Archive by Author
Happy Times, Sad Times
Posted on03. Mar, 2012 by Humayun Gauhar.

Opinion Maker By Humayun Gauhar My three-day visit London last week after nearly two years was both happy and sad. Happy because I got to meet my daughter, sisters and niece and three very close friends. Sad because I didn’t have time to meet many of the others, though there are not so many left, [...]
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The Tyranny of History
Posted on25. Feb, 2012 by Humayun Gauhar.

Opinion Maker by Humayun Gauhar With the US-Pakistan relationship in turmoil, and hopefully resetting itself to a healthier, more equitable and less dependent one, our usual conventional lack of wisdom has it that America has painted itself into a corner by making us no longer dependent on it while remaining dependent on us to get [...]
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The World According to America
Posted on18. Feb, 2012 by Humayun Gauhar.

Opinion Maker By Humayun Gauhar It was not just semantics last week when I America ‘rules’ rather than ‘runs’ Pakistan. The pun was intended: when America frowns we get the runs; when it smiles our evacuations become normal. America has a very big say in what it considers important, including job appointments from [...]
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Who Rules Pakistan
Posted on11. Feb, 2012 by Humayun Gauhar.

Opinion Maker: By Humayun Gauhar “Where is Pakistan going?” asked a lady of me in Karachi recently. “When do you think the government is going to change? Who will form the next government?” “To arrive at honest answers,” I said, “We must first detach ourselves from emotion and ask the most basic [...]
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Pakistan: All’s Well That Ends Well
Posted on04. Feb, 2012 by Humayun Gauhar.

Opinion Maker: By Humayun Gauhar I heard giggling and knew that my friend Maverick the monkey was back. He looked healthier and smarter than ever. Now I would get another much-needed dose of wisdom and some insider information too. I think Maverick flits between being an ISI and CIA agent, though he wouldn’t be averse [...]
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The Ten Pillars of Justice
Posted on28. Jan, 2012 by Humayun Gauhar.

Opinion Maker: By Humayun Gauhar I talked of seven pillars or cornerstones of justice last Sunday but left out three of the most important for want of space. These are: due process, presumption of innocence, and absence of emotion, making ten pillars in all. Due process is a fundamental right that includes the right to [...]
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Balance and Equity
Posted on21. Jan, 2012 by Humayun Gauhar.

Opinion Maker By Humayun Gauhar With so much to say and such little space to say it in, best to KISS – ‘Keep It Simple Stupid’. I know how bad this government is, but I don’t want it to go because I see none better to replace it, none that can realistically win elections. Best [...]
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Cat in the Bag
Posted on14. Jan, 2012 by Humayun Gauhar.

Opinion Maker By Humayun Gauhar Overdose of speculation lead to ‘Great Expectations’ the last maddening week. With uncertainty and speculation rife, theories became ever more bizarre. Then suddenly we got a glimpse of a funny looking cat that has been spoiling to come out of the bag – it’s wearing a judicial wig and an [...]
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Pakistan: The Tiger Roars
Posted on07. Jan, 2012 by Humayun Gauhar.

Opinion Maker Revolution cannot happen by coopting the targets of revolution. A cancer cannot cure itself, nor can tablets and drips when surgery is needed. If Imran seeks medication from those that have infected the country, the infection will multiply. By Humayun Gauhar When Imran Khan lost the 1997 elections, I wrote: ‘The Tiger Will [...]
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Times Past; Times Future
Posted on01. Jan, 2012 by Humayun Gauhar.

Opinion Maker By Humayun Gauhar Times present are acute uncertainty. Pakistan is certainly in trouble, but the world is in even more trouble. We are all in it together. So what ‘Happy New Year’ is everyone going on about? 2011 was far from happy and this one promises to be unhappier. The omens are dire. [...]