Archive by Author
Quantum Note: Anti-Americanism
Posted on17. Feb, 2012 by drmuzaffar.

By Dr. Muzaffar Iqbal Anti-Americanism is a global phenomenon: from the proverbial Arab street to the remote regions of Chile—the loneliest country of the world, as Pablo Neruda called his homeland—and from the tree-lined streets of Paris to those of desiccated Qandhar, there is no place on earth where Americans are not passionately hated. There [...]
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Quantum Note: Burial for OIC
Posted on11. Feb, 2012 by drmuzaffar.

By Dr. Muzaffar Iqbal This is an urgent notice to all concerned to immediately arrange for the burial of the body called Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC), along with its six subsidiary organs, five specialized institutions and organs, and four standing committees. The urgency comes from the fact the stench from this dead body has [...]
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Quantum Note: Union of Muslim States
Posted on03. Feb, 2012 by drmuzaffar.

Such a union is the manifest destiny of Muslims, even though they are hopelessly fragmented into fifty-seven states at the moment. It is a destiny that is waiting to be realized. It has powerful historical support, its future prospects are bright and its rationale is built upon solid logic and clearly delineated arguments. By Dr. [...]
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Quantum Note: The Higher Education Farce
Posted on27. Jan, 2012 by drmuzaffar.

By Dr. Muzaffar Iqbal One of the greatest farces played out during Musharraf’s dictatorship was that of higher education. Soon after his coup, Musharraf endowed the Higher Education Commission with powers which were similar to his own dictatorial powers in another realm. HEC became his darling not because he knew anything about higher education, science [...]
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Quantum Note: Zero-Sum Game
Posted on20. Jan, 2012 by drmuzaffar.

The players in the game are all old hands; they are enjoying the drama, but the nation is deeply suffering in this zero-sum game. By Dr. Muzaffar Iqbal The generals, the honorable judges, and the politicians all know that they are involved in a zero-sum game. In game theory, a zero-sum game is a game [...]
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Quantum Note: Anatomy of an Impasse
Posted on13. Jan, 2012 by drmuzaffar.

By Dr. Muzaffar Iqbal By the time this column is published the impasse faced by three major institutions in Pakistan may have been cracked opened, but the blind alley would not become a smooth three-way lane through such surgical operations. For a proper functioning of different loci of power, a major overhaul of the system [...]
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Quantum Note: Farewell to all that was 2011
Posted on30. Dec, 2011 by drmuzaffar.

“2011 belongs to Obama and cahoots, for they have relentlessly made all efforts to destroy and punish the Muslim world; logic was overcome by might.” Raja Mujtaba By Dr. Muzaffar Iqbal One may find somewhere hidden under or inside the global headlines of the great events of 2011 (perhaps in a much smaller print than [...]
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Quantum Note: Will it be Business as usual?
Posted on23. Dec, 2011 by drmuzaffar.

Pakistan is at the crossroads and it can no more afford to remain a willing ally in this equation at the cost of its own existence. But will its military leadership wake up to the new realities or will it be business as usual? By Dr. Muzaffar Iqbal One cannot call it “business as usual”, [...]
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Quantum Note: The Afghan Concentration Camp
Posted on16. Dec, 2011 by drmuzaffar.

By Dr. Muzaffar Iqbal “Troops had marched male villagers out of their homes, near a place in Panjwaii district called Mushan. The women and children were segregated in another part of the village. The men were lined up against a wall and made to sit in the blinding sun. An Afghan intelligence officer in a [...]
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Quantum Note: The Bonn Farce
Posted on09. Dec, 2011 by drmuzaffar.

The Bonn Conference of 2001 was a clever reenactment of the Third Reich era. It bulldozed all existing structures, just as Hitler had done, and, instead, it set the ball rolling for a brand new Afghanistan, with a made-in-America Constitution, inaugurating an era in which billions of dollars would flow into a country that had [...]