By Alan Hart In the final countdown to the UN General Assembly vote on recognition of Palestine as a non-member state, the PLO has indicated that it’s expecting “a pleasant surprise”, it being the number of European countries which will not do Zionism’s bidding on this occasion and will vote for the resolution. Victory for [...]
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RED CHINA OPPRESSES EAST TURKESTAN By Ece Koc Eastern Turkistan is a land of 1.6 million square kilometers in the northwestern region of today’s China. For over 4,000 years, Eastern Turkestan has been the homeland of Eastern Turks, who are Caucasians, Muslim by faith, and whose native language is not even remotely related to any [...]
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By Air Commodore (R) Khalid Iqbal As the newly worked out cease fire arrangement come into force in Gaza, a re-look at the conflict is in order. Gaza people entered an interesting phase of struggle when their mandate was denied after 2006 elections; the people of Palestine had given Hamas a resounding mandate of 74 [...]
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How the Victory in Gaza can bring civil rights to Palestinians in Lebanon By Franklin Lamb Shatila Camp The General Union of Palestinian women organized a celebration of the Gaza victory on November 22, 2012 The current festive celebrations in Lebanon’s 12 Palestinian refugee camps reflect the intense euphoria being withnessed throughout Gaza and occupied [...]
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By Air Commodore (R) Khalid Iqbal It is not a fairy tale. Not very long ago, Muharram was not the season of sectarian violence and mayhem; people of all sects would attend the Majalis, under the same roof, to pay homage to the Great martyrs of Islam. While the Shias would move in processions, Sunnis [...]
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As Gaza is savaged again, understanding the BBC’s role requires more than sentiment We must understand the BBC as a pre-eminent state propagandist and censor by omission, says John Pilger. The BBC’s “Reithian values” of impartiality and independence are almost scriptural in their mythology. Photograph: Getty Images In Peter Watkins’s remarkable BBC film The War Game, [...]
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By Jamil Majid More than four decades have elapsed since Field Marshal Mohammad Ayub Khan demitted high office in circumstances that were anything but congenial for him. The Field Marshal's achievements in office were not inconsiderable. Impressive strides were made in infrastructure and private sector development, agriculture was modernised through better use of irrigation, and [...]
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Life After Life
Posted on 23. Nov, 2012 by Humayun Gauhar.
By Humayun Gauhar Ironic, isn’t it, that the day my last article ‘Life After Death’ appeared my brother-in-law Iqbal Haider passed away? Which is why I didn’t write last week, because I was in Karachi without the time or inclination to put pen to paper. In Iqbal’s death Pakistan’s progressive forces lost perhaps the [...]
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US: Cracks in the Union
Posted on 23. Nov, 2012 by Editor.

By Anjum Niaz Memo from USA Today all 50 states in America want secession from the Union. History appears to be playing a deformed joke on some Washington think tanks and congressmen who for long wanted Pakistan to break up. Redrawn maps of a truncated country suggesting that Pakistan is ungovernable have freely floated around. [...]
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A Thanksgiving Day Note
Posted on 23. Nov, 2012 by Michael Moore.
By Michael Moore Friends, As tough as times still are, I hope you can join me today in giving thanks that our country seems to have turned a corner – away from politicians who win with hate and fear, and toward a future where we can be the best of who we are. It's a [...]