Archive by Author
The Pampered NATO Soldiers
Posted on11. Jan, 2012 by Yousaf Alamgirian.

By Yousaf Alamgirian Pampering is very important if done in proper age. Too much pampering of a kid or anyone can ruin his personality and life. It maybe comical for many of the readers but it is true that NATO soldiers wear pampers and use diapers when go for operation against the Taliban in Afghanistan. [...]
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Killing Kids: Disgracing the Humanity
Posted on16. Sep, 2011 by Yousaf Alamgirian.

By Yousaf Alamgirian One is stunned how a human can accept the responsibility of such a brutality killing school going children. The Peshawar school bus attack has saddened each and every Pakistani and has left piece for thought who the hell these people are and where do they would have been brought up as they [...]
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Strong Balochistan is strong Pakistan
Posted on04. Aug, 2011 by Yousaf Alamgirian.

Pakistan Army a vital link for national harmony, development and integration. By Yousaf Alamgirian ‘ Development for all’ is the phenomenon to enable all members of the society to play pivotal role in their respective spheres. Due to the decades long elite led system of the governments and the political chaos in the country many [...]
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Norway: Cold Blooded Killings
Posted on25. Jul, 2011 by Yousaf Alamgirian.

By Yousaf Alamgirian Terrorist attacks in Norway must be an eye opener for those European and the western countries which blame Islam for extremism. Extremism has no religion. Extremists are enemies of the humanity. Two deadly attacks in Norway that killed at least 91 people is a sad knick-knack that domestic extremism remains a serious [...]
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WikiLeaks: Indian Army and Siachen
Posted on05. Jun, 2011 by Yousaf Alamgirian.

By Yousaf Alamgirian Amid the WikiLeaks disclosed the fact Indian army was engaged in extra judicial killing in Indian held Kashmir the Pak-India talks on Siachen couldn’t achieve success due to Indian army’s resistance. Ironically when Pakistan was interested to reach to some point of conciliation the Indian army came into the way of little [...]
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Pakistan Nukes and 28th May
Posted on27. May, 2011 by Yousaf Alamgirian.

By Yousaf Alamgirian:
America’s war strategy in Afghanistan has already met a failure as former UK envoy to Afghanistan Sir Sherard Cowper has said that American Afghan war tactics are profoundly wrong. The Guardian UK narrates that “Britain’s former ambassador to Afghanistan has attacked the conduct of the war by the US commander, Gen David Petraeus, describing the future CIA chief’s tactics as counterproductive and “profoundly wrong”. Sir Sherard Cowper-Coles, who also served as the UK’s special envoy for Afghanistan and Pakistan, added that Petraeus should be “ashamed of himself” for making claims of the number of insurgent commanders his forces had killed.”
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India’s Terror Errors
Posted on22. May, 2011 by Yousaf Alamgirian.

By Yousaf Alamgirian:
India has to understand the fact that if it is really sincere to have peaceful environment in the region then it has to refrain from such blame games. As this sort of a dirty game never supports any of the friendly moves. On one side India is fond enough to have trade relations with Pakistan, it was interested to have Iran gas pipeline through Pakistan and it has inked an agreement on Afghan Transit Trade with Pakistan and on the other it goes so a cheap that at least bigger nations never be expected for. No one knows how much time India is going to take to grow up enough to set aside this mindset in the greater interest of the both sides’ masses.
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Stealing The Victory
Posted on14. May, 2011 by Yousaf Alamgirian.

By Yousaf Alamgirian:
American secretary of state Mrs Hillary Clinton herself admitted that it is the America who supported Mujahdeens during Russian invasion. America used these elements and then left these actors unattended to play their game the way they want. America supported the people from all over to world to come to south Asia to fight against Russia.