these attacks and continue to write and speak as honestly and accurately as possible. Such smears have become so widespread that they are beginning to be a bit like crying wolf too often. An increasing number of Americans are rolling their eyes when they hear that yet another person with no record of bigotry is allegedly “anti-Semitic.”
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Countering Iran
Posted on08. Jun, 2011 by Kourosh Ziabari.

the major factor behind US support for Bahrain: Deepak Tripathi By Kourosh Ziabari Deepak Tripathi is a British historian, journalist and researcher who specializes in South and West Asia affairs, terrorism and the United States foreign policy. He was born into a political family in Unnao, the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. His grandfather, Pandit [...]
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Jeff Rense Hosts Raja Mujtaba
Posted on10. May, 2011 by Editor.

Raja Mujtaba speaks to Jeff Rense on todays most controversial topic – Osama Bin Laden. On 10th May, Jeff Rense, a renowned journalist interviewed Raja Mujtaba on his show. The basic or the core subject was Osama Bin Laden. Pakistan-US relations after the showdown at Abbottabad. This incident has made the position of Pakistan very [...]
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US support for brutal dictators
Posted on10. May, 2011 by Kourosh Ziabari.

A source of frustration in the Middle East: Anthony DiMaggio An in-depth interview with Anthony DiMaggio on Middle East, Iran, Israeli-Palestinian conflict and Egyptian Revolution Interview by Kourosh Ziabari Anthony DiMaggio is a university professor, writer, political commentator and media expert. He is the author of numerous books, including Mass Media, Mass Propaganda (2008), When [...]
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Raja Mujtaba On Mark Glenn Show
Posted on07. May, 2011 by Editor.

Osama was never present in Abbottabad, for all that is known, he is dead long time ago. Had the Americans got Osama, his body like a trophy would have been traded in every state of the US, world media would have been invited to make it widely aired for the world to see. Why the body was cremated and then disposed off in the sea has raised more questions than providing any answers.
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Anthony Lawson Speaks His Mind
Posted on03. May, 2011 by Kourosh Ziabari.

By Kourosh Ziabari:
“Suppressing free and open discussion on any subject is as bad as telling lies, and knowingly suppressing the truth is the biggest lie of all, because it is based, not on a mistake or a genuine error, but on a deliberate intention to deceive,” writes Anthony Lawson in one of his articles.
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Arab Revolt Against Washington!
Posted on22. Apr, 2011 by Kourosh Ziabari.

How on earth can it justify waging remote-controlled drone warfare in Pakistan — a putatively friendly country — in which thousands of perfectly innocent people have been slaughtered? Each drone attack plants the seeds of resentment that will eventually blossom into anti-American terrorism — which, in turn, will be used to justify even further adventures in imperial violence, until the dollar collapses and the Empire withers like a scorched spider. I suspect that all of this will end like Vietnam, or the Soviet occupation — but worse, by several orders of magnitude.
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Israel Will Not Collapse But Dissolve
Posted on19. Apr, 2011 by Kourosh Ziabari.

By Kourosh Ziabari:
The United States, in large measure due to its installment of dictators, now finally being toppled by their repressed peoples, its theft and exploitation of natural resources in the region, and its wars against the civilian populations in the region, is being expelled along with its allies.
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Raja Mujtaba On The Ugly Truth Show
Posted on19. Apr, 2011 by Editor.

Mark Glenn, an activist who supports Muslim-Christian Brotherhood interviewed Raja Mujtaba for his show on 18th April 2011 In this show, the prevalent situation in the Muslim World has been discussed in depth with a particular focus on Pak-US relations. Pak-US relations have never enjoyed the trust, Pakistan has always been betrayed and let down [...]