Eggs Are Good for You

Posted on 12. Aug, 2012 by in Health and Medicine

Question: Are eggs considered part of a healthy diet, especially if one is concerned about cholesterol?

Dr. Brownstein's Answer

Probably no food has been more vilified than the egg. I have heard all the lines: “My doctor told me to avoid eggs.” “Eggs raise your cholesterol levels.” “Eggs cause heart disease.”

But I can assure you that there is no better food in the world than an organic egg. Eggs are the only food source that contains a full complement of essential amino acids — the building blocks for protein in the body. Eggs are the best source for amino acids. Yet in my practice, I see many patients with deficiencies of amino acids.

Organic eggs also provide healthy sources of protein and fat. Adequate protein and fat help absorb fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K.

Another misconception lies in how we should eat eggs. Many people believe that it is best to eat only the white part of the egg and avoid the yolk. But, once again, nothing could be further from the truth. Egg yolks are rich sources of carotenoids including lutein and zeaxanthin, both of which help the body combat eye diseases such as macular degeneration. In fact, eggs are the best food source of lutein and zeaxanthin.

In addition, eggs provide a healthy source of cholesterol for the body, with about 200 mg in each. Many patients I see are under the mistaken impression that ingesting eggs will raise their cholesterol levels and cause heart disease. This is another myth. There are no studies proving that eating eggs raises the body’s cholesterol levels.

What’s more, cholesterol is an important substance for maintaining cell integrity and helps prevent cancer. You can find more information about cholesterol in my book, "Drugs That Don’t Work and Natural Therapies That Do."

Another essential nutrient in eggs is choline, which is found in every one of the body’s cell membranes and is particularly concentrated in the brain. Choline absolutely is necessary for proper nerve function. Deficiency causes problems with bones, the liver, kidney, and nervous and cardiovascular systems. Research shows choline deficiency can even cause cancer.

I encourage my patients to eat organic eggs as part of a healthy diet. I even advise my vegetarian and vegan patients to introduce organic eggs to their diet, as these patients are almost all deficient in essential amino acids.

How many eggs per day do I recommend? I advise that people eat at least two organic eggs per day. I usually consume three each day.

Courtesy: NewsMax Health

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