Is Washington Deaf As Well as Criminal?
Posted on 21. Aug, 2012 by Paul Craig Roberts in Opinion
By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
The morons who rule the American sheeple are not only dumb and blind, they are deaf as well. The ears of the american “superpower” only work when the Israeli prime minister, the crazed Netanyahu, speaks. Then Washington hears everything and rushes to comply.
Israel is a tiny insignificant state, created by the careless British and the stupid Americans. It has no power except what its american protector provides. Yet, despite Israel’s insignificance, it rules Washington.
When a resolution introduced by the Israel Lobby is delivered to Congress, it passes unanimously. If Israel wants war, Israel gets its wish. When Israel commits war crimes against Palestinians and Lebanon and is damned by the hundred plus UN resolutions passed against Israel’s criminal actions, the US bails Israel out of trouble with its veto.
The power that tiny Israel exercises over the “worlds’s only superpower” is unique in history. Tens of millions of “christians” bow down to this power, reinforcing it, moved by the exhortations of their “christian” ministers.
Netanyahu lusts for war against Iran. He strikes out against all who oppose his war lust. Recently, he called Israel’s top generals “pussies” for warning against a war with Iran. He regards former Israeli prime ministers and former heads of the Israeli intelligence service as traitors for opposing his determination to attack Iran. He has denounced america’s servile president Obama and america’s top military leader for being “soft on Iran.” The latest poll in Israel shows that a solid majority of the Israelis are opposed to an Israeli attack on Iran. But Netanyahu is uninterested in the opinion of Israeli citizens. He has Washington watching his back, so he is war mad. It is a mystery why Israelis put Netanyahu in public office instead of in an insane asylum.
Netanyahu is not alone. He has the american neoconservatives in his corner. The american neoconservatives are as crazed as Netanyahu. They believe in nuclear war and are itching to nuke some Muslim country and then get on to nuking Russia and China. It is amazing that no more than two or three dozen people have the fate of the entire world in their hands.
The Democratic Party is helpless before them.
The Republican Party is their vehicle.
The Russians, watching Netanyahu push Washington toward dangerous confrontations keep raising their voices about the danger of nuclear war.
On May 17 Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev warned the West against launching “hasty wars,” which could result “although I do not want to scare anyone” in “the use of a nuclear weapon.”
On November 30 of last year the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Russia warned of nuclear war with NATO. General Nikolai Makarov said that NATO’s eastward expansion meant that the risk of Russia coming into conflict with NATO had “risen sharply.” General Makarov said, “I do not rule out local and regional armed conflicts developing into a large-scale war, including using nuclear weapons.”
Here is Russian president Medvedev (currently the prime minister) describing the steps toward nuclear war that Russia has taken pushed by the crazed warmongers in Washington wallowing in their insane hubris:
With regard to the american missile bases on Russia’s borders, “I have made the following decisions. First, I am instructing the Defense Ministry to immediately put the missile attack early warning radar station in Kaliningrad on combat alert. Second, protective cover of Russia’s strategic nuclear weapons will be reinforced as a priority measure under the program to develop our air and space defenses. Third, the new strategic ballistic missiles commissioned by the Strategic Missile Forces and the Navy will be equipped with advanced missile defense penetration systems and new highly-effective warheads. Fourth, I have instructed the Armed Forces to draw up measures for disabling missile defense system data and guidance systems. These measures will be adequate, effective, and low-cost. Fifth, if the above measures prove insufficient, the Russian Federation will deploy modern offensive weapon systems in the west and south of the country, ensuring our ability to take out any part of the US missile defense system in Europe. One step in this process will be to deploy Iskander missiles in Kaliningrad Region. Other measures to counter the European missile defense system will be drawn up and implemented as necessary. Furthermore, if the situation continues to develop not to Russia’s favor, we reserve the right to discontinue further disarmament and arms control measures.”
Russian president Vladimir Putin has said, as politely as possible, that the US seeks to enslave the world, that the US seeks vassals, not allies, that the US seeks to rule the world and that the US is a parasite on the world economy. It would be difficult for an informed person to take exception with Putin’s statements.
