Archive by Author
The ‘Y’ Junction
Posted on31. May, 2012 by Bakhtiar Hakeem.

By Bakhtiar Hakeem There is nothing more precious and important than ‘man’, in the creation of Creator. Man has been told he/she has a life herein to act, to deliver and try making a difference. Unfortunately the time span is not known. He has also been told about a life hereafter, whether believed, half believed [...]
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Pakistan-Russia: Down The Memory Lane
Posted on09. May, 2012 by Bakhtiar Hakeem.

Relations through History and Culture: Pak-Russian Ties By Bakhtiar Hakeem PART I GENERAL With His name (always and every where) the Most benevolent and Most merciful Peace and security be upon you ____________ “O mankind! Lo! We have created you from a single (pair) of male and female, and have made you nations and tribes that [...]
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Do You Question
Posted on29. Dec, 2011 by Bakhtiar Hakeem.

By Bakhtiar Hakeem You are my audience if you are in forties, rather than thirties. I seek you more if you are in fifties, and most sought out, if you have crossed sixties. It would be interesting rather intriguing; for the sake of this exercise, if you are one of a grade twenty-two, grey-haired, wisest [...]
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US vs China: Rivals or Partners
Posted on15. Dec, 2011 by Bakhtiar Hakeem.

The New Great Game is a strife among many powers, regional and global, as well as, big and small. Russia, China and the US are the key players. The Central Asia is a large and resourceful area as compared to barren, mountainous Afghanistan. By Zahra Zafar Chohan 1. Introduction. The terminology of Great Game was [...]
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Pakistan First: A Letter To Dr Allama Iqbal
Posted on07. Jul, 2011 by Bakhtiar Hakeem.

By Col Bakhtiar Hakeem:
Let me write back to Dr Allama Muhammad Iqbal today. He had vision, objectivity and the ability to move and motivate a whole sub-continent, He, could goad, men like Muhammad All Jinnah into leadership and be his follower, Later each remained proud to be each other’s follower. Iqbal had the insight of a true philosopher. All and sundry acknowledge it. As a political thinker he could draw the parameters of an independent state as early as 1930.
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Unit and Yield
Posted on13. Apr, 2011 by Bakhtiar Hakeem.

Col Bakhtiar Hakeem:
The time would flow. It would keep moving on, as it did always, whether mankind had watches to measure it or otherwise. You are a unit, created by Him; sent here for some job, task or mission and to return to Him. The tenure in this world is not known. It has never been known. Jesus Christ was here for some thirty plus; Churchill for ninety and Noah’s prophet hood went on for nine hundred and fifty years.
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Posted on06. Apr, 2011 by Bakhtiar Hakeem.

Col Bakhtiar Hakeem:
Great are the parents who first win the initial credibility. And maintain it over the years. They are certainly lucky to develop a sound base to move forward. In fact this is the position of strength to consolidate. Weak are those who have to tell their children that listen to us we are your parents. Here are a few more words to help parents to review and enrich their initial credibility.
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Interpersonal Relations
Posted on02. Apr, 2011 by Bakhtiar Hakeem.

Col Bakhtiar Hakeem:
The plethora of interpersonal relations exist in seven colors of the light and all possible shades which arise out of the combination of any two of these and any possible permutations of these and their products. Therefore, each relationship has bright potentials to become a unique bondage, very different from rest. A more objective and deeper look will unfold some pattern and some kinds of tentative hypotheses.
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Posted on28. Mar, 2011 by Bakhtiar Hakeem.

By Col Bakhtiar Hakeem General What we finally do is all what matters. Before deciding to choose between a glass of Pepsi or a cup of tea, between Kala Bagh dam and rental power projects all of us go through a process of decision-making. Sometimes it is simple, short and quick, sometimes complex, lengthy and delayed. [...]
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Posted on20. Mar, 2011 by Bakhtiar Hakeem.

By Col Bakhtiar Hakeem:
I want to conclude here. The significance of any right up does not lie in its length. Making things simple may not be easy, or spectacular; for this would not be an achievement for a majority. Can these odd six hundred words ask the prudent reader to review being a ‘Muslim’, the implications this identity has, or find a new definition of the religion of Islam?