War On All Fronts

Posted on 20. Jul, 2012 by in US

Washington's three-front war: Syria, Lebanon, Iran in the Middle East, China in the Far East, Russia in Europe…

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

The Russian government has finally caught on that its political opposition is being financed by the US taxpayer-funded National Endowment for Democracy and other CIA/State Department fronts in an attempt to subvert the Russian government and install an American puppet state in the geographically largest country on earth, the one country with a nuclear arsenal sufficient to deter Washington’s aggression.

Just as earlier this year Egypt expelled hundreds of people associated with foreign-funded “non-governmental organizations” (NGOs) for “instilling dissent and meddling in domestic policies,”  the Russian Duma (parliament) has just passed a law that Putin is expected to sign that requires political organizations that receive foreign funding to register as foreign agents.  The law is based on the US law requiring the registration of foreign agents.

Much of the Russian political opposition consists of foreign-paid agents, and once the law passes leading elements of the Russian political opposition will have to sign in with the Russian Ministry of Justice as foreign agents of Washington.  The Itar-Tass News Agency reported on July 3 that there are about 1,000 organizations in Russia that are funded from abroad and engaged in political activity.  Try to imagine the outcry if the Russians were funding 1,000 organizations in the US engaged in an effort to turn America into a Russian puppet state. (In the US the Russians would find a lot of competition from Israel.)

The Washington-funded Russian political opposition masquerades behind “human rights” and says it works to “open Russia.”  What the disloyal and treasonous Washington-funded Russian “political opposition” means by “open Russia” is to open Russia for brainwashing by Western propaganda, to open Russia to economic plunder by the West, and to open Russia to having its domestic and foreign policies determined by Washington. 

“Non-governmental organizations” are very governmental. They have played pivotal roles in both financing and running the various “color revolutions” that have established American puppet states in former constituent parts of the Soviet Empire. NGOs have been called “coup d’etat machines,” and they have served Washington well in this role. They are currently working in Venezuela against Chavez.

Of course, Washington is infuriated that its plans for achieving hegemony over a country too dangerous to attack militarily have been derailed by Russia’s awakening, after two decades, to the threat of being politically subverted by Washington-financed NGOs.  Washington requires foreign-funded organizations to register as foreign agents (unless they are Israeli funded).  However, this fact doesn’t stop Washington from denouncing the new Russian law as “anti-democratic,” “police state,” blah-blah.  Caught with its hand in subversion, Washington calls Putin names. The pity is that most of the brainwashed West will fall for Washington’s lies, and we will hear more about “gangster state Russia.”

China is also in Washington’s crosshairs.  China’s rapid rise as an economic power is perceived in Washington as a dire threat. China must be contained. Obama’s US Trade Representative has been secretly negotiating for the last 2 or 3 years a Trans Pacific Partnership, whose purpose is to derail China’s natural economic leadership in its own sphere of influence and replace it with Washington’s leadership. 

Washington is also pushing to form new military alliances in Asia and to establish new military bases in the Philippines, S. Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, Australia, New Zealand, and elsewhere. 

Washington quickly inserted itself into disputes between China and Vietnam and China and the Philippines. Washington aligned with its former Vietnamese enemy in Vietnam’s dispute with China over the resource rich Paracel and Spratly islands and with the Philippines in its dispute with China over the resource rich Scarborough Shoal. 

Thus, like England’s interference in the dispute between Poland and National Socialist Germany over the return to Germany of German territories that were given to Poland as World War I booty, Washington sets the stage for war.

China has been cooperative with Washington, because the offshoring of the US economy to China was an important component in China’s unprecedented high rate of economic development. American capitalists got their short-run profits, and China got the capital and technology to build an economy that in another 2 or 3 years will have surpassed the sinking US economy.  Jobs offshoring, mistaken for free trade by free market economists, has built China and destroyed America.

