Muslim Massacre in Myanmar
Posted on 10. Aug, 2012 by Dr Raja M Khan in Opinion
Dr Raja Muhammad Khan
According to a statement issued from the Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Mr Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, the world largest Muslim organization has finally decided to despatch a fact-finding mission to Myanmar (Burma). The mission will find out the substantiation of the reports about the persecution of the Rohingya Muslims in Rakhine State of Myanmar. Through a delayed action, the OIC mission will meet the Myanmar Government, which itself is the part of this ethnic cum religious cleansing and mass massacre of Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar. The Secretary General of this Muslim organization has also expressed his concern on the massacre. He also expressed his disappointment over the response of international community. Indeed, neither international community nor global human rights organizations, have responded over this cruel killing of the Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar.
It is worth noting that, Burmese Muslims, commonly known as Rohingya Muslims, are mostly inhabitant of Arakan state, located in the western Burma. Historically they settled in this part of the world in 7th and 8th centuries from Arab. Myanmar Government however, claims that these Muslims settled in Myanmar during British Colonialism. Nevertheless, they had the legal status of Burmese minority until 1970s. Later in 1980s, through a constitutional amendment, the Military Junta of the country declared them as non-Burmese. According to the data provided by the Myanmar Government, approximately 800,000 Rohingya Muslims lives in the country forming 4% of the Burma’s total population. However, according to un-official figures, the total Muslim population is more than double the government estimates.
Since 1970s, the Military rulers of Myanmar have started gradual exploitation of this Muslim population. This include; denial of their personal and religious freedom and fundamental rights, human rights violations, refusal to issue them ID cards, denial of property rights, education and health facilities, bar on their employments, extortion and other coercive measures. These inhuman acts forced thousands of Rohingya Muslims to flee to the neighbouring countries like; Bangladesh, Thailand, Malaysia etc, where too, they were treated badly. Now Bangladesh has even stopped their entrance in to the country, mainly because of its own problems and fearing of flood of Burmese Muslims, being the nearest neighbourhood. After 9/11, the persecution of Rohingya Muslims has increased many folds. In 2009, the fleeing Rhingya Muslims on five boats in Thai sea were forced to sink in storm.
In the current phase (starting from June 2012) of Rhingya Muslims massacre, Burmese Buddhists in collaboration with their security forces unleashed, unprecedented terrorism on this ill-fated Muslim population. Independent sources did not mention any particular reasons for the massacre, except that, on provocation of their Monks, the Burmese Buddhists planned and executed the Muslims in various parts of the Arakan state; indeed, an intolerance for the Muslim in Buddhist dominant country. Independent sources say that, on June 3, 2012, hundred of Buddhists attacked and slaughtered eight Muslims returning to Rangoon in a bus after visiting a Mosque in the Arakan province. An eyewitness narrates that, after killing these Muslims, “the culprits were celebrating triumph spitting and tossing wine and alcohol on the dead bodies lying on the road. These innocent people have been killed like animals.”
After having seen some of the recent videos and pictures of these brutal killings of the Burmese Muslims, one wonders, as Burmese Buddhists are really human beings or wild creature and is this message of peace, Lord Buddha gave them. They have crossed all limits of being merciless. During the current wave of terrorism, Buddhists have killed thousands of the Rhingya Muslims cold bloodedly. Some insiders claim that number of killings could be as much as 20,000. According to a report of London based human rights organization, Equal Rights Trust, “The military has (of late) become more actively involved in committing acts of violence and other abuses against the Rohingya including killings and mass arrests.” Military choppers of Burmese Army were seen by independent sources, while killing the Muslim refugees, who tried to flee on boats. Indeed, “Amnesty International and the Human Rights Watch have protested that instead of stopping the violence by the Rakhine gangs, the Burmese military has joined them in killing, setting thousands of homes on fire and conducting mass arrests of Muslims. President Thein Sein, lately being lionized by the West as a reformer, has a simple solution to the problem: Expel all the Rohingya or turn them over to the UN as refugees!” After this discriminatory statement of Burmese President, there remains no doubt that, this massacre is indeed state sponsor and executed by Burmese Army and police, keeping fanatic Buddhists in the forefront.