Putin told the politicians in Washington and Western and Eastern European capitals that surrounding Russia with anti-ballistic missiles “raises the specter of nuclear war in Europe.” Putin said that the Russian response is to point nuclear armed cruise missiles, which cannot be intercepted by anti-ballistic missiles, at the US missile bases and at European capitals. The American move, Putin said, “could trigger nuclear war.”
Putin has been trying to wake up the american puppet states in Europe at least since February 13, 2007. At the 43rd Munich Conference on Security Policy, Putin said that the unipolar world that Washington was striving to achieve under its banner, “is a world in which there is one master, one sovereign. And at the end of the day this is pernicious not only for all those within this system, but also for the sovereign itself because it destroys itself from within.”
That has certainly happened to the US which now has a police state as thorough-going as Nazi Germany. And even better armed:
Putin went on to tell his European audience that in Russia, “we are constantly being taught about democracy. But for some reason those who teach us do not want to learn themselves.” Instead, Putin said, “we are seeing a greater and greater disdain for the basis principles of international law. And independent legal norms are, as a matter of fact, coming increasingly closer to one state’s legal system. One state and, of course, first and foremost the United States, has overstepped its national borders in every way. This is visible in the economic, political, cultural and educational policies it imposes on other nations. Well, Who likes this? Who is happy about this?”
People are not happy, Putin said, because they don’t feel safe. Not to feel safe “is extremely dangerous. It results in the fact that no one feels safe. I want to emphasize this–no one feels safe!” The result, Putin said, is “an arms race.”
Putin politely unbraided the Italian defense minister, a person owned by Washington, for suggesting that NATO or the EU could take the place of the UN in justifying the use of force against sovereign countries. Putin took exception to the idea that Washington could use its puppet organization or its puppet states to legitimize an act of US aggression. Putin stated flatly: “The use of force can only be considered legitimate if the decision is sanctioned by the UN.”
Putin went on to discuss the forked tongue of Washington. Reagan and Gorbachev had firm agreements, but Reagan’s successors put “frontline forces on our borders. . . . The stones and concrete blocks of the Berlin Wall have long been distributed as souvenirs. But we should not forget that the fall of the Berlin Wall was possible thanks to a historic choice – one that was also made by our people, the people of Russia – a choice in favor of democracy, freedom, openness and a sincere partnership with all the members of the big European family. And now they are trying to impose new dividing lines and walls on us – these walls may be virtual but they are nevertheless dividing ones that cut through our continent. And is it possible that we will once again require many years and decades, as well as several generations of politicians, to dissemble and dismantle these new walls.”
Putin’s speech of more than 6 years ago shows that he has Washington’s number. Washington is The Great Pretender, pretending to respect human rights while Washington slaughters Muslims in seven countries on the basis of lies and fabricated intelligence. The american people, “the indispensable people,” support this murderous policy. Washington uses the status of the dollar as reserve currency to exclude countries that do not do Washington’s bidding from the international clearing system.
Washington, awash in hubris like Napoleon and Hitler before they marched off into Russia, has turned a deaf, dumb, and blind ear to Putin during the entirety of the 21st century. Speaking on May 10, 2006, Putin said: “We are aware of what is gong on in the world. Comrade wolf [the US] knows whom to eat, he eats without listening, and he’s clearly not going to listen to anyone.”
“Where,” Putin asked, is Washington’s “pathos about protecting human rights and democracy when it comes to the need to pursue its own interests?” For Washington, “everything is allowed, there are no restrictions whatsoever.”
China also has caught on. Now the hubris that drives Washington toward world hegemony confronts two massive nuclear powers. Will the criminal gang in Washington drive the world to nuclear extinction?
Washington, thinking that it owns the world, has imposed more unilateral sanctions on Iran without any basis in any recognized law. The imposed sanctions are nothing but Washington’s assertion that its might is right.
The Russian Foreign Ministry said that Washington could stick its sanctions up its ass. “We consider efforts to impose internal American legislation on the entire world completely unacceptable.”
