Archive by Author
Lebanon: Imam Musa Sadr
Posted on18. Nov, 2012 by Franklin Lamb.

Does Lebanon Really Want to Solve the Imam Musa Sadr Mystery? by FRANKLIN LAMB Cairo. “It is not too late to re-energize the moribund Sadr-Yaacoub-Badr Eddine inquiry employing proven and widely available investigative techniques. It’s a question of whether there exists the political will on the Lebanese side." Some former Gadaffi officials, among the hundreds [...]
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Flooding Syria with Foreign Arms!
Posted on05. Nov, 2012 by Franklin Lamb.

A View from Damascus By Franklin Lamb Damascus Across Syria these days, one is able to examine massive evidence that this ancient civilization, the historic bastion of nationalist Arabism and since the 1948 Nabka, an essential pillar of the growing culture of Resistance to the Zionist occupation of Palestine, is becoming awash with foreign arms being funneled [...]
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A lioness of Palestine!
Posted on03. Nov, 2012 by Franklin Lamb.

Fearsome and Awesome Look at you… my beloved Look at you This little fist of yours Slams before the world The final word This little fist of yours Says it all RIGHT is GREATER than MIGHT The sparkle in your eyes BLAZING FIRE [...]
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Syria Ceasefire!
Posted on23. Oct, 2012 by Franklin Lamb.

Why there won’t be a ceasefire this Eid al Adha in Syria By Franklin Lamb Damascus International peace envoy Lakhdar Mr Brahimi, who represents the UN and the Arab League, just left Damascus after urging the government and the rebels to observe a 4 day truce over the Muslim festival of Eid al-Adha, which this [...]
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Damascus Street Notes
Posted on20. Oct, 2012 by Franklin Lamb.
In the Grip of War and Sanctions…. Damascus Street Notes By Franklin Lamb Damascus The half hour drive from the Lebanese border at Maznaa to Damascus is always pleasant with the wide, well paved and maintained highway, cutting through rolling hills often with large herds of goats and sheep lazily watching the traffic below. As [...]
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Lebanon’s Palestinians
Posted on07. Oct, 2012 by Franklin Lamb.
Fall Semester Brings New Hope for Lebanon’s Palestinians By FRANKLIN LAMB Beirut. As fall semester begins this week for colleges and universities, Lebanon’s 12 Palestinian camps and 12 campuses, continue to swelter under unseasonably high temperatures and heavy humidity with no [...]
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Aipac: Israel’s Agent Feeling Squeezed?
Posted on30. Sep, 2012 by Franklin Lamb.
"'America is something that can be easily moved. Moved to the right direction.They won’t get in our way'" Benjamin Netanyahu By Franklin Lamb The American Israel public affairs committee (AIPAC) has seen headier days according to US congressional staffers forced to work regularly with the pro-Zionist agent of Israel. The grip of fear and the lock [...]
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The Pope and the Palestinians
Posted on12. Sep, 2012 by Franklin Lamb.

During His Apostolic Pilgrimage to Lebanon, Will the Vicar of Christ Sup in the Temple with the Money Changers or Succor the Progeny of Jesus? by FRANKLIN LAMB Shatila Refugee Camp. The only time this observer recalls Yassir Arafat ever becoming frustrated with the late American journalist Janet Stevens, whom he cherished as a daughter, [...]
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Obama and Palestine
Posted on08. Sep, 2012 by Franklin Lamb.
Sure Obama caved again on Palestine but will he benefit? By Franklin Lamb Beirut As a former law professor President Obama knows something about international law and US constitutional law which he taught at the University of Chicago. But he besmirched his academic bona fides, violated Democratic Party rules and hurt his campaign on 12/5/12 by [...]
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The Syrian Crisis
Posted on03. Sep, 2012 by Franklin Lamb.
Is the Syrian Crisis Being Leveraged to Weaken Hezbollah? by FRANKLIN LAMB Beirut. One would be correct in imagining that life’s no bowl of cherries for Hezbollah these days. Pressures, often intense, resulting in being sucked into the vortex of the powerful maelstrom and violent whirlpool of Lebanese and regional politics can’t be bringing much [...]