Archive by Author
Refusing to Raise U.S. Debt Is Not the End of the World Doom
Posted on27. Apr, 2011 by Tommy Tucci.

By Tommy Tucci:
The world as we now know is an effort to continue with a flawed systemic century old dynamic which is counter-intuitive to capitalism, free markets, sovereignty, freedom, and self- dignity. Operated by a defunct cadre or bankrupt syndicate. “In the absence of that which you are not, that which you are… is not.”
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U.S. #1 Axiom “There Is No Argument For Success” Veil Pierced
Posted on16. Apr, 2011 by Tommy Tucci.

By Tommy Tucci:
Disguising the facade of terrorism and fabricated enemy the U.S. consolidates illegal cartels and monopolies on future contracts and prices by eternal war against humanity for absolute control of global assets, property, and labor. U.S. International crime syndicates hides behind the lofty ideals of national sovereignty, sovereign currency, and sovereign debt.
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Connecting: Financing of Illegal Wars on “Humanity”
Posted on11. Apr, 2011 by Tommy Tucci.

By Tommy Tucci:
The significant and strong conflict between corrupt organized U.S. cartels and the anomalies recited by high level academic, bureaucratic, banking and economic derelicts. America is heavily weighted with severe narcissistic incompetents, cavalier academic derelicts, legions, and cadres of organized criminals manufacturing a nation that can barely get through one 24 hour period without compounding crises upon crises.
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Manhunt Over James Allan Khan…….
Posted on06. Apr, 2011 by Tommy Tucci.

By Tommy Tucci:
Repeating the miserable death and destruction of 19th and 20th Century humanity by paranoid emotional ejaculations and self destruction. The continuation of illegal syndication, cartels, monopolies and wars are ratcheting up the irradiation of the entire planet with radioactivity toxins and poisons. “All levels of radiation is known to cause cancer. No amount of radiation is Safe” Posted by The dysfunctional methodology is blindsiding all rational reality of the great impending consequences. They are going to need more than the fictional phony alibi a/k/a James Allan Kahn to get through the 21st Century.
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US: Tragedy of Empire Collapse
Posted on01. Apr, 2011 by Tommy Tucci.

By Tommy Tucci:
Deranged human inhabitants steering their rudderless ship of state populated from stern to bow with frivolous citizenry ignorant of their direction and demise. An objective metaphor for flawed domestic and foreign ideology that transposes directly to a “Ship of Fools” results in igniting its very own self destruction and deep Titanic sinking demise. ”Truth hurts, Lies kills. Real truth behind the phony wars”
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Obama, Third Impudent War on Libya……
Posted on29. Mar, 2011 by Tommy Tucci.

By Tommy Tucci:
“No nation can survive treason from within”Marcus Tillius Ciceroc.106Bc -c.43BC. No nation that relegates itself ’second class position status’ to a private corporation entity or to a foreign country can ever hope to be a sovereign nation with rights to self detemination. Therefore, the executive branch takes second position by parroting behind the scenes pronounced flawed century old ideology of a racist military war criminal culture.
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Private Corporation Official Admits Impending U.S. Bankruptcy
Posted on24. Mar, 2011 by Tommy Tucci.

By Tommy Tucci:
Major mainstream corrupt media clowns and bag men siren strong propaganda by selling the debt entitlement hoax to condition the U.S. citizenry to blind acceptance of illogical outcomes. Suspensions and downsizing of funds required to be returned by law to the current retirees pension funds citizenry and veterans support programs are currently on high radar alert.
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US: Following Oil Drug Cartels
Posted on21. Mar, 2011 by Tommy Tucci.

By Tommy Tucci:
Nevertheless, U.S. arrogant Imperialists document a decade of ‘Too big to Fail’ crime organization incompetence masking a pretext “terrorist” threat myth. A decade resulting in accelerating oil prices by illegal invasions, war on humanity, and genocides at a cost of and the confiscation of $ trillions of taxpayer labor, property, and hard assets.
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DC-New York-Hollywood Axis of Evil Culture
Posted on15. Jul, 2010 by Tommy Tucci.
By Tommy Tucci What happened to the 'American Experience' National Public Radio Perpetuates? The 'Faces Of America,' an NPR promoted program. The individual immigrant spirit, the forever blue sky of freedom, accomplishment, Democracy that all people can peruse, the awe inspiring freedom of speech guaranteed by our magnificent US Constitution, Articles Bill of Rights. America [...]