Washington’s growing interference in Chinese affairs has convinced China’s government that military countermeasures are required to neutralize Washington’s announced intentions to build its military presence in China’s sphere of influence.  Washington’s view is that only Washington, no one else, has a sphere of influence, and

Washington’s sphere of influence is the entire world. 

On July 14 China’s official news agency, Xinhua, said that Washington was interfering in Chinese affairs and making China’s disputes with Vietnam and the Philippines impossible to resolve. 

It looks as if an over-confident US government is determined to have a three-front war: Syria, Lebanon, and Iran in the Middle East, China in the Far East, and Russia in Europe. This would appear to be an ambitious agenda for a government whose military was unable to occupy Iraq after nine years or to defeat the lightly-armed Taliban after eleven years, and whose economy and those of its NATO puppets are in trouble and decline with corresponding rising internal unrest and loss of confidence in political leadership.



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5 Responses to “War On All Fronts”

  1. Jimmy Jamshed

    20. Jul, 2012

    Sir, Washington…….will eventually find out: "To try to be strong everywhere is to be weak everywhere"…………Sun Tzu

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  2. Afriq

    21. Jul, 2012

    are these thugs criminal smashing babies skulls Syrians?
    Or are they raymond davieses (cia goons), martin chulos (brit house negro from Libya) fucking idfers, the harari mobs?
    Faces all covered calling themselves “not so free Syrian army” If these fucking bastards are so great why are they hiding their ugly muts?
    Allah, Suriya, Bashar u bas"

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  3. Khalif

    21. Jul, 2012

    This is a story of two letters and two Britains. The first letter was written by Sebastian Coe, the former athlete who chairs the London Olympics Organising Committee. He is now called Lord Coe. In the New Statesman of 21 June, I reported an urgent appeal to Coe by the Vietnam Women's Union that he and his IOC colleagues reconsider their decision to accept sponsorship from Dow Chemical, one of the companies that manufactured dioxin, a poison used against the population of Vietnam. Code-named Agent Orange, this weapon of mass destruction was "dumped" on Vietnam, according to a US Senate report in 1970, in what was called Operation Hades. The letter to Coe estimates that today 4.8 million victims of Agent Orange are children, all of them shockingly deformed.

    In his reply, Coe describes Agent Orange as "a highly emotional issue" whose development and use "was made by the US government [which] has rightly led the process of addressing the many issues that have resulted". He refers to a "constructive dialogue" between the US and Vietnamese governments "to resolve issues". They are "best placed to manage the reconciliation of these two countries." When I read this, I was reminded of the weasel letters that are a specialty of the Foreign Office in London in denying the evidence of crimes of state and corporate power, such as the lucrative export of terrible weapons. The former Iraq Desk Officer, Mark Higson, called this sophistry "a culture of lying".

    I sent Coe's letter to a number of authorities on Agent Orange. The reactions were unerring. "There has been no initiative at all by the US government to address the health and economic effects on the people of Vietnam affected by dioxin," wrote the respected US attorney Constantine Kokkoris, who led an action against Dow Chemical. He noted that "manufacturers like Dow were aware of the presence and harmfulness of dioxin in their product but failed to inform the government in an effort to avoid regulation." According to the War legacies League, none of the health, environmental and economic problems caused by the world's most enduring chemical warfare has been addressed by the US. Non-government agencies have helped "only a small number of those in need". A "clean up" in a "dioxin hot spot" in the city of Da Nang, to which Coe refers, is a sham; none of the money allocated by the US Congress has gone directly to the Vietnamese or has reached those most severely disabled from the cancers associated with Agent Orange.

