Pakistan: Attack On PAF Kamra

Posted on 16. Aug, 2012 by in Pakistan

By Raja G Mujtaba

Pakistan Air Force Base at Kamra was attacked in the very early morning hours today. Kamra, besides an Air Base, is Aeronautical complex also where PAF not only produces her latest JF 17 Aircraft but also has the rebuild facility for its entire weapon system. 

Attack on Kamra is continuation of previous attacks on GHQ where the attempt was to take General Ashfaq Kayani as hostage and at PNS Mehran where the P3 C Orion Anti Submarine warfare Surviellance Aircraft were the target. At Kamra, SAAB 2000 the Early Warning Aircraft Sytem equipped with the latest techonology were the target. 

The attack took place at 0230 hours when people were generally suppose to be busy with preparations of fasting. The date and time by the attackers was very carefully selected as it being the 27th of Ramadan on which night the maximum number of Muslims try and pray the whole night. Thinking that at this time all would be on low guard, the attackers tried to enter the base in PAF uniforms. The security guard Mohammad Asif having sensed the foul play shot dead one of the attackers who was later identified from Central Asia. Later the security guard was shot dead by the other attackers.

With this everone was alerted and everything moved in very swiftly to defend the base successfully. Air Commodore Mohammad Azam who moved in immediately to lead the operation got a bullet a bullet in his shoulder. Likewise an injured Squadron Leader who crawlled to put out the fire from a random firing that damaged a SAAB 2000 Aircraft.

The PAF spokesperson when contacted on telephone informed that PAF Chief Air Cheif Marshal  Tahir Rafique Butt immediately at 0230 hours took over the entire operation for its logical conclusion.

All the eight attackers have been killed, the operation has concluded successfully for which the PAF desrves a commendation. 

Prior to this report, I had written an analysis of the incident that is placed below.

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Tags: , PAF Kamra, , SAAB 2000

7 Responses to “Pakistan: Attack On PAF Kamra”

  1. mussarat ahmedzeb(swat)

    16. Aug, 2012

    3 years 3 attacks on our defence quarter and bases.GHQ,Mehran Base,Minhas Base seriously our agencies need to be reshuffled and there pay should be reduced.

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  2. jf-17

    16. Aug, 2012

    We need to cleanse the country of these terrorists.

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  3. ACM Kaleem Saadat

    16. Aug, 2012

    We have far too many enemies, who don't want to let us live in peace. Terrorists, or their masters can be bought to do anybody's bidding. The price has to be right. Those that are supposed to work to reduce the number of our enemies are busy in exploiting photo-ops along with their progenies to strengthen their dynasties- the country, nation and people be damned!

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  4. Afriq

    16. Aug, 2012

    Raja Sahib
    Credit to our BRAVE MEN
    Our prayers with the families of our brave men who have lost family members
    100% agreement
    the stupid idiotic gov has to GO. they have totally FAILED and failed MISERABLY
    They can sniff out USrahelli/uk/naTo/raw/explosives/criminal/thugs
    Tehran Conference belies US Syria claims: Webster Tarpley

    Ms Hina Khar "landmark STATEMENT" + Pakistan coward Abstention is the reason for this attack.
    You do not need to be a defense EXPERT to know that. US is a bully dumb bastard thug nation. They think that defiance of their bellicose ideology has to be punished.
    A VERY SERIOUS MISTAK INDEED! When the end nears the desperation grows. When desperation grows mistakes – VERY SERIOUS MISTAKES ARE MADE.
    On the day Iraq refused to support the kilary's blow boys disgusting revolting shameful INSANITY against SYRIA
    many bombs went off in Iraq killing scores of people
    USraehelli/eu/gcc goons + naTo is NOT AN INTELLIGENT AXIS it is a thug bully bellicose one.
    I suggest you read Ibn Khuldoun Islamic historian “intellectual decline of the people”
    the cursed house of saud have to be REMOVED as custodians of our HOLY SITES these brit humphery's bastardized cult are ignorant barbarians – disgusting despicable revolting crusader whores
    sending FOOLS al-cia-da/FSA as the great Imam called them will achieve nothing. Divide et impera will not work as people KNOW THESE CRIMINAL THUGS from USRahell/UK/gcc/naTo/EU and they will RESIST THEM
    one of biggest stupidity “repeat a lie blah blah blah+ propaganda for bellicose ideology blah blah” brit bulldog Churchill + Goebbels craptology
    try repeating LIES and see where it gets you that is if you survive the anger+ferocity of people
    even fairy tales advised against this – cry wolf

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    • Khalif

      16. Aug, 2012

      Our prayers for the families of the deceased and condolence to the families
      the same goes for PAKISTAN
      How dare the saudi crusader goon use our vote. the moron does not represent us and we do not allow these scumbag butchers to use "islamic/Muslim" for the shameful disgusting show that the idiot set up


      The Syrian Government is Nt Isolated
      Image: An impressive counter to the so-called "Friends of Syria" confabs held by Wall Street and London corporate-financier interests in an attempt to sway global opinion toward a repeat of Libya's destruction at NATO's hands, the International Consultative Conference hosed by Iran seeks to end the flow of foreign arms into militant hands and resolve political differences through more civilized means.

      by Tony Cartalucci

      August 11, 2012Iran has recently hosted 30 nations including Russia, China, India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Ecuador, Afghanistan, Algeria, Iraq, Oman, Turkmenistan, Venezuela, Cuba, Jordan, Tunisia, Palestine, and many others in Tehran this week in efforts to support the Syrian government against foreign destabilization. Upon the agenda were calls to end foreign arms currently flowing into terrorist hands inside Syria, proposals to broker a meaningful ceasefire, the coordination of humanitarian aid, and supporting the Syrian people's right to reform without foreign interference.

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  5. Jimmy Jamshed

    16. Aug, 2012

    What's the use & excitement about?? KAMRA & all PAF Bases will be eventually BOMBED & destroyed by the Americans……………

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  6. Barbara Ackerson

    17. Aug, 2012

    ‎ a good assessment of the situation and i really appreciate your views on this, which will always be more accurate than our media ; when i read this Reuter's reporting, there were several things that i did not like about it, and when they start saying things like this: "The Taliban, which is close to al Qaeda, is blamed for many of the suicide bombings across Pakistan, a strategic U.S. ally

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