Archive by Author
Balochistan An Internal Matter
Posted on27. Feb, 2012 by Raja Mujtaba.

Defence & Diplomacy By Raja G Mujtaba On last Thursday, S M Hali conducted a debate on PTV with Air Marshal Shahid Latif and Ahmed Qureshi on the panel. It did cover a major area but there is lot that needs to be covered and said. The video clipping is placed at the end of [...]
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Pakistan Navy: Ready To Face Challenges
Posted on19. Feb, 2012 by Raja Mujtaba.

Defence & Diplomacy By Raja G Mujtaba “The persistence of unresolved regional conflicts makes nuclear weapons a powerful lure in many parts of the world—to intimidate neighbours and to serve as a deterrent to great powers who might otherwise intervene in a regional conflict.” Henry Kissinger* Whenever any country acquires some ambitious role, be its [...]
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The Terrorists And The Public Sentiment
Posted on06. Feb, 2012 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Raja G Mujtaba Terrorism had hit Pakistan to the extent that it nearly rocked it. It had become a daily routine where suicide killings, high profile military targets and public places were focused very sharply. Objective being to demoralize and tame the public to an extent that they lose faith in the state. A [...]
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Pakistan-Myanmar Relations
Posted on28. Jan, 2012 by Raja Mujtaba.

Defence and Diplomacy By Raja G Mujtaba Asif Ali Zardari paid a state visit to Myanmar from 22nd Jan to 24th Jan 2012, perhaps the first by any head of the state. This visit may not be ringing bells anywhere but certainly can develop into much fruitful economic, cultural, educational and tourism relationship. During this [...]
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Prime Minister Gillani in the Docks: Aljazeera Report
Posted on23. Jan, 2012 by Raja Mujtaba.

Immunity clause 248 was not part of this case; Yousaf Raza Gillani has brought it in; if the court rules out immunity, Zardari and Gillani both would be struck. By Raja G Mujtaba National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO) has become the undetected cancer growth that has emerged when it was fully blown up and ready to [...]
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Endgame Afghanistan & Pakistan’s Rope
Posted on20. Jan, 2012 by Raja Mujtaba.

Defence and Diplomacy- By Raja G Mujtaba Before we discuss endgame in Afghanistan, we must know what the American objectives were, have those objectives been achieved and if not would America really walk out of Afghanistan. If we do not discuss American objectives, we really cannot understand the endgame. The US created conditions through 9/11 [...]
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Pakistan: Zardari-Gillani Nexus
Posted on13. Jan, 2012 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Raja G Mujtaba Apparently smooth relationship between the Political government and Military Establishment got a first blow when Raymond Davis shot dead two innocent Pakistanis. Against all established facts and norms, Asif Ali Zardari and Interior Minister were hell bent to grant diplomatic immunity to the American killer. Shah Mahmood Qureshi not only opposed [...]
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Pakistan: Revisiting its Foreign Policy
Posted on06. Jan, 2012 by Raja Mujtaba.

Defence & Diplomacy By Raja G Mujtaba S M Hali held a well conducted debate on the foreign policy of Pakistan where Advocate Tariq Pirzada was more forthcoming. Professor Hamid expressed his views with some reservations. Foreign policy of any country is the true barometer or litmus test of its true sovereignty. To ensure a [...]
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Pakistan Standing To Pressures
Posted on29. Dec, 2011 by Raja Mujtaba.

External and internal pressures of sorts are being exerted on Pakistan By Brig Asif Haroon Raja Pakistan’s adversaries huddled in Kabul had chalked out a comprehensive covert game plan in 2001 to destabilize, denuclearize, de-Islamize and fragment Pakistan spread over several years. They had pinned high hopes in Gen Musharraf and his King’s Party to [...]
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Imran Khan: Gaining Momentum
Posted on27. Dec, 2011 by Raja Mujtaba.

“When I think that Pakistan has come into being, it gives immense satisfaction to my soul; it was a difficult task, I could not have accomplished it alone. In doing so the blessings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) were with me; now it’s our responsibility that we fulfill our obligation by following Khulfae Rashideen so that [...]