According to a New York based Human Rights Watch report, Myanmar security forces openly fire on Rohingya Muslims, committed rape and stood by to watch the Buddhists killing Muslims. According to this organization, Myanmar security forces have, “unleashed a campaign of violence and mass roundups against the Rohingya.” After the recent genocide of the Burmese Muslims, even United Nations considers that, Rohingya Muslims are, “one of the worlds’ most persecuted minorities.” Since all acts of torturing, killing, inflicting physical pain and causing mental harm to any human being or group/ community fall under the category of criminal acts punishable under international law. Therefore, UN resolution 96 (I) dated 11 December 1946 declares, “genocide, whether committed in time of peace or war, is a crime under international law, and that all signatories of UN convention will cooperate to prevent genocide in order to liberate the mankind from such an odious scourge.”
Regrettably, neither UNO nor the civilized world of 21st century has initiated any action or raised voice against this worst human massacre in Burma. All major world human rights organizations are silent, despite watching the horrific videos and pictures of this unprecedented genocide of Muslims at the hands of Buddhist terrorists. So much so, the Myanmar Pro-democracy western darling, Aung San Suu Kyi, did not condemned these acts of brutal killings of the Muslims by Burmese military and the Buddhist terrorist. This Nobel Prize winner said in a press conference in London that, “ethnic conflict plaguing the country” should be investigated and “dealt with wisdom.” She also believes that this Muslim community should be pulled out from the country.
Though Amnesty International has demanded the Myanmar Government and the Parliament to amend or repeal the 1982 Citizenship Law, so that, Rohingyas should get citizenship of a country, where they have lived for centuries. However, this is unlikely to happen. The reason is obvious, the Burmese Military Junta, the Buddhist Monks, civilian populace and political parties appears to be unanimous on this aspect that, Rhingyas Muslims should be pulled out from Myanmar. UN Charter guarantees the basic right to live to all human beings. Rhingyas Muslims are living in Myanmar since centuries. How can they be dislodged from this country and which other country in the world will accept them as its citizens, if not acceptable to Myanmar. United Nations and international community should be concerned over this intimate question.
Should not UNO, US; the sole super power and civilized international community ask Myanmar Government to protect life and property of Rohingyas Muslims? Should not there be UNSC or UNGA emergency session over this Muslim massacre. Had there been any other religious entity affected 5% of this massacre, there would have been outcry all over the globe with possible UN (US) humanitarian intervention by now. Since US, EU and all major global players have their interests in Myanmar, thus, no one would like to displease the current ruling Junta, which is all set to bring democratic reforms, desired by USA and West.
Indeed, these powers have their interests in the hydrocarbon and other natural resources of the Myanmar. On its part, Myanmar rulers found this as the most convenient time to unleash reign of terror on the Muslims of Burma. Myanmar Government is fully conscious that, this is the most appropriate time to do that, as the so-called western and U.S human rights organizations will be mum along with their Governments.
Nevertheless, the blood of Muslims is on sale, thus, everyone can shed it. After massacre of thousands of Muslims in Myanmar, the OIC has now decided to send a fact-finding mission. Amazingly, together with rest of the world, Muslim Ummah has become insensitive too, which is a real tragedy.
a WordPress rating system
10. Aug, 2012
Damn OIC
it would be better if the worthless shameless morons just DISSOLVED THE OH i SEE= OIC
why would the wallst/london banker whore Pro-democracy western darling, Aung San Suu Kyi, Burmese voodoo doll did not condemned these acts of brutal killings of the Muslims by Burmese military and the Buddhist terrorist.
do anything?
the wests mythical peace loving buddhist are but TERRORIST doing what their crusader masters ask to do especially zionist banker USrahelli/EU murderous thugs
my emphasis
But this Burmese voodoo doll turned into a Barbie as the 21st century dawned. The country has one of Asia’s biggest oil and gas reserves. It already produces 90 per cent of the world’s rubies while its jade is the worlds finest. Burma’s jungle give 80 per cent of the world’s teak and its rivers have plentiful hydropower potential. All these resources assumed great importance as Chinese and Indian appetite for natural resources grew phenomenally. Both the economic giants share border with Burma.