    For this reason, Coe's mention of "reconciliation" is profane, as if there were an equivalence between an invading superpower and its victims. His letter exemplifies the London Olympics' razor-wired, PR and money-fuelled totalitarian state within a state, which you enter, appropriately, through a Westfield mega shopping mall. How dare you complain about the missiles on the roof of your flats, hectored a magistrate to 86 residents of London's East End. How dare any of you protest at the "Zil car lanes", reminiscent of Moscow in the Soviet era, for Olympic apparatchiks and the boys from Dow and Coke. With the media in charge of Olympics excitement, as it was for 'Shock and Awe' in Iraq in 2003, now enter the man who played a starring role in making both spectacles possible.

    On 11 July, a so-called Olympics evening – "a coming together of the Labour tribe", declared the Labour Party leader Ed Milliband – celebrated its "star guest" Tony Blair and his 2005 "gift" of the Games and "provided the perfect opportunity for Blair's return to frontline politics", reported the Guardian. The organiser of this contrivance was Alistair Campbell, chief spinner of the bloodbath Blair and he gifted to the Iraqi people. And just as the victims of Dow Chemical are of no interest to the Olympic elite, so the epic criminality of Labour's star guest was unmentionable.

    The source of the Olympics' chaotic security is also unmentionable. As established studies in Britain have long conceded, it was the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq and the rest of the "war on terror" that served to recruit new jihadists and bolster other forms of resistance that led directly to the London bombs of 7/7. These were Blair's bombs. In his current rehabilitation, courtesy of his Olympics "legacy", there is the additional spin that Blair's huge post-Downing Street wealth is concentrated on charities.

    The second letter I mentioned was sent to me by Josh Richards who lives in Bristol. In March 2003, Josh and four others set out to disable an American B-52 bomber based at RAF Fairford, Gloucestershire, before it could bomb Iraq. So did four other people. It was a non-violent action faithful to the Nuremberg principles that a war of aggression was the "paramount war crime". Josh was arrested and charged with planning to lay explosives. "This was based on the ludicrous idea," he wrote, "that some peanut butter I had on me was actually a bomb component. The charge was later abandoned after the Ministry of Defence performed extensive tests on my Tesco crunchy nut peanut butter."

    During two trials and two hung juries, Josh was finally acquitted. It was a landmark case in which he spoke in open court about the genocidal embargo imposed upon Iraq by the British and US governments prior to their invasion and the false justifications of the "war on terror". His acquittal meant that he had acted in the name of the law and his intention had been to save lives.

    The letter Josh wrote to me included a copy of my book, The New Rulers of the World, which, he pointed out, had provided him with the facts he needed for his defence. Meticulously page-marked and highlighted, it had accompanied Josh on a three-year journey through courtrooms and prison cells. Of all the letters I have received, Josh's epitomises a decency, modesty and determination of moral purpose that represent another Britain and antidotes to poisonous Olympic sponsors and rehabilitated warmongers. During these extraordinary times, such an example ought to give others heart and inspiration to reclaim this receding democracy.
    © John Pilger – http://www.johnpilger.com

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  4. Afriq

    21. Jul, 2012

    Bhopal latest
    Condemn the Indian state for its collaboration with the murderers!

