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An internal act of Terror at Kamra
Posted on 16. Aug, 2012 by Chitranjan Sawant in Opinion
By Chitranjan Sawant
I condole the sad demise of some Pakistan citizens and servicepersonnel in the terrorist attack on Kamra air force base.
After the condolences have been submitted and an effort made to analyse the attack and answer the two most important questions: Who did it< 2. Why did they do it?
It appears to be an act of some diehard Muslim citizens of Pakistan who are unhappy with the authorities for opening the supply route to the NATO bases in Afghanistan and theu treat this route opening for US supplies to the NATO bases an act against Islam. Never mind that the orders were passed by men and women in authority who are great beievers in and supporters of Nizame Mustafa.
Why did they do it? Just to register their protest against an un-Islamic act by a democratic govt of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. It was a mild punishment too.
Some so called Military strategists have even wrongly blamed India that is Bharat,Israel located in the Mid-East. If there is no concrete evidence,why not blame it on the fifth column activities in Pakistan. Should these groups be posted near kitchen or another place reated to eating or preparation of meals then, their movements must be kept under close surveillance.
If I eliminate the foreign hand logicaly, the needle of suspicion is bound to point towards Pakistani Taliban terrorists who treat the episode as a joke and are there to witness a TAMASHA. The Counter-terror agency must be summoned forthwith and ordered to go into action as per the book,
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Brig Chitranjan Sawant

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16. Aug, 2012
you are partially right. I have no contacts to know but logic dictates that this is the work of Usraeli/UK/RAW
you ask for proof?
You say that investidgation has to conducted WE will wait for the result
naTo routes are REJECTED by all sane people who know that it is WRONG no please do not bring in the religion (unislamic) and try to weaken the STRONG REJECTION of NaTo terrorism routes.
You try like the ugly disgusting vile liberal zionist infestation of clouding the issue
i suggest you educate yourself.
16. Aug, 2012
you are partially right. I have no contacts to know but logic dictates that this is the work of Usraeli/UK/RAW -
you ask for proof?
You say that investidgation has to be conducted WE will wait for the result
naTo routes are REJECTED by all sane people who know that it is WRONG no please do not bring in the religion (unislamic) and try to weaken the STRONG REJECTION of NaTo terrorism routes – VALID, MORAL; ETHICS
You try like the ugly disgusting vile liberal zionist infestation of clouding the issue
i suggest you educate yourself.
16. Aug, 2012
"Just to register their protest against an un-Islamic act by a democratic govt of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. It was a mild punishment too."
THE PHRASE IS fudamentally WRONG to begin with.
IT IS UN-ISLAMIC WHAT THE TERRORIST DID and if they were Muslims they would know that!
what they did is the USrahelli/UK bastardized cult of zionism mafiosi gang – i criminaliti
these terrorists trained by the thug barbaric occupation in Afghanistan are so pissed off with Pakistani corrupt pro-US gov that they decided to slaughter brave Pakistani men who are the security protecting the families of these terrorists?
You sound like that war criminal dumbsfeld/kilary/obomba/……….
like the idiots mass murdering criminals from turkey/usrahell/uk/gcc goons calling themselves free Syrian blah blah blah when there is nothing Syrian about them they are the al-cia-idfers and who are now threatening to join al-cia-dohfers=dumb fools
- dumnb criminal nazi fascist bastards of the west.
what are you guys on? you and that 133 prostitute of UN
What "The Situation in Syria" Really Means
The 133 prostitutes who voted with the Empire
a profound message:
india is a mosaic of many ethnic groups abused/discriminated and abandoned by the crass class democracy
16. Aug, 2012
There is denying the fact that some fanatic Salafi-Wahabis and anti-Islamist do carry-out terrorist activities on behalf of US-Israel-Saudi-Qatar regimes as is the case in Lebanon, Gaza, Yemen, Libya, Iran - and currently in Syria. However, both Pakistan and India have been on CIA-Mossad-RAW radar for years to keep the war going-on against Pakistan.
Most of Pakistan's 'Islamist terrorist group' have been found to be fronts of CIA-Mossad-RAW. In 2010, Pakistan Army found conclusive proof of US-Israel-India training and arming the Al-Qaeda insurgents in Swat Valley.
17. Aug, 2012
Denying that there are criminal "elements"? Absolutely no!
What I strongly object to is the use of my religion. To call it Islamists/…etc.
We are not denying that there are the "crusader or as they are now known zionists mafia whores" . alcohol/drug addicts, CRIMINALS mercenaries, they do not pray, ……..
search the internet they are not Muslims.
pray tell what is Islamic about these criminal thugs? They are Pakistanis? Pakistanis are also christians and other religions as well.
You will never receive whatever offered/promised because YOU WILL DEAD OR THEY WILL KILL YOU
Read:'Unperson – A life destroyed' – Denis Lehane – page 209, issue 59 –
These stupid fools have sold themselves to the zionists mafiosi and it IS NOTHING WHATSOEVER TO DO WITH RELIGION/CALIPHA or any such ideology. these morons dumb bastards are a creation of US al-cia-do.
they are in bed with the goons who killed their head/hero OBL!