Most of these resources are, however, in areas that belong to non-Burman ethnic minorities while the military junta, and especially its elite, is exclusively Burman. Arakan is the region where oil and gas exploration companies from China, India and elsewhere are stationed. Arakanese are a non-Burman minority that never had cordial relations with the majority but professes the same religion – Buddhism; while Rohingyas who are native to the same region are Muslims. A violent conflict in Arakan is in the best interest of the military junta. As they side with the Buddhists, it helps them project themselves as pious Buddhist but more importantly it gives them the reason to intervene and directly control the area. Martial law was imposed in the region following the recent violence. So while Arkans and Rohingyas fight over petty faith issues, the Burman military enjoys the riches of oil.
Buddhists burn down mosque in Myanmar's Rakhine state
what fucking peaceful religion of degenerate hollywood bimbos and Italian mafiosi calcio fraudsters
Why isn't Pakistan stopping the naTo TERRORISM supplies
why isn't the bloody despotic moron Arabs turning off the OIL taps
if the bastard self elected were serious they WOULD turn off the taps
BUT NO THEY SLAUGHTER MUSLIMS FOR THEIR CRUSADER MASTER AND BURN THEMSELVES bringing insecurity hatred and destruction on themselves and that is why their ugly barbaric demonic masters love them
10. Aug, 2012
Dr Sahib pls
by now you should know what these perfidious group like Amnesty International/HRW
and their ilk are FAKE/FALSE cia mossy mi0000 bloody bastard goon outfits
2 articles explaning their pro war/cheerleading WAR CRIMINALS
read the entire article
Posted: 26 Jul 2012 07:01 AM PDT
Intense Anti-Assad Propaganda
…read more: MEMBERS | FREE version.AI operates the same way. According to Francis Boyle:
In June, Ann Wright and Coleen Rowley wrote about "Amnesty's Shilling for US Wars," saying:
"Amnesty International is primarily motivated not by human rights but by publicity. Second comes money. Third comes getting more members. Fourth, internal turf battles. And then finally, human rights, genuine human rights concerns."
To be sure, if you are dealing with a human rights situation in a country that is at odds with the United States or Britain, it gets an awful lot of attention, resources, man and womanpower, publicity, you name it. They can throw whatever they want at that."
"But if it's dealing with violations of human rights by the United States, Britain, Israel, then it's like pulling teeth to get them to really do something on the situation. They might, very reluctantly and after an enormous amount of internal fightings and battles and pressures, you name it. But you know, it's not like the official enemies list."
She helped propagate humanitarian intervention and Responsibility to Protect (R2P) notions. In 2004, she coined the term "Smart Power." It calls for military intervention. She said:
"To advance from a nuanced dissent to a compelling vision, progressive policymakers should turn to the great mainstay of twentieth-century U.S. foreign policy: liberal internationalism, which posits that a global system of stable liberal democracies would be less prone to war."
"Washington, the theory goes, should thus offer assertive leadership — diplomatic, economic, and not least, military – to advance a broad array of goals: self-determination, human rights, free trade, the rule of law, economic development, and the quarantine and elimination of dictators and weapons of mass destruction (WMD)."
AI, HRW, ICRC, and other prominent organizations like them shill for power. They're imperial tools. Their stock and trade is deception. They never apologize.
Their reports provide powerful propaganda weapons. Their imperial wars support sanitizes mass deaths and destruction. They're well compensated for their services.
In 2009, allegations surfaced about HRW "trolling for dollars in Saudi Arabia." It said doing so "compromised its integrity." Its Middle East/North Africa division director, Sarah Leah Whitson, responded saying:
HRW "accepts funding from private individuals and foundations the world over, which we never allow to affect the independence of our work."
She added that a "Saudi" serves on its Middle East Advisory Committee. "Believe it or not," she said, "some Arabs believe in human rights too."
During the Balkan wars, it performed similar services. It promoted false reports about Serbs committing mass rapes. In 1999, it supported "humanitarian bombing." It said "AI is not an anti-war organization."
