Archive by Author
Chicago Summit: Pakistan still defying US egotism
Posted on23. May, 2012 by Jawad Raza.
By Jawad Raza Khan Pakistan is undeniably under huge compression especially after discontinuing NATO supplies, since the dejected Salala incident. Experts are evaluating the situation on hourly basis, giving news and theories with pessimistic approach leaving audience hopeless (most of them). Bonn conference, Shamsi Air Base and Chicago moot all are discussed at length, [...]
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The Myth of Siachien
Posted on18. Apr, 2012 by Jawad Raza.
An extreme case of Oro-politics Jawad Raza Khan THE GROUND ZERO is under deep discussion since 139 officers and men of Pakistan Army have gone under more than a Km long and 80 feet high snow rock in Giari Sector on Siachien Glacier. Only a miracle can save anyone out of them but interestingly in [...]
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Baluchistan: Inside Crosshair
Posted on14. Feb, 2012 by Jawad Raza.

By Jawad Raza Khan Years of investment by global and regional actors have been ripe and ready for its harvest. What all expected from the leaders of Pakistan, as per the wishes of wicked actors, unfortunately, Pakistan proceeded just like that. The stories of insurgencies in Baluchistan which were tamed and restricted to two or [...]
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Pak-US Relations in Psychological Paradigm
Posted on21. Dec, 2011 by Jawad Raza.

A Psychosomatic Analysis By Jawad Raza Khan According to the technical definition, Masochism is a psychological disorder which can be termed as willingness or tendency to subject oneself to unpleasant or trying experiences. In our daily life, we usually see many people around us inviting troubles for themselves. There is a whole some proverb [...]
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West-India Nexus Sweating For another Dacca!
Posted on16. Dec, 2011 by Jawad Raza.

Impediments- People’s Power & Nukes By Jawad Raza Khan It was afternoon or perhaps an evening tea time, when I entered the intramural of my house in a middle class locality of Karachi. This time of the day use to be a leisure stretch, with jokes cracking along with rusk and tea, but very soon, [...]
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NATO Attack: 24-Setting the Course!
Posted on01. Dec, 2011 by Jawad Raza.

Thank you NATO for waking up Pakistan! Jawad Raza Khan The decisions of Defence Committee in the wake of NATO’s unprovoked aggression against Pakistan Army have been hailed all across Pakistan and huge protests are still going on all along the lengths and breadths of the country. “24- Setting the course” is dedicated to the [...]
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The South Asian Nuclear Dynamics
Posted on20. Nov, 2011 by Jawad Raza.

Will US Nuclear Politics Surrender Before Economics and Cyber Media? By Jawad Raza Khan At 0530, 16 July 1945, in a remote site of the Alamogordo Air Base, New Mexico, the first full-scale nuclear test was made. For the first time in history there was a nuclear explosion. And what an explosion! This is how [...]
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US In “Bermuda Triangle”
Posted on12. Oct, 2011 by Jawad Raza.

A Way Out for You Uncle Sam By Jawad Raza Khan We have recently finished 10 years of US intervention in Afghanistan, in connection to a man hunt, and for chaining a socio-political ideology against the western world. Without wasting time on conspiracy theories and going into the details of gains and losses of Afghan [...]
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Mr Obama; Anything but MORALITY!
Posted on23. Sep, 2011 by Jawad Raza.

By Jawad Raza Khan A preacher had a teenage son, who was unsure of what to do in life. One day, preacher placed Bible; silver dollar; bottle of whisky and a Playboy magazine on his table. Thinking, If child picks Bible, would be a blessing; if the dollar, he 'll be a businessman; the bottle, [...]
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Pakistan: Being lost Between Perception and Reality
Posted on14. Sep, 2011 by Jawad Raza.

The way out By Jawad Raza Khan A fast internet connection, a mini note book or a laptop, PDA (I-Mac, Android) with a nerd sitting on it, is the basic ingredients of “a nameless strategic legionnaire”, in today’s cyber war zone. Today all sorts of wars, may it be a conventional or unconventional, may it [...]