We have/are sending out terror alerts. we know that the US in collaboration with EU govs + gcc has been trying to recruit Muslims for their "evil ideology". WE KNOW THAT THE MUSLIMS KNOW THAT:
By the way the so called Syrian goons hiding behind the scarf are also Pakistanis from UK/Pakistan they were in Libya and we know these criminals, there is nothing ISLAMIC ABOUT THEM.
what real Syrians say:
17. Aug, 2012
Rehmat are you trying to be racists along these lines? (my emphasis)
Top Ten differences between White Terrorists and Others
Juan Cole: TOP 10 Differences between white terrorists and Others..
1. White terrorists are called gunmen. What does that even mean? A person with a gun? Wouldnt that be, like, everyone in the US? Other terrorists are called, like, terrorists.
2. White terrorists are troubled loners. Other terrorists are always suspected of being part of a global plot, even when they are obviously troubled loners.
3. Doing a study on the danger of white terrorists at the Department of Homeland Security will get you sidelined by angry white Congressmen. Doing studies on other kinds of terrorists is a guaranteed promotion.
4. The family of a white terrorist is interviewed, weeping as they wonder where he went wrong. The families of other terrorists are almost never interviewed.
5. White terrorists are part of a fringe. Other terrorists are apparently mainstream.
6. White terrorists are random events, like tornadoes. Other terrorists are long-running conspiracies.
7. White terrorists are never called white. But other terrorists are given ethnic affiliations.
8. Nobody thinks white terrorists are typical of white people. But other terrorists are considered paragons of their societies.
9. White terrorists are alcoholics, addicts or mentally ill. Other terrorists are apparently clean-living and perfectly sane.
10. There is nothing you can do about white terrorists. Gun control wont stop them. No policy you could make, no government program, could possibly have an impact on them. But hundreds of billions of dollars must be spent on police and on the Department of Defense, and on TSA, which must virtually strip search 60 million people a year, to deal with other terrorists.
17. Aug, 2012
CIA, RAW complicit in Balochistan unrest, says Noorani
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By our correspondent
Under a well-thought-out conspiracy, sectarian
organisations in Balochistan are targeting Ulema of the
Pakistan (JUP) and are assassinating them.
This was
disclosed by Shah Muhammad Owais Noorani Sidiqui, Senior Vice-President, Jamiat-e-Ulema-Pakistan, while addressing a press conference at the Karachi Press Club Tuesday afternoon.
The latest, he said, was the murder of Maulana Habibi which was just four or five days ago.
He said that over the last four years eight noted scholars of the JUP had
been eliminated but their assassins were still at large and roaming
scot-free most brazenly.
He called on the Government of Pakistan to immediately clamp on the heinous activities of the proscribed sectarian outfits.
said that the JUP had evidence that the US CIA, India’s Raw, and
Israel’s Mossad were jointly conducting subversive operations in
Balochistan, including sectarian killings, to create dissension in the
province and soften the ground for their subversive activities, but, he
said, the cruel irony was that the Government of Pakistan, despite being
fully aware of the heinous activities of these foreign intelligence
agencies was totally silent on the issue.
He said that it was sad to see that the government’s writ was nowhere in evidence as the concerned authorities were not implementing the Supreme Court’s orders on the situation, including that of missing persons.
Noorani ruled out any let-up in the Balochistan unrest and said that the situation just could not improve as long as the Supreme Courtâ's orders were not implemented, a general amnesty was not announced by the army, and Akbar Bugtiâ's killers were not brought to justice. He called for immediate trial of former president General Pervez Musharraf in this regard, along with former prime minister Shaukat Aziz. He demanded immediate implementation of the Supreme Courtâ's orders to check kidnappings for ransom, target killings, and the general unrest in the province.
He, in particular, implicated the US CIA in the case of the missing persons.
While Noorani was holding a press conference inside the KPC, a demonstration by the Baloch Human Rights Organisation for the recovery of missing persons and against the operation in Balochistan was being held outside
the club. The demonstration was largely participated in by women, young
men, the aged, and children, mostly the offspring of the missing
persons. They were holding aloft placards denouncing state terrorism and
the ongoing operation in Balochistan.
Addressing the participants, speakers said that state terrorism was slipping out of control in the province and in this regard, cited the frequent bombings of the civilian residential areas, destruction of houses by setting them afire,
destruction of livestock, forced disappearances, recovery of mutilated
corpses, and other gross human rights violations.
JUDICIARY HAS to do their job and hell with the "zionist whores"
Islamist/fanatists attacking the AL QUDS RALLY
Bomb hits bus in Pakistan carrying Shiites, one killed
A bomb hit a bus carrying Shiite Muslim university students in the southern Pakistani city of Karachi on Friday, killing one, a senior government official said. The attack also wounded 11. The students were on their way to an anti-Israel rally, the AP said. The attack came a day after Taliban gunmen in northern Pakistan forced 20 Shiites off buses and killed them.
Yeah sure. these goons care so much about their religion that they bomb those who want to liberate & save the 2nd most holy place in Islam!
It is koshered crusader
ATTACK THE BLOOGY GOV and kick the US+their hellis out