Archive by Author
PRESS TV Banned in UK!
Posted on23. Oct, 2011 by Kourosh Ziabari.

Ofcom and state-sponsored censorship By Kourosh Ziabari Although the UK's state media regulator Ofcom has ruled that Press TV should be taken off the Sky platform for the compensation of what is claimed to be the violation of "Ofcom's Broadcasting Code," it's almost clear to everyone that the voice of truth and impartiality cannot be [...]
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A New Book Of World Records
Posted on13. Oct, 2011 by Kourosh Ziabari.

An Iranian rival for the Guinness Book of World Records By Kourosh Ziabari The Guinness Book of World Records is being challenged with the efforts of a determined Iranian journalist. A new rival is slated to take the place of Guinness World Records in the near future. Sayyed Mortaza Mirseradji, Iranian researcher, journalist and essayist [...]
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The importance of being anti-Israeli
Posted on22. Sep, 2011 by Kourosh Ziabari.

By Dr. Ismail Salami When valleys accuse their mountains of having altitude-and march denounces april as a saboteur then we'll believe in that incredible unanimal mankind (and not until). — e.e. cummings Anti-Israeli sentiments have begun to surge radically as the Israeli officials are going through fire and water to prevent the Palestinian bid for [...]
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Hurricane Irene: A new mismanagement
Posted on01. Sep, 2011 by Kourosh Ziabari.

By Kourosh Ziabari The 2011 Hurricane Irene which has encompassed large parts of the United States and left some 40 people dead so far once again underlined the incapability of the U.S. administration in handling a national crisis and reminded the American citizens of the deadly mismanagement of former President George W. Bush in dealing [...]
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Charity begins at home, Uncle Sam!
Posted on30. Aug, 2011 by Kourosh Ziabari.

By Dr. Ismail Salami and Kourosh Ziabari As the United States is caught up in a number of conflicts and military expeditions around the world, the economic situation of the North American nation is deteriorating on a daily basis, unfolding a devastative crisis with repercussions that go far beyond the tolerance of the U.S. citizens. [...]
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Palestine: Arduous odyssey of statehood
Posted on26. Aug, 2011 by Kourosh Ziabari.

Even the close allies of Israel and those who support the continued occupation of Palestine admit in their privacy that the actions and policies of the Israeli regime are beyond the pale and run counter to the very principles of humanity and morality. By Dr. Ismail Salami and Kourosh Ziabari The plight of the Palestinian people [...]
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Libya after Gaddafi
Posted on22. Aug, 2011 by Kourosh Ziabari.

By Dr. Ismail Salami The tyrannical rule under Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, in power for 42 years, has practically run its course as the Libyan rebels have seized most parts of the capital city, Tripoli. That the old-time ruler will step down or face a tragic end is sure to happen but it is not quite [...]
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Iran sanctions: Much ado about nothing
Posted on19. Aug, 2011 by Kourosh Ziabari.

By Dr. Ismail Salami and Kourosh Ziabari:
When Mohammad Reza Pahlavi fled Iran, the country was practically in the hands of American and British consultants and advisors. Imam Khomeini’s movement was a popular uprising against the de facto occupation of Iran by the United States and Britain and this was extremely unfavorable and bitter for the White House. They provoked Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein to wage a war against Iran in the high hopes that a heavy military expedition would paralyze Iran and bring the Islamic Republic to its knees.
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Iran Stands Firm!
Posted on16. Jul, 2011 by Kourosh Ziabari.

By Kourosh Ziabari:
The reasons why Iran’s nuclear program has become controversial are twofold. First, Iran’s decision to materialize its rights under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) to develop peaceful applications of nuclear technology and nuclear fuel cycle in particular; what can make this controversial in the eyes of Western powers is the dual use of nuclear technology.
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A Murdoch produced scandal
Posted on14. Jul, 2011 by Kourosh Ziabari.

By Kourosh Ziabari The scandalous closure of the "News of the World" tabloid after 168 years of publication once again demonstrated the Western media's lack of adherence to codes of ethics and morality in journalism and showed to the international community that what is advertised as the freedom of speech in the West is nothing [...]