Washington will do what it can to assassinate Putin and effect regime change through the Russian “opposition” that Washington funds. Failing that, Washington’s pursuit of world hegemony has run up against a brick wall. If the fools in Washington with their hubris-inflated egos don’t back off, that mushroom cloud they have been warning about will indeed blossom over Washington.
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21. Aug, 2012
Mr President (Putin) close the naTo Terror routes (nothern lines) and Ms Khar we want the naTo terror routes CLOSED
You showed that you have the intelligence and "decency/morals/ethics + COURAGE (that none of the shitty western goon states have) as shown by ECUADOR (I give a damn about Assange + the crap imperialist "free speech BS)
STOP THE naTo TERROR routes – for goodness they have your sister Dr Aafia Siddiqui and you KNOW what they have done + why she is in jail – remember her 8 month baby and what the fucking US bastards have done to the baby
that bastard obomba's warning about CHEMICAL weapoons – the mercenary vile disgusting revolting atrocious fece frenchies are on the Syria/Jordanian border you have the barbarian ignorant tribal idiots saudi's Turkish delight + the masooud barzani a low life criminal who is in bed with those who killed his family – his brother
ALL crusader shit whores and they are the ones who are going to US chemical+biological weapoons
that shitty barbaric state of mogrel rabid jackbooted nazi bulldogs are finally having a taste of what is coming
'You don't know who you're dealing with': Ecuador President warns Britain off 'grotesque' threat to storm embassy over Julian Assange 18 Aug 2012 The diplomatic row over Julian Assange escalated last night when the President of Ecuador warned Britain that any attempt to storm its embassy in London would destroy relations between the two countries. Rafael Correa used his weekly address to the nation to deliver his strongest warning to Britain yet, describing the UK's stance as 'grotesque' and 'intolerant'. He said if British police 'violated Ecuador's diplomatic mission' in London it would destroy ties between the two countries.
21. Aug, 2012
Absolutely agree!
US Drone Strikes Target Rescuers in Pakistan – and the West Stays Silent
Attacking rescuers – a tactic long deemed by the US a hallmark of terrorism – is now routinely used by the Obama administration
By Glenn Greenwald
why are drones still targeting Pakistanis + Muslims?
Slaughtering + butchering in Ramadhan is the demonic work of zionists+crusaders
There is higher justice- cannot be bought/threatened/destroyed and it is coming!
21. Aug, 2012
CLOSE THE DAMNED SUPPLY ROUTES and stop the BS about Pakistanis being ignorant blah blah blah
Pakistanis are intelligent, know more than you care to admit and WE WANT THOSE FUCKING ROUTES CLOSED
New Evidence Shows: US Cover-Up of Murdered Civilians
By Gareth Porter
August 17, 2012 "Information Clearing House" — Detailed information from the families of those killed in drone strikes in Pakistan and from local sources on strikes that have targeted mourners and rescue workers provides credible new evidence that the majority of the deaths in the drone war in Pakistan have been civilian noncombatants – not "militants," as the Obama administration has claimed.
WE GIVE A DAMN WHAT THAT SHITTY DISGUSTING house negro fucking terrorist wants for his zionist masters.
he can stick it where the sun doesn't shine with dynamite
21. Aug, 2012
Raping Wikileaks
Sex, Lies and Julian Assange
By Andrew Fowler and Wayne Harley
Video Documentary Four Corners – ABC Australia
· 3 weeks ago U.S. EMPIRE NEO-CON NAZI WHORES (*1) – 1
We know that Reich-winger Claes Borgstrom _IS_ a US Empire Neo-Con Nazi whore – based on his actions over wikileaks.
But he is also a 'special friend' of the American Queen. No really! (ER, Rarl Kove reference??? Ed.)
Does that mean that he too is, ER, 'not as other men'? (*3)
(There's nothing wrong with being a 'player of the pink oboe' these days – @ 2.11 – (*2) ).
(ER, Apart from people making snide jokes about it! Ed.)
Ahem. Oops!
