Archive by Author


Posted on18. Mar, 2011 by .


By Ayesha Villalobos:
Dear reader, you have the most important part to play. Absorb this message. Reflect on it. Understand it. And spread it. To everyone you can whatever way you can. If you, like me, are sick and tired of the status quo, then let us take a stand together .If not now, then when? How bad things have to get before we act?

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Arab World: The Wind From The Hot Sands

Posted on21. Feb, 2011 by .


By Ayesha T Villalobos:
A strong and united opposition to imperialism and intervention in the Middle East and elsewhere, combined with a campaign against racism and injustice, is the best assurance and guarantee for a better and secure world that there is no more immediate duty than for the masses to unite, based on a basic platform against racism and injustice in order that nations of the world will be free from the shackles of Western Imperialistic power.

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Egypt: The Wind of Change

Posted on30. Jan, 2011 by .


By Ayesha Villalobos:
Behold, the present is no different from the past; the human spirit exists in every time and place. Its essence is never changed…What is beyond a doubt is that the Nile flowed in the past as it flows today, that the stars shone in the past as they do today. Everything is just as it was…It is our duty to strive
until we resurrect Egypt in all its power, glory, and greatness.

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