Archive for 'Flash Points'
Gaza: Egypt Between the devil and the deep blue sea
Posted on17. Nov, 2012 by Editor.

Egypt stuck in the middle of Israel-Palestine conflict By Michael Hughes Despite fiery anti-Israeli rhetoric emanating from Cairo on Friday, Egyptian leaders have struck a delicate balance between supporting Hamas and placating Washington, as violence continues to escalate in Gaza. Although Egypt recalled its ambassador from Tel Aviv and dispatched Prime Minister Hesham Kandil to Gaza on Friday [...]
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Kashmir is Pakistan!
Posted on03. Nov, 2012 by Nadir Mir.

By Brig Nadir Mir Kashmir is disputed between Pakistan and India. If Indian held Kashmir (IHK) was part of India then what is the dispute? The dispute is that Kashmir which should have been part of Pakistan is illegally and forcibly occupied by India. A recent Pakistan Interior Ministry statement reportedly equating Kashmir and other [...]
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Kashmir’s Agony
Posted on21. Oct, 2012 by Hamid Waheed.

By Waheed Hamid The BLACK Day of Kashmiris once again reminds of the time of independence of Pakistan, when people of Kashmir demanded to join Pakistan. The Maharaja, fearing tribal war, gave way to the Indian military pressure and agreed to join India by, ‘signing' the controversial Instrument of Accession on 26 October 1947. Kashmir was [...]
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Pakistan: Remember October!
Posted on17. Oct, 2012 by Hamid Waheed.

By Waheed Hamid The month of October is remembered with so many gloomy incidents which have made this part of the world suffer and humanity cry that we often forget 27th October the BLACK DAY for Kashmir. The tragedies of earth quake, floods and now attack on Malala of Swat has further increased the miseries [...]
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Kashmir ‘Martyrs’ Day
Posted on13. Jul, 2012 by S M Hali.

By S M Hali Kashmir ‘Martyrs’ Day’ is observed every year on 13 July to commemorate this day in 1931, when 21 Kashmiris made the supreme sacrifice of their valuable lives for the supreme cause of freedom of Kashmir from the clutches of despotic Dogra rulers. Dogra rule (1846-1947), which is considered the darkest period [...]
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Democratic Rights of Kashmiri Youth
Posted on07. Jun, 2012 by Assabah Khan.
Centre for Policy Analysis (CPA ) organized Convention on Democratic Rights of Youth in Kashmir in Srinagar By Assabah Khan On 2nd of June 2012, CPA organised Convention on Democratic Rights of Youth in Kashmir. The Venue of the Convention was Institute of Management Rural Development and Public Administration in the Kashmir Valley. On this [...]
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Inshah Fighting For Kashmir
Posted on25. May, 2012 by Inshah Malik.

Inshah Malik is trying rebuild Kashmir with a different weapon – her pen Young writer Inshah Malik tells the stories of Kashmiri women and the often brutal effects on them from decades of conflict. Note: Inshah Malik is a frequent contributor to Opinion Maker. By Rebecca Byerly, SRINAGAR, INDIA-CONTROLLED KASHMIR Inshah Malik may have a [...]
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Human Rights Violations In Indian Occupied Kashmir
Posted on18. May, 2012 by S M Hali.
Repealing AFSPA—need of the hour "The UN Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions took a serious exception to concerns about unlawful killings, both in terms of prevention and accountability. His emphasis was on the use of force by state actors like the police and the armed forces." By S. M. Hali Christof Heyns, United Nations [...]
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Posted on08. May, 2012 by Khalid Iqbal.

By Air Commodore (R) Khalid Iqbal Excerpts from the Governor General of India’s letter, of October 27, 1947, to Maharaja of Kashmir make an interesting read: “Your Highness’s letter dated 26th October has been [...]
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Farooq Ahmad Dar Harassed by Indian Government
Posted on24. Apr, 2012 by Assabah Khan.

By Assabah Khan Kashmir Centre E U Issued A Press Release In Which It Condemns Harassment Of FarooQ Ahmad Dar By Indian Government Forces in Indian Administerd Kashmir. In recent days the Chairman of the JKLF (Real ), Farooq Ahmad Dar, has seen his house and offices raided and a number of threats made against [...]