Archive by Author
US Government is Behind the Balochi Insurrection
Posted on04. Apr, 2012 by Editor.

Editor's Note: This article was published on on May 14, 2011. Everyday that passes proves it truth beyond doubt. By Tony Cartalucci Special to (ISLAMABAD / WASHINGTON) – In the shadow of the “Bin Laden” media circus and increasingly aggressive rhetoric between Washington and Islamabad, the corporate-financier funded NGOs that fomented the “Arab [...]
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Posted on15. Mar, 2012 by Editor.
He started of by holding up the picture of his wife wherever he went, including the General Assembly of the United Nations and still hides behind the Bhutto name. This is intolerable enough, but the wrong is aggravated by his rough shod style of discharging the strictly limited presidential functions, stretching them to interfere in [...]
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Andrew Gavin Marshall: Imperial Eye on Pakistan
Posted on13. Mar, 2012 by Editor.

Introduction As the purported assassination of Osama bin Laden has placed the focus on Pakistan, it is vital to assess the changing role of Pakistan in broad geostrategic terms, and in particular, of the changing American strategy toward Pakistan. The recently reported assassination was a propaganda ploy aimed at targeting Pakistan. To understand this, it [...]
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3/11-Afghans will never forget
Posted on12. Mar, 2012 by Editor.

"This is an assassination, an intentional killing of innocent civilians and cannot be forgiven," Karzai By Tabish Qayyum – Editor Fortress Magazine Here comes the defining moment in Afghanistan’s infamous war ; 11 deadly years of violence that has jeopardized the entire region seems closer to a reverse-tide as US face a deadly situation post [...]
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Israel’s nuclear stockpile
Posted on09. Mar, 2012 by Editor.

By Iftikhar A Khan The frenzy of western media, led by the jingoistic American media, against Iran and its nuclear project has a striking similarity to Iraq's so-called weapons of mass destruction in 2003. The US-led invasion of Iraq aimed at divesting it of WMDs, removing Saddam Husein from power, and lastly, the one always [...]
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The Road To Tehran
Posted on18. Feb, 2012 by Editor.

It Goes Through Damascus By Nile Bowie Between the chaos and artillery fire unfolding in Homs and Damascus, the current siege against the Ba’athist State of Bashar al-Assad parallels events of nearly a century ago. In efforts to maintain its protectorate, the French government employed the use of foreign soldiers to smother those seeking to [...]
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Posted on06. Feb, 2012 by Editor.

By Ashfaq Saraf who is an engineer by profession. He is from Indian held Kashmir. Through endless alleys in a distant fog, I recall belonging to certainty, I recall feeding a stray dog, I recall fading away into generosity, I recall the birth of a pensive yore When children would shy away From [...]
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Let Dr. Chishty go home
Posted on05. Feb, 2012 by Editor.

Let Pakistani scientist Dr Khalil Chishty go home, Dr Singh. God knows he has suffered enough! By Aijaz Zaka Syed They say fact is stranger than fiction. Things in real life are sometimes so weird that they defy the absurdity of reel world. The more you read of the tragedy of Dr. Khalil Chishty the more [...]
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Iran, the US and the Strait of Hormuz Crisis
Posted on24. Jan, 2012 by Editor.

By George Friedman The United States reportedly sent a letter to Iran via multiple intermediaries last week warning Tehran that any attempt to close the Strait of Hormuz constituted a red line for Washington. The same week, a chemist associated with Iran's nuclear program was killed in Tehran. In Ankara, Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani [...]
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Jundallah and Israel
Posted on14. Jan, 2012 by Editor.

False Flag A series of CIA memos describes how Israeli Mossad agents posed as American spies to recruit members of the terrorist organization Jundallah to fight their covert war against Iran BY MARK PERRY Buried deep in the archives of America's intelligence services are a series of memos, written during the last years of President [...]