But there is a hell of lot wrong with murdering millions, torturing-to-death thousands, 'disappearing' 27,000 muslims and waging illegal war – the supreme war crime – the crime of 'Aggression'. Being a US Empire Neo-Con Nazi in other words!
US Empire illegal war, murder, torture-to-death, 'disappearing' 27,000 muslims. The mass psychosis of the Germans from 1933, brought to the world by the Neo-Con Goebbels, Rarl Kove from 2001.
_That_ 'not as other men'!
Plus, being a wide-stance US and Swedish Re-thuglican – getting your 'kicks' in public restrooms – seems, to some, a tad tacky.
This tacky? – 'Chews pillows for kicks'. But judge for yourself! – @ 2.40 (*2). ; )
Swedish Queen -
Bent as a corkscrew. Morally, ethically, politically. His private life we _really_ don't want to judge. (Or hear about! ; ) Ed.) – The real Claes Borgstrom? -
The end of the Zionist entity and war in the Middle East. Where the hell is Julian Assange with the inside scoop when we need him!?
- The USUK Empire Neo-Con Nazis have him surrounded, in #@$%$@ Knightsbridge!
- The lives of Australian Wikileaks heroes – ready for anything! Viva Julian A! ; ) -
(*2) Peter Cook – 'Biased Judge' – Youtube
- …
(*3) American Queen. No, really! The Neo-Con Goebbels – for it is she! – at Stephen Colbert's White House Correspondents's Dinner speech. -
- …
Just say "Up yours" to USUK Empire Neo-Con Nazi mass psychosis! -
- …
USUK Empire Neo-Con Nazism made mainstream by 'Biggus Dickus,' (of Wome on the Potomac) — Big Oil tool and US Torture promoter – brought to Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Sudan, Aden, Syria, Egypt, Uzbekistan, Poland, Lithuania and many, many more –
- "You lucky bastard" – Monty Python – Life of Brian -
- …
Ex Pat · 3 weeks ago
Previously -
Craig Murray not only reported on the US and UK rendition of prisoners for torture to Uzbekistan, but very recently he added the comment that _none_ of those rendered prisoners have ever been seen again. So they were either tortured to death. Or executed afterwards. Likewise in several other countries. "Egypt is where you send people you don't want to see again." – Robert Baer.
Lovely! So not only were the US and UK rendering prisoners to be tortured. They were also rendering them for termination. A fact that has apparently gathered exactly zero notice in the MSM, or anywhere else.
Robert Fisk – "There is just one little problem, though, and that's the "missing" prisoners. Not the victims who have been (still are being?) tortured in Guantanamo, but the thousands who have simply disappeared into US custody abroad or – with American help – into the prisons of US allies. Some reports speak of 20,000 missing men, most of them Arabs, all of them Muslims. Where are they? Can they be freed now? Or are they dead? If Obama finds that he is inheriting mass graves from George W Bush, there will be a lot of apologising to do."
'Mass graves' apparently, judging by the deathly silence.
Robert Fisk, the same incensed honourable man who fearlessly reported the Sabra and Shatila genocide of Ariel Sharon who, after the Israeli inquiry, was fired as Israeli Defense minister and forever more branded a war criminal. Would that there be such an inquiry in the U.S. -
After which silence. With stories of the USS Auschwitz's off Diego Garcia – ships where torture was _far_ more severe than at Guantanamo, Bagram, or at the 'Black Prison' there. With estimates that 80,000 passed through those camps. How many died? How were they disposed of? Ovens? -
Fisk's figure of 20,000 was corrected by Clive Stafford Smith to 27,000 -
- 27,000 muslims 'disappeared' by US – Clive Stafford Smith, Democracy Now – Select Real Video stream option. (Main video corrupted. What a surprise. Not!) -
John Stockwell – 'America's Third World War' – 6 – 20M killed -
Johan Galtung – the US empire has murdered 12m or 16m in forty years. "The difference is between overt murders and including covert murders by the US." In illegal wars and genocides. -
'How would we know that the Empire is dead?" – Johan Galtung -