Amnesty International's latest arms trade campaign is colonialism with a kindly face
By Brendan O'Neill
July 26, 2012 "The Telegraph"
Given that America has used its vast armoury to cause more destruction around the world than any other nation over the past 10 years, it is bizarre that Amnesty should be pleading with it to lead the way on restricting the flow of guns to the "wrong" countries
This is a bit like asking Rose West to look after runaway girls and ensure they come to no harm. Why ask a nation that has committed numerous "atrocities" and "human rights violations" to authorise a treaty that will allegedly prevent those kind of things from happening elsewhere by taking guns out of the "wrong hands"? It is because, like its moral forebears in the colonial movements of the nineteenth century, Amnesty believes that the fundamentally decent West, whose wars are but an aberration of its normal character, has a moral responsibility to disarm and pacify and by extension to civilise the gun-toting hordes over there, whose wars are an expression of their innate warped character
Amnesty further robs foreign peoples of their status as adult actors, as creatures of politics and power, and reduces them instead to overgrown kids playing with dangerous toys simply because they can.
Political conflicts need political solutions, not white-skinned do-gooders in Gap jackets decreeing which Johnny Foreigners may be armed and which may not. It is more than a hundred years since Kipling, in his poem The White Man's Burden, described certain foreign peoples as "half devil and half child". How depressing that groups like Amnesty still cleave to such an outlook.
civilian · 6 hours ago
It was also reported that Amnesty International had Madeleine Albright as a keynote speaker at their 'shadow summit' in May. The very same filthy whore who supported "sanctions" against Iraq which left killed over FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND Iraqi children. And when asked if the price of all these deaths was worth it, she said, yes the price was worth it.…
And Amnesty International also supports "Humanitarian Interventionism" in Syria by Western forces.
These creatures have absolutely no shame and do not give a rats ass about woman's, children's rights.
10. Aug, 2012
A Temple And A Mosque: Worship In America
By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich
Scapegoating Moslems had been planned as early as 1991 (see full article here ). The end of the Cold War had left neoconservatives fearful that with the demise of the Soviet Union, and the splintering of the America 's right wing faction, there would no longer be an unconditional support for a U.S.-Israel alliance. The threat of communism was replaced with the threat of Islam. The promotion and branding of Islam as an enemy came to fruition with the events of 9/11.
In line with this neoconservative strategy, the mainstream media in the US framed September 11 within the context of Islam, ignoring all other inquiry, including the fact that a new U.N. Human Rights Council assigned to monitor Israel was calling for an official commission to study the role neoconservatives may have played in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks (New York Sun [i] ). As neocon Bernard Lewis was busy teaching the concept of ‘ jihad' versus‘crusade' [ii] Moslem bashing, Moslem killing, and Mosque burning became fair game.
The strategy of demonizing Islam was so successful that in 2008 the presidential candidates centered their qualification for Office on Moslem-bashing. Former New York mayor and the hero of 9/11, Rudy Giuliani, made the threat of 'Islamic terrorism' the centerpiece of his campaign. Podhoretz also joined Giuliani (later he joined McCain), as did John Deady who resigned after it came out that he said the following of Giuliani: "He's got, I believe, the knowledge and the judgment to attack one of the most difficult problems in current history and that is the rise of the Muslims. Make no mistake about it, this hasn't happened for a thousand years, these people are very dedicated and they're also very, very smart in their own way. We need to keep the feet to the fire and keep pressing these people until we defeat or chase them back to their caves or, in other words, get rid of them." Renowned Evangelical Pat Robertson gave Giuliani his endorsement [iii] .
Tony Perkins, head of the Family Research Council, allegedly dissuaded contender Mike Huckabee from “reaching out” to the 'Muslim world'. Mitt Romney, a contender in 2008 and the 2012 GOP presidential hopeful, raised eyebrows when he suggested that mosques be wire-tapped [iv] . For almost a decade, U.S. military officers were being taught to wage a ‘total war' on Islam and target civilians.
The Sikh Temple shooter, Wade Michael Page, a former U.S. Army veteran, is condemned for the violent and meaningless murder of innocent worshippers, but is he alone responsible for this act of insanity? If these killing were truly a case of mistaking Sikhs as Moslems, should those who implement seeds of hatred not be held accountable also?
Who will persecute those who taught army officers to kill Moslems - the Commander-in-Chief hopefuls and their advisors who promoted hatred and persecution of Moslems, and the neoconservatives who planted the seeds of hatred among us? Will their deeds be buried with Page? As Jonathan Swift said: “I never wonder to see men wicked, but I often wonder to see them not ashamed.”
Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich is a Public Diplomacy Scholar, independent researcher and blogger with a focus on U.S. foreign policy and the role of lobby groups.