Archive by Author

Indian Military Strategic Thinking and Doctrine

Posted on26. Mar, 2012 by .


By Shafei M Hali “India has arrived”[1] is a statement that is bustling in the global arena.   India is fast developing into an economic juggernaut that has yet to achieve its maximum speed and looking at the way it is poised on the economic and global front, the predictions are that India will be challenging [...]

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Social Sciences in Pakistan—a bright future

Posted on25. Mar, 2012 by .


By Shafei Moiz Hali According to a survey based on education conducted by Gallup, the higher education for our youth is divided in to two broad disciplines Arts and Sciences. “Arts” is adopted by 33% while “science” is adopted by 67% of the students pursuing higher education. Now within the smaller segment of 33%, “economics” [...]

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Failure of “Fail-Safe” Mechanisms in Japan

Posted on17. Mar, 2011 by .


By Shafei M Hali:
Japan is currently dealing with its worst disaster since WW II. On March 11th, at 2:46PM during the usual hustle and bustle a massive 8.9/9.0 magnitude earthquake hit the North-eastern Japan, followed by a tsunami with waves as high as 20-30 feet slammed Japan’s eastern coast and wreaked havoc; killing hundreds of people as it swept away boats, cars and homes while widespread fires burned out of control.

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Posted on11. Mar, 2011 by .


By Shafei M Hali:
Every country that holds a large sized military is critical of defense spending in light of distribution of scarce resources. The dilemma of the “guns versus butter” trade-off is what leads the people in these countries to complain about the large chunk of their national budget being allocated to the military. These conscientious objectors are perhaps oblivious of the fact that the military is a necessity; especially for countries like Pakistan which inherited the need to maintain a massive military since its inception owing to the security concerns and a hostile eastern neighbor.

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