Archive by Author
The COAS Manuscript That Caused the Uproar!
Posted on13. Nov, 2012 by Dr Haider Mehdi.

NOTES FROM A SOCIAL SCIENTIST By Dr. Haider Mehdi November 5th, 2012, was an important day for the Pakistan’s Chief of Army Staff as he placed his conceptual manuscript and cognizant vision of a future reformist Pakistan in front of his fellow army officers and the nation. More than anything else, it was a frank [...]
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Rounding Up The Sinners!
Posted on06. Nov, 2012 by Dr Haider Mehdi.

NOTES FROM A SOCIAL SCIENTIST By Dr. Haider Mehdi “If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost: That is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.” -Henry David Thoreau Let the Generals be tried in a court of law! After all, the Supreme Court [...]
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Mr Karzai, Lend Me Your Ears
Posted on30. Oct, 2012 by Dr Haider Mehdi.

NOTES FROM A SOCIAL SCIENTIST By Dr. Haider Mehdi Mr Karzai you need to listen. Brave, faithful and committed to national cultural renaissance, the Afghan people have been fighting foreign occupations in modern history for far too long. In fact, an entire young generation of Afghans have grown up knowing nothing except the brutal and vicious [...]
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The Bakery Affair: A Sociological Perspective
Posted on27. Oct, 2012 by Dr Haider Mehdi.

NOTES FROM A SOCIAL SCIENTIST By Dr. Haider Mehdi Ibn Khaldun, the 14th century Arab historian and sociologist, wrote extensively on the concept of sociological development within a state apparatus and its intrinsic relationship with good governance. In essence, Khaldun’s thesis was that without the process of sociological progress at all levels of society, including the [...]
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What is the Truth of the Matter?
Posted on16. Oct, 2012 by Dr Haider Mehdi.

NOTES FROM A SOCIAL SCIENTIST By Dr. Haider Mehdi Rationality and logic are the tools that assist the analysis of human behavior to comprehend why people act in certain ways and what their motives and intentions are. When logic and rationality are applied to a problematic situation under inquiry, the purpose is to arrive at [...]
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After the Storm!
Posted on12. Oct, 2012 by Dr Haider Mehdi.

NOTES FROM A SOCIAL SCIENTIST By Dr. Haider Mehdi Indeed, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf’s “Peace March” to Waziristan took the country by storm. It was a vivid mirror-image reflection of the “Tsunami” that Imran Khan has been promising – and he vividly and visibly delivered it last weekend with immaculate precision. The “Peace March” to Waziristan also [...]
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Peace by Reconciliation!
Posted on05. Oct, 2012 by Dr Haider Mehdi.

NOTES FROM A SOCIAL SCIENTIST By Dr. Haider Mehdi Clive Stafford Smith, director of Reprieve, in a recent column “Drones Lead the West’s New Terror Campaign” opined the following: “CIA’s Predators are visiting upon innocent Pakistanis the same horror that Hitler’s ‘doodlebugs’ inflicted on London.” The fact is that American atrocities on Pakistani soil and against its [...]
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Cold War or Theatrics in the Presidency?
Posted on03. Oct, 2012 by Dr Haider Mehdi.

NOTES FROM A SOCIAL SCIENTIST By Dr. Haider Mehdi Some stories are more significant than others. Their significance depends on who the central protagonist and main character in the story is, what the theme is, who wrote the script, how the narrative unfolds, and where the story ends and how. Some stories come out of [...]
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The Days of the Jackals!
Posted on22. Sep, 2012 by Dr Haider Mehdi.

NOTES FROM A SOCIAL SCIENTIST By Dr. Haider Mehdi A folktale in the villages of Punjab goes as follows: A jackal passing a village accidentally ran through a garment dyer’s workshop and got covered with blue dye. When the jackal reached the jungle, it looked all blue. Other animals had never seen anything like it [...]
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Welcome To The Real World!
Posted on14. Sep, 2012 by Dr Haider Mehdi.
NOTES FROM A SOCIAL SCIENTIST By Dr. Haider Mehdi An auto mechanic took my car for repairs with the promise to return it in three days. He brought it back after 10 days with inflated charges (over what was agreed) and fitted with fake parts. Now we have a dispute going on. Welcome to the [...]