    On June 26, a U.S. Federal Court ruled that the U.S.-based Union Carbide Corporation (UCC) and its then chief Warren Anderson were not liable for damages caused by the toxic wastes dumped in Bhopal. Neither could the two be asked to clean up, the court ruled.
    It is close to 28 years since December 2-3,1984, when a mixture of methyl isocyanate (MIC) and other poisonous gases spewed out from the Union Carbide India Limited (UCIL) plant in Bhopal resulting in exposure of more than half a million people to toxic gas and harmful chemicals. More than 35,000 people living in and around the plant site have since died from gas-related diseases, while nearly 3 lakh continue to suffer from chronic illnesses. Most of these were workers at the plant, living in bastis around the plant site.
    The response of the Indian state to this whole tragedy has been criminally callous. All the assurances and promises made in these 28 years by successive governments at the Centre and the state have been blatantly violated. Those who survived that deadly night are still fighting for their demands for adequate medical relief and rehabilitation. Those who lost their loved ones and the only earning members of their families are still demanding compensation that was promised. They were made to run from pillar to post in the immediate months following their loss and till date, a majority of the widows are yet to be paid the pension due to them. The state is yet to organize for the removal of the toxic waste from the site and for the supply of clean water to the residents of Bhopal.
    That the Indian state defends the interests of the Indian and foreign imperialist bourgeoisie at the expense of its people needs no further proof than the fact that it did not hold the company in India – Union Carbide India Limited (UCIL) nor its parent company in the US, Union Carbide Corporation (UCC) responsible for this genocide. On the contrary, it ensured that the then UCC chief Warren Anderson escaped from the country. The UCC chief had visited Bhopal just after the event, to ostensibly, “assess the extent of damages”; he was “arrested” just to demonstrate to the people of Bhopal and all Indians who were incensed with the tragedy and demanding that UCC and UCIL should be held responsible it, that it was doing something. But he was granted bail within hours and enabled to leave the country, according to the orders of the then Prime Minister, Rajiv Gandhi and his Home Minister, Narasimha Rao.
    The victims of the Bhopal tragedy and countless others in India and abroad, who have been actively supporting them, have not let up on their struggle for compensation, for the demand to punish UCC and UCIL. From time to time, the Indian government has been forced to address these concerns through announcements and intentions; but the absence of any action on these further proves its anti-people criminal nature.
    In 2002, the government made an announcement that it had decided to initiate extradition proceedings against former Union Carbide chief Warren Anderson in connection with the 1984 Bhopal gas tragedy. In 2010, a Group of Ministers, set up “to advise the government on the tragedy” claimed, “We have dealt with all issues — compensation, legal and pursuing the extradition of Warren Anderson, the legal options available to the government of India and, most importantly, the remediation issues and health-related matters”!
    Not only has Anderson’s extradition and trial remained an empty promise, the recent court judgment in the US has ensured that UCC can wash its hands off completely. DOW chemicals, which had taken over UCC in 2001, obtained the Indian government’s assurance in 2006 that it would not be held liable for the mass murder in Bhopal. UCC had earlier outright rejected that it has any responsibility for cleaning up the toxic waste. Investigations have revealed that UCIL, in full agreement with its parent company, neglected various safety rules, quality control and training methods, and that several accidents causing death and serious injuries had been reported earlier from the same plant, but these had been blatantly ignored.
    In response to the demands of the victims’ families and affected survivors for compensation from Union Carbide in the aftermath of the tragedy, the Indian government had claimed that it would act on behalf of all of them and use its authority to sue the company for damages. However, Union Carbide got away with paying a mere 470 million dollars (Rs.750 crore) to the Indian government in 1989 in a settlement reached after a protracted legal battle. This settlement has been denounced by many organizations as a sell-out by the Indian government, of the interests of the victims and their families. According to this settlement, the victims were paid Rs. 25,000 in case of illness and Rs.1 lakh to the next of kin of those dead. As has been reported, in many cases the promised compensation has not yet reached the people it was intended for.
    With the continued and unrelenting demand of the survivors for a just compensation, the Indian government had filed a curative petition in the Supreme Court in December 2010, seeking enhanced compensation calculated on the basis of higher number of victims than the number considered earlier. However, this was a useless exercise to assuage public anger and cover up its crimes; UCC got away by filing an affidavit saying that compensation was given more than four years after the accident, and that this period provided the government sufficient time to assess the damages.
    Mazdoor Ekta Lehar condemns the collaboration of the central and state governments with the mass murderers in Bhopal. People cannot have any illusions that this state, which is the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, will defend their interests and punish the criminals responsible for this genocide. Only a workers and peasants state can and will do this.           

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  5. Khalif

    21. Jul, 2012

    Please watch and share.  it is imperative that people wake up – and you have a role in waking them up.
     Syria – The REAL Story — MUST SEE — CIA & MOSSAD Death Squads Exposed

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