Posted on 17. Oct, 2012 by Brig Samson Sharaf in Opinion
By Brig Samson S Sharaf
As our vitriolic media would have us believe, the targeted attempt on Malala Yousafzai is a watershed in Pakistan’s policy on the War on Terror and a fully fledged counter terrorism operation is inevitable. This extraordinary child was overplayed by the state propaganda to portray a soft, progressive and defiant Pakistan against the forces of intolerance. The western media used her to depict an enlightened Pakistani whose heroes were the forces of moderation. This has now led to a non productive debate in Pakistan not likely to subside till the next event of media sensationalism. Each segment is using the incidence to advance its own interests. In a country torn by corruption incompetence and militancy, this is a sorry state of affairs.
Malala incident is not isolated. The killings of Punjabis and Hazaras in Balochistan, the unchecked targeted killings in Karachi and beheading of a superintendent of police in Peshawar invariably find a linkage with militancy. Not very long ago, a formation of soldiers was taken prisoners and beheaded in the Dir area.The intensity of such incidents is around the Khyber Agency, Dera Adam Khel, and forays of Fazal Ullah group in Chitral and Upper Dir with its epicentre in Kunar Afghanistan. Hence, the need to look at the entire situation in the broader context becomes more important.
This violence indicates motives other than what the perception management would have us believe. Another event eclipsed by the Malala incident is the Peace March of Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf to the proximity of South Waziristan joined by peace activists, human right groups and International media. Conversely, some political parties and factions of media turned the Malala tragedy to blast Imran Khan, projecting him an apologist of the Taliban. Religious parties with affiliations and sympathies to militant groups have also moved into the melee to ensure that Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf makes no inroads into hitherto forbidden territories. In a strange fit of frenzy, some leading dailies and columnist have also joined the chorus to depict Imran Khan as politically naive, ill informed and pro Taliban. This has relegated an otherwise healthy debate on terrorism to counter-productivity and the demand for a comprehensive National Counter Terrorism Policy an illusion. Whose interest this serves is anybody’s guess? Do these cynics, propagandist and opportunities offer any solution to the problem? If not, then why must they take pot shots at an individual without guns, thinking out of the box and trying to rally masses around a Pakistani agenda of Peace?
As I have written in the past, the intricacies of Pakistan’s internal and external dynamics are complex and intertwined like a Gunjal, a local word for something beyond untangling in kite flying. There is no easy and readymade solution to myriads of problems the security led establishment has callously created for itself with the pliant acquiescence of the politicians both in and out of power. This laissez faire syndrome has to be dispensed. With a state of affairs as pathetic as this, had it not been for Pakistan’s nuclear deterrence, the maps would have long been redrawn. As for the army, it finds itself trapped in a minefield with no political and military plan for an exit. Many pseudo liberals wish that this is the only way to bring this juggernaut to knees.
The present state of affairs is also a reflection of an ever increasing multi polarity weakening Pakistan. Yet, despite the absence of a cohesive policy and the reluctance of the Parliament to enunciate one, the internal and external demands on Pakistan to do more keep increasing. Rather than rebuke and demean Imran Khan’s three point road map to stability, the least his detractors can do is to invigorate a healthy debate point by point, dissect the reasoning, improve upon it and if falsified, consign it to the dust bins.
Within the context of United Nations Resolution on Afghanistan, Pakistan has ample space to extricate itself from the US led war. To do it with dignity, Pakistan will first have to put its own house in order. The economy has to revive, tied aid and trade eliminated, agriculture sector facilitated to provide the jump start and good governance to substitute corruption/political bribery. A new purpose and urgency has to be infused in the Taliban peace negotiations to control the violence along the Durand Line. Most importantly, relations with the countries in the region must improve positively. Inevitably, Iran the Achilles heels of USA, will also have to be co-opted. Concurrently, the internal dynamics of instability with external linkages, like the mayhem in Karachi, Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa will have to be controlled and defeated. In this regard, much will depend on the willingness of political parties with militant wings or affiliations to cede space to peace. With the situation improving, Pakistan will have to get into a diplomatic over drive to convince USA to get its foot prints off Pakistan and give peace a chance. If Pakistanis decide to become Pakistanis, this tall order can become probable; what I often term as Reclaiming Pakistan.
