Archive by Author
Syria Under Fire: Zionist Destabilization Hits Critical Mass – Part 1
Posted on18. Aug, 2011 by Jonathan Azaziah.

By Jonathan Azaziah Since 2004, the Zionist entity’s Mossad and its American partners in the Zionist-founded, Zionist-run National Endowment for Democracy (NED) have funded, armed and trained various opposition factions in Syria, spawning an army of ‘democracy-seeking activists’ ready to mobilize on command. An operations team was assembled by the House of Saud and the [...]
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Massacre In Norway – Part 3
Posted on09. Aug, 2011 by Jonathan Azaziah.

Despite the fact that the Norwegian government recognizes the illegitimate and criminal existence of the Zionist entity and has actively participated in the (Israeli-led) international conspiracy against Syria by slapping the Arab nation with sanctions, relations between Tel Aviv and Oslo have been anything but friendly. The Motives: Norwegian-Israeli Tension Across The Board By Jonathan Azaziah [...]
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Massacre In Norway – Part 2
Posted on08. Aug, 2011 by Jonathan Azaziah.

Zionist Media Analysis II: The Unreported and The Downplayed By Jonathan Azaziah “So let us fight together with Israel, with our Zionist brothers against all anti-Zionists, against all cultural Marxists and multiculturalists (23).” ~ Anders Behring Breivik. This quote, from Breivik’s startling manifesto, has been completely repressed by the Zionist media. It’s no surprise why. [...]
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Massacre In Norway – Part 1
Posted on06. Aug, 2011 by Jonathan Azaziah.

By Jonathan Azaziah:
“The sheep” believe that there is an international ‘Islamic’ terrorist organization known as Al-Qaeda that is responsible for a great majority of the world’s terror attacks. The sheep are unaware that Al-Qaeda doesn’t exist, it never has existed and it is nothing more than a creation of Zionist neo-conservative warmongers to be
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Syria: Zionist Mobilization Kicks Into High Gear-Part 2
Posted on20. Jul, 2011 by Jonathan Azaziah.

By Jonathan Azaziah To read part I click here. Below is the document in its entirety, which fully corroborates the evidence revealed in the ‘Kiss of Democratic Death’ series: The Juppé – Erdogan Agreement: France, through its Foreign Minister Alain Juppé, attentively views that Turkey joining the European Union will greatly serve an important role [...]
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Syria: Zionist Mobilization Kicks Into High Gear-Part 1
Posted on19. Jul, 2011 by Jonathan Azaziah.

By Jonathan Azaziah Editor's Note: WARNING – Photos and hyperlinks in the 'conclusion' section of this essay are of extremely graphic nature. They have been included in this piece due to their unequivocal importance to the overall view of what is taking place in Syria. The hasbara (propaganda) that is spread throughout the Zionist-owned mainstream media is identical [...]
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Kiss Of ‘Democratic’ Death Part II
Posted on11. Jul, 2011 by Jonathan Azaziah.

By Jonathan Azaziah:
No attack on sovereign nations, whether overt like in Libya or covert like in Syria, comes without a steady flow of propaganda against the ‘hostile environment’ being targeted. And the psychological warfare being waged against Syria is exceedingly heavy. The Zionist-run, Zionist-owned Western mainstream press was not alone in this sustained campaign of skullduggery though.
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Kiss Of ‘Democratic’ Death Part I
Posted on09. Jul, 2011 by Jonathan Azaziah.

By Jonathan Azaziah:
Al-Jumhuriyyah al-Arabiyyah as-Suriyyah, the Syrian Arab Republic, or simply, Syria, is being systematically assaulted by the world’s arrogant powers. No, Syria isn’t being bombarded with bombs and missiles from helicopter gunships or F-16s (at least… not yet). It is being bombarded by something else; something more sinister, more cunning and deadlier. It is being bombarded by an entity that is almost full of life in its undying intransigence: Zionist-designed, Zionist-enforced ‘democracy.’
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Operation Phantasmagoria Part III
Posted on20. Jun, 2011 by Jonathan Azaziah.

By Jonathan Azaziah:
It was a typical Monday morning in the Jenin refugee camp, located in the north of the Zionist-occupied West Bank. Warm weather was accentuated by the breathtaking geographics, the gorgeous Jordan Valley to the east, the stunning Marj Ibn Amr to the north and the beautiful Samarah mountains in the south
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Operation Phantasmagoria Part II
Posted on19. Jun, 2011 by Jonathan Azaziah.

Gaza and Al-Quds, Linked In Blood by Jonathan Azaziah Prelude: In Part I, the hasbara behind the March 11th murders on the illegal Zionist settlement of Itamar was thoroughly debunked, absolving Palestinians of all wrongdoing and presenting evidence for Israeli orchestration of the slaying of the Fogel family as well as displaying in detail that [...]