Archive by Author
Could India become another Pakistan
Posted on15. Aug, 2012 by Tarik Jan.
Indian leaders neither had the vision nor the political will to integrate and consolidate the Union to make it a cohesive 'whole' based on rule of law, progress and prosperity for all. The result is the emergence of thousands of isolated compartments based on regionalism. Religion, caste, tribal and non-tribal, dumb inner line permit systems [...]
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In the Monkey House
Posted on30. Apr, 2012 by Tarik Jan.

"One need to be a monkey to face the monkeys or you trap them and shut them up" Raja Mujtaba By Tarik Jan The American author Gore Vidal is an unusual person. A great fiction writer, a historian, a critic, and lately a pamphleteer, he is above all an Avant Garde, who can blaze trails [...]
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Pakistan and the Economic Block
Posted on10. Jan, 2012 by Tarik Jan.

Our grouping with the Muslim nations westward and in Central Asia goes beyond survival to a life surge while in SAARC we are entombed into the secular non-Muslim lap of India. By Tarik Jan Should Pakistan strive for an active economic block with Central and Middle Eastern states or it let itself submerge in the [...]
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Jinnah and Secularism: Crime of Jinnah
Posted on15. Sep, 2011 by Tarik Jan.

[Much has been written about Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s views on the direction of our state. Many such articles were secular propaganda proving the Quaid as a secularist and distorting his image at the expense of academic honesty. In all such efforts the focus was on his August 11 speech. If anybody tried to correct secular [...]
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Pakistan: Objectives Resolution and Secular Deceptions
Posted on22. Aug, 2011 by Tarik Jan.

By Tarik Jan Whoever said it has said it well that you cannot deceive all the people all the time. Our secularists think they can do it because they dominate the media. This time they are twisting facts to undermine the Objectives Resolution Article 2-A of the constitution. The lady columnist of the Daily Times [...]
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Pakistan: Playing with History the Secular Way
Posted on15. Aug, 2011 by Tarik Jan.

By Tarik Jan March 13, 2011 Daily Times published an article captioned as “12 March: the death of Jinnah’s Pakistan.” Irrespective of the fact that the said caption left a bitter taste in the mouth, the write up was a travesty of common sense and logic, dotted with historical errors and raised on a tangled [...]
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Pakistan: Talking of Impartial and Fair Media
Posted on17. Apr, 2011 by Tarik Jan.

By Tarik Jan August 13, 2010 the Urdu daily Jang carried a news item in three-column space on its front page based on responses to its own opinion poll solicited from a number of intellectuals, bureaucrats, lawyers, industrialists on the advisability of having the Objectives Resolution (Article 2-A) in the constitution and whether it was [...]
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Feminism is an exaggerated stretch
Posted on01. Mar, 2011 by Tarik Jan.

By Tarik Jan:
In Muslim societies feminism cannot be exclusionary – it has to be inclusionary embracing men as well, for they are not adversary to women but partners in goodness and well being. At the same time, it should affirm women’s uniqueness because they are the fount of life; the maker of families and civilization. Other than their biological makeup they are equal with men in all aspects. They are not men like either nor do they have to become men in order to receive their respect. They are their own person. They are women.