There is an illusion and make belief within security circles that the army has contained the menace of terrorism within the confines of Waziristan. If true, this is a faulty assumption fraught with serious internal vulnerabilities. Militants and their sleeper cells are spread all over, most vulnerable being the major cities of Karachi, Islamabad, Lahore, Faisalabad and Quetta. As the peace initiative will begin to take shape, these major centres will be under threat of militant activities and urban terrorism. Military installations and movements will be under attack. The most complex situation will arise in Karachi where religious and political parties, mafias and militant groups compete for influence and domination. The government will have to evolve a comprehensive strategy based on effective cooperation between the political parties, civil administration, judiciary, law enforcement agencies and the intelligence. Sifting the grain from the chaff and then consigning it to hell will be a laborious and challenging process with multiple flash points. As events stand today, these actors of reform are all daggers drawn. This internal cleansing as a pre requisite warrants reformation and change of heart, though difficult, yet probable.
If Pakistan can reinvent its Nationalism, it will be a matter of time for the wave to spread to FATA and PATA. The traditional tribal culture will need to be restored and strengthened with enduring reforms. The people of the area will need to be empowered and rewarded with socio-economic benefits. It is then that these people will feel confident to engage the diverse militant factions operating in their areas. Towards this purpose, a comprehensive and practical plan acceptable to all stake holders will need to de devised and incrementally implemented. Within the political paradigm, the strategy will involve placations, persuasions, coercion and use of force to restore stability and dignity to the region; though daunting but not an improbability.
I pray that the media as principal opinion makers pick up these themes in a flurry of talk shows. As discussions mature and consensus begins to arrive, Imran Khan’s Three Pont Roadmap to stability will start making sense.
There could never be a bigger tribute to the many Malala Yousafzais and people of Pakistan who suffer and endure like an unknown soldier.
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Moving beyond malala
18. Oct, 2012
[...] the many Malala Yousafzais and people of Pakistan who suffer and endure like an unknown soldier. MOVING BEYOND MALALA | Opinion Maker Reply With Quote « Pakistan: Remember [...]
Abbass (steve)
18. Oct, 2012
The problem Pakistan has going the right way and making the right moves after such media events as this is, will be the media. Unfortunately the lions share of the Pakistani media is controlled by the same Zionist forces which control the Western media. I've seen it first hand and it sickens me. This corrupt media has an agenda and it is this corrupt media which will write the public story.
18. Oct, 2012
Start with the easiest – so media is a problem?
Hold these thugs scum zionist mafiosi RESPONSIBLE – legally for their crimes against Pakistanis
DESTROY THE BASTARDS start with bbcdefghi………………el liezeera
Remove the WORTHLESS CREEPS Gilani ….. mr %
Imran Khan id not the right person – a clean fresh Pakistami person Dr Mazari will do fine
Marivel Guzman
19. Oct, 2012
I m outsider of Pakistani events and our only window to you it is thru the News that come from the alternate Media, because the Stream Media Outlets are all corrupted by the same money that buys the western News.
For what I see from my angle, is that Pakistani government has gone alone with the story trying to divert the Anti Drone March and with this the populatity of Imran Khan that was the leading figure in this organized Code Pink women march.
My perception is that Pakistan is sold out to US and it is allowing US to kill all the tribal men that are causing problems for Pakistan on the regions that Pakistan control.
Seem obvious to the regular reader and News eater that Pakistan is taking money from the US, I would imagine that could be in the weapon techology and Nuclear technology side where the aid is coming.
The Taliban seems an old operative that no one believes anymore.
Pakistan should shake the US control and that means stop taking Aid and start managing its own internal problems. Soon Pakistan is going to be forced to chose who will have to side with in the Next Regional Conflict that most of the world see it as the WWIII. SHAME ON